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Do you also have a mole on your wrist? Internet users are convinced that all women have it

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Do you also have a mole on your wrist? Internet users are convinced that all women have it
Do you also have a mole on your wrist? Internet users are convinced that all women have it

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Video: Planet of the Apes (2/5) Movie CLIP - Human See, Human Do (1968) HD 2024, July

It happens that the opinion left by a user on the Internet makes you think about the veracity of what was said. At the same time, we often manage to apply the conclusions made by someone to ourselves. One woman was bewildered by social networks. In her opinion, all the people she knows have identical moles on her wrist.


Details of conclusions about people with identical marks

Aarin Whitley, presumably from Florida, started an entertaining discussion on Twitter. She asked a question: how many people have a mole on their wrists ?! As it turned out, this topic has become viral. And it was she who prompted many Internet users to take pictures of their wrists with moles.


Another opinion on the differences on the body

According to another Twitter user, most women have a mole on their left breasts. A third user with the nickname Cstar suggested that almost every woman has one and the other sign. Almost all of them have marks on the chest and wrist.

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Web Confusion

After the publication of questions about the presence of moles in these places, many ladies rushed to look for these marks on themselves. To their surprise, most of them actually found these traces. This pleased, upset, and at the same time frightened many users of social networks.

Coincidence Opinions

After analyzing the views of the above authors, many ladies agreed with them. According to them, in these places they really have moles. In their opinion, this coincidence is associated with a V-neck on clothes, which ties most of these women. Putting on such clothes, you open a breast for direct sunshine. This provokes the appearance of moles on the body.

The correct version of what is happening

As it turned out, the appearance of moles in the same place in different people is directly related to a large amount of melanin. Under the influence of sunlight, the production of this pigment is activated. Consequently, marks appear on the body.

Depending on the length of time spent in the sun, moles become darker and more noticeable. In a sense, the breasts and wrists are “hot spots” for moles or freckles.