the culture

Is a tolerant person a fairy tale about an ideal person?

Is a tolerant person a fairy tale about an ideal person?
Is a tolerant person a fairy tale about an ideal person?

Video: Vocabulary: Character & Feelings 2024, June

Video: Vocabulary: Character & Feelings 2024, June

Tolerant man. This expression, translated from Latin, means "patient person." This concept is a sociological term that means understanding, acceptance and tolerance for a different way of behavior, life, feelings, customs, ideas, beliefs, opinions without any sense of inconvenience.


Many cultures equate the concept of “tolerance” with simple “tolerance”. However, unlike a merely patient patient, a tolerant person is willing to accept and acknowledge other people's behavior, attitudes and beliefs that are different from their own. And even in the case when other people's beliefs or views are not approved or shared by you.

Tolerance of people at all times was considered true human virtue. The problems of teaching and raising children are more pronounced at the turning points of the development of society, as they come in contact with sharp changes in social requirements for a person. A tolerant person is a person who respects, accepts and correctly understands the rich diversity of cultures of the world in which we live, our self-expression and ways of manifesting human personality. Tolerance is promoted by openness, knowledge, communication and freedom of conscience, thought and belief. The most effective way to prevent intolerance is to cultivate in young hearts a respectful attitude to the values ​​and worldviews of other people, a sense of empathy, an understanding of the motives of people's actions, the ability to collaborate and communicate with people of different views, orientations, opinions, cultures. Modern society assumes the existence of tolerance, which should turn into an emerging model of relations between people, countries, and peoples. As a result of this, our country also needs to form a correct understanding of tolerance, and strive to ensure that this concept becomes familiar in our everyday speech. This will happen only when the concept of “tolerant person” firmly settles in the vocabulary of school teachers.


According to the areas of manifestation, tolerance is divided into scientific, political, administrative and pedagogical. Psychologists as applied to the personality distinguish several varieties of this concept.

Natural tolerance

It refers to the credulity and curiosity that are inherent in infants. They do not characterize the qualities of his “ego, ” since the process of becoming an individual has not yet reached the splitting of social and individual experience, the existence of separate plans for experience and behavior, and so on.


Moral tolerance

This type involves tolerance, which is associated with a person (the external "ego" of a person). To a greater or lesser extent, it is inherent in a huge number of adults and represents the desire to restrain their emotions through the use of psychological defense mechanisms.

Moral tolerance

It differs from the moral one in that it implies, in the language of specialists, trust and the adoption of someone else's lifestyle, which are associated with the essence or “internal ego” of a person. A tolerant person is a person who knows himself well and recognizes others. The manifestation of compassion and sympathy is the most important value of a civilized society and a feature of true good breeding.