
Creativity and a short biography Zamyatin Eugene

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Creativity and a short biography Zamyatin Eugene
Creativity and a short biography Zamyatin Eugene

Video: We Audiobook / Yevgeny Zamyatin ( Unabridged ) 2024, July

Video: We Audiobook / Yevgeny Zamyatin ( Unabridged ) 2024, July

Zamyatin Evgeny Ivanovich (1884-1937), Russian writer. Born on January 20, 1884 in the Lipetsk region. His father was a boyar and had a great influence on his son. At the same time, he was a priest and taught at local schools. Mother, Maria Alexandrovna, was a very educated and intelligent woman. She was enthusiastic about classical literary works, was fond of playing the piano. Evgeni Zamyatin adopted many maternal qualities and followed in her footsteps. He thought the same way, and he was interested in the same things as his mother. Relations with his father were no worse. They understood each other perfectly, and Zamyatin always listened to the advice of his father.

Zamyatin's biography testifies to the fact that the writer has put his whole life in making his parents proud of him. He wanted to convey his thoughts to the people, he wanted his works to be read and pondered by them.

Childhood and youth Evgeny Zamyatin

Initially, Zamyatin entered the Lebedyansk Gymnasium, at that time his father taught in this educational institution. Then, at the age of 9, the writer was sent to the Voronezh gymnasium, which he successfully graduated with a gold medal in 1902. After studying at the gymnasium, he went to study at the Polytechnic Institute at the Faculty of Shipbuilding. Along with studying at the institute, he was engaged in campaigning at rallies. The institute itself was located in St. Petersburg, but during the summer practice, the writer began to travel to other cities. Upon his return, Zamyatin supported the Bolsheviks and actively promoted the left movement. For this he was taken into custody, and for several months of his life he was in solitary confinement. During this difficult time, he learned a foreign language (English) and tried to write poetry. Zamyatin had a lot of free time, and he decided to use it wisely. After 2 months, he was sent to Lebedyan, but Eugene secretly returned from there to St. Petersburg. Then he was again sent back. In 1911 he graduated from the Zamyatin Institute. A brief biography and his life history deserve to be known to descendants.


The first stories of the author

Zamyatin's biography itself is very rich. Each period in his life brought him something new. Zamyatin was at the peak of fame when he published his short story “Uyezdnoe” in the magazine “Testament”. In this story, he wrote about the simple, routine life of Anfim Baryba, embittered and offended by the whole world. The work made a splash among readers.

Zamyatin believed that the style of his works is very close to neorealism, but despite this, he still turned his work into grotesque surrealism. Two years later, Zamyatin was summoned to the courtroom for his antiwar story "On the Pussy". After this incident, the magazine in which his phenomenal work "County" was released was confiscated. The famous critic Voronsky expressed his opinion that, in essence, this story was a kind of political mockery that describes the events that took place after 1914.


Achievements of Evgeny Zamyatin

Talk about the heights and falls of the author can his biography. Evgeny Zamyatin was an experienced marine engineer. He traveled a lot, constantly traveled around Russia in accordance with the service plan. In 1915, the novel "The North" was written, in which he described all his emotions from a trip to Solovki. Already in 1916, Zamyatin was engaged in the construction of Russian icebreakers in England. These were the shipyard icebreakers of Newcastle, Glasgow and Sunderland. He led the entire construction process in London. The author outlined his recollections of this period of his life in the novels “Islanders” and “Catcher of Men”. England became a new impetus for the author to rethink her ideas and attitudes. The trip greatly affected the writer's work, his work and life in general.


Zamyatin very much respected the people who made their contribution to the development of modern society, but this did not stop him from paying attention to the shortcomings of the western construction of society. In 1917, Zamyatin arrived in Petrograd. The biography says that he became one of the most popular authors of Russian literature at that time. Readers appreciated his works, critics spoke well of them.

Zamyatin had an extremely close relationship with the literary group The Serapion Brothers. A brief biography of the author describes that he began to give lectures at the Polytechnic Institute, talked about the news of Russian literature at the Institute. Herzen and was engaged in the development of youth in many other universities. Despite the fact that he studied with students, Zamyatin did not believe that he was able to realize some kind of large-scale undertaking, he did not see the potential of a creative person in himself. Since everything that surrounded him seemed to Zamyatin meaningless, people for him ceased to be people.


In the novels "Mamai" and "Cave", the author expressed his point of view on communism. This idea was equated for him with the evolutionary stage of the development of mankind, the movement of a caveman to a higher being. So Zamyatin thought. The biography also confirms this is his conviction.


The basic idea of ​​proletcult utopia in the eyes of Zamyatin

Evgeni Zamyatin believed that it was necessary to explain to people that total changes in the modern world are based on the destruction of the moral qualities of a person. Against the background of such an opinion, the novel "We" was released in America in 1920 by Zamyatin. His biography and work aroused interest in the West. Due to the fact that the work was written in Russian, the writer sent it to the Berlin printing company Grzhebin for its full translation into English. The novel was successfully translated, after which it was made public in New York. Although the novel was not published in the USSR, critics reacted very harshly to it.


The 20s

In the 20s, Zamyatin's biography was marked by the release of new works. He worked hard all this time. He wrote a number of plays: "Society of Honorary Ringerbells", "Atilla", "Flea". These works were also not appreciated, since not a single critic understood his ideology of life in the Soviet Union.

Letter to Stalin

In 1931, Zamyatin realized that he had nothing more to do in the USSR, and went to Stalin to convey his letter. The letter dealt with the possibility of moving abroad. The writer argued that the worst punishment that could be for the author is a ban on creating. He thought about his move for a long time. Despite all the contradictions, he loved his homeland very much and was a patriot in his heart. So, he created the story "Rus", published back in 1923. It was a vivid proof of love for the motherland and an explanation of the point of view of such a great man as Evgeny Zamyatin. The biography briefly reports that in 1932, with the help of Gorky, the author was still able to leave to live in France.

Life in Paris

When Zamyatin arrived in Paris, he lived there with Soviet citizenship. He was engaged in the promotion of Russian literature, cinema, and theater abroad. The main story written by Zamyatin abroad is "The Beach of God." This was the last work of the creator. He wrote it in Paris in 1938. It was very difficult for Zamyatin to adapt to life in another country, the writer missed his homeland very much, and all his thoughts focused on outsiders' things, and not on creativity. He tried to give all the stories he wrote to the Russians, since he basically did not want to publish anything abroad. It was absolutely not his path. He carefully watched what was happening in Russia in parallel. Only many years later, at home, they began to treat him differently. People realized which author they lost.

The last years of the life of Evgeny Zamyatin

Zamyatin's biography is very confusing and unpredictable. No one knew that in the end everything would turn out for the writer in this way. In May 1934, Zamyatin was admitted to the Writers' Union, however, this happened in his absence. And in 1935 he was actively engaged in work in the Anti-Fascist Congress for the Protection of Culture along with the Soviet delegates.
