
Terrorist attacks in Thailand: events and their causes

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Terrorist attacks in Thailand: events and their causes
Terrorist attacks in Thailand: events and their causes

Video: Thailand charges Iranian suspects over blast 2024, June

Video: Thailand charges Iranian suspects over blast 2024, June

People react negatively to unhappiness, especially when they are organized by specially radical groups. It is especially scary to read about events taking place in resort areas, where it is customary to relax and forget about the danger. The attacks in Thailand caused a storm of indignation among travel enthusiasts. The "Land of Smiles" was previously considered quite safe territory. What has changed and why? Let's get it right.


Ahead of Events

Experts have known for a long time that terrorist attacks in Thailand are likely. The revitalization of the IG (banned organization in the Russian Federation) took place around the world. Terrorists prefer to infiltrate countries that have “holes” in the defense system. And the Thai secret services are a thing, as experts say, relative and useless. Law enforcement officers of the country are capable, perhaps, of neutralizing a thief. They did not hear about systematic measures aimed at stopping the terrorist threat. This was written a lot by representatives of the Russian community living in the "Land of Smiles." They as no one knows what precautions are being taken in the Russian Federation. Compared to them, nothing has been done in Thailand. The militants were able to receive explosive devices because of the cordon almost freely. And to install them at the airport, in public institutions and places of mass crowding holidaymakers - a matter of technology. In the absence of the desire of state bodies to increase precautionary measures, they could only wait for the thunder to break out. And the time has come.


Terrorist attacks in Thailand (2016)

The explosions began in mid-August. According to media reports, the militants used a special scheme to potentially increase the number of victims. As experts later found out, terrorist attacks in Thailand took place on the tactics of double explosions. It consists in the fact that two bombs are immediately planted at a short distance. The time of the explosion is regulated so that law enforcement officers and onlookers attracted by the first fall under the second. The power of the bombs is not very large.

Tactics did not lead to the planned victims, the police worked. On August 11-12, eight explosions were heard in the south of the country, four people were killed, thirty-five were injured. According to law enforcement officials, the devices that carried out the attack in Thailand (August 2016) are identical to the IS bombs. That is, a clear technical trace of the militants terrorizing the countries of the Middle East is visible here. Terrorists laid devices in recreation areas with the expectation that tourists will suffer. They succeeded. Among the wounded were ten foreigners.


Damage from terrorist activities

The deaths of citizens are not the only thing that the militants managed to achieve. The attacks in Thailand led to large fires, which destroyed many buildings and other property. Damage is estimated at more than four million US dollars. In addition, multiple fires strike at the attractiveness of the resort area. But it is tourism that brings income to such a state as Thailand. Phuket, the attacks of which brought a lot of grief, at the same time, for example, is one of the main directions for travelers. Terrorist attacks in this zone scare away people who ensure the country's economic growth. Experts say that this illegal activity may be politically motivated. In early August, a referendum took place in the country, approving changes to the Constitution. But some political forces disagree. They could have contributed to the activity of radicals that are detrimental to the core industry that provides the budget.
