
Tatyana Larina and Julius Daletsky: relationships, interesting facts from life

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Tatyana Larina and Julius Daletsky: relationships, interesting facts from life
Tatyana Larina and Julius Daletsky: relationships, interesting facts from life

They met in front of tens of millions of viewers. No one expected this relationship to end in a wedding, but this couple surprised their fans in the final episode of the show. How did the novel of Tatyana Larina and Julia Daletsky begin and what preceded their breakup?

Psychic Tatyana Larina

A bright blonde appeared in the 15th season of the Battle of Psychics program and immediately attracted attention. The real name of the St. Petersburg witch is unknown. The pseudonym was borrowed from the imperishable work of Pushkin "Eugene Onegin."


Unlike her prototype, the girl was purposeful and had a strong character. Before opening her country to her paranormal abilities, Tatyana devoted many years to music. With a low pectoral voice, she was a rather famous singer in the northern capital. At the end of the last century, she even released albums, and had not yet thought about a psychic career.


Most of the performances took place in nightclubs and restaurants, where she was noticed by the composer Kurashov. He wrote several songs for the girl, and soon her album “Somewhat Strange Story” was released. In the late nineties, the lyrics were not held in high esteem, and the performer was not able to fully reveal her talent. Pride did not allow to remain a shtetl little songbird, and the girl goes abroad, where she begins her modeling career.


For several years she successfully poses for photographers and adorns the pages of fashion magazines until she comes to the realization that this is not for her. Returning to her homeland, she again takes up singing, and even records a duet with the popular singer Zara. But still, he decides to go the other way and begins to prepare for a new chapter in his life.

New road

She goes to Israel, where she spends a lot of time discovering her gift. She inherited her abilities, but she was able to fully reveal them only over the years. As a psychic, Tatyana Larina announced herself at the insistence of her friend Natalya Banteeva. They worked together in the center, where they provided assistance to all who need the abilities of otherworldly forces.


Despite the fact that she positions herself as a witch, everyone immediately noticed her kindness and responsiveness. All people who turned to the program for help spoke of it as the most kind and sincere participant. But there was a man who looked in a special way at the beautiful St. Petersburg witch.

Psychic Julius Daletsky

Arriving at the Battle of Psychics for this young guy was a real challenge to all previous and current participants. He did not bring a suitcase with attributes, and in all trials he used only logic and his own knowledge. Julius Mitkevich-Daletsky was sure that all tasks can be completed without any secret knowledge. The guy looked through 14 seasons, and he already had a certain scheme, which he was going to adhere to and reach the finals. He talked a little about himself, but still shared some information.

Born in Latvia in 1991. Yes, the young psychic was only 23 years old at the time of filming the program. The age difference between Tatyana Larina and Julius Daletsky is 12 years old. This did not stop him from falling in love with a mysterious blonde. In his youth, the guy tried himself in many fields of activity. He successfully graduated from music school, went in for sports and entered MGIMO. However, he could not graduate from a prestigious university - he became bored and uninterested in lectures. Without any regrets, he abandons all his affairs and leaves for London. He has been studying languages ​​for several years, but programming has become his main hobby. Having studied the entire complex system, he came to the conclusion that any person has a code that affects his life.


Arriving in St. Petersburg, he began to attend lectures by Natalya Banteeva and realized what he needed to do in the future. Having discovered some abilities for psychics, he goes to the “Battle of psychics” to win. This is where the meeting of Tatyana Larina and Julia Daletsky takes place. The guy was as open as possible to his fans, which can not be said about his competitors. However, he soon had an army of ill-wishers. The psychic, without hesitation, criticized the abilities of his rivals, and after the announcement of the results of the next test openly mocked the retired participants. He could not restrain himself with the crew. Often aired out in the air in which he quarreled and clashed with the leaders, proving his innocence.

Ice and flame

Tatyana Larina and Julius Daletsky converged like ice and fire. She is always restrained and reasonable, he is explosive and hot. They did not hide their relationship, but the audience learned about their romance only from the latest issues. By that time, the guy was already expelled from the list of participants and came to the finals to support his beloved woman.


Unfortunately, the victory went to the shocking and eccentric Julia Wang, but this did not upset Tatyana. She received the best gift from her lover - an engagement ring.

Many still believe that this was planned by a couple in advance. This was prompted by the appearance of the witch - throughout the 15th season she went exclusively in black dresses, and came to the finale in dazzling white, like her fiancé, Julius Mitkevich-Daletsky.


Let this remain their secret, because believing in a fairy tale is always nicer than suspecting a scam and pretense. Fans rejoiced and looked forward to the wedding day of their idols.

Life after the show

The wedding of Tatyana Larina and Julia Daletsky was an incredibly beautiful sight. The bride was in a charming blue ball gown, the groom in a strict black suit. Instead of the usual pigeons that the newlyweds were supposed to release into the sky, there was a black raven. To some, even then it seemed like a bad sign.


Numerous psychics wished the young people a happy marriage and strong family relationships. However, no one dared to make forecasts and predictions. The noisy festival ended and life began, like all ordinary people.