
Three examples of Thomas Edison stealing other people's ideas and making money from them

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Three examples of Thomas Edison stealing other people's ideas and making money from them
Three examples of Thomas Edison stealing other people's ideas and making money from them

Video: RELA LESSON: Monday, May 18, 2020 1:23 PM 2024, July

Video: RELA LESSON: Monday, May 18, 2020 1:23 PM 2024, July

The number of patents that Thomas Edison received is astonishing: 1, 093. His head looks like a machine specially designed for invention and discovery. But he also had one more talent: the appropriation of other people's inventions.

Who invented the fluoroscope?

So called what is now called an x-ray machine. It was invented by William Roentgen, a German physicist. But cream in the form of a considerable amount of banknotes was removed by Edison. He was interested in the rays of radioactive substances and even wrote an article about them in the journal Popular Mechanics. However, I could not use these all-penetrating rays.

When Roentgen published data on his discovery, which allowed to obtain a similar effect without any radiation, the American did not immediately appreciate what fell into his hands. The fact is that he was not going to invent for free, and the commercial potential of the x-ray tube was unclear.

A little later, he received his sight and put all the power of his organizational, mental and monetary capabilities into practical implementation of a new method for diagnosing diseases. X-ray had no money. As a result, the most prolific inventor warmed his hands at his opening.


The picture shows Wilhelm Roentgen and the first ever shot of his wife's hand.

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Interesting movie

Perhaps the most significant invention of the time was cinema. The glory of his parent was also attributed to Edison. Actually, he was the one who showed the first feature film "Journey to the Moon" in the United States.


This movie got in some dubious way. It has already been demonstrated in London and the success was deafening. So the cash flow should have become the same, Edison reasoned. He made a pirated copy of the film and again earned a very decent amount. His talent for making money was undeniable.

The inventor of cinema Louis Le Prince, his son and family were deprived. Attempts to obtain a patent ended tragically for them. His father went missing on his way to America, and his son was shot dead on the eve of a patent lawsuit against Edison.