
The level of economic development of neighboring countries of Russia and the prospects for their development

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The level of economic development of neighboring countries of Russia and the prospects for their development
The level of economic development of neighboring countries of Russia and the prospects for their development

Video: Performance and Prospects for Russia’s Economy 2024, July

Video: Performance and Prospects for Russia’s Economy 2024, July

How much is the level of economic development of neighboring countries of Russia lower or higher? Do Russians really have anything to blaspheme the government and the president for, sprinkle ashes on their heads and complain that everything is bad with us?

Neighboring countries

Russia neighbors in Eastern Europe: with Belarus, Ukraine and states located along the shores of the Baltic Sea. In Southeast Asia: with Turkey, the countries of the Caucasus, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia. In the Far East it borders on China, North Korea, Japan and the United States.


Many countries that became our neighbors used to be part of the USSR and at one time gained independence and a share of the Soviet inheritance. How well they disposed of it, is evidenced by the level of economic development of the neighboring countries of Russia, and by how much the citizens of these states feel happier and richer.


What are the parameters evaluated

There are many parameters for assessing the level of economic development of neighboring countries of Russia and beyond. The leading role in the assessment is occupied by GDP. However, this is not the only parameter used for this purpose. When determining the level, they also study the availability of medical, social and community services. Growth rates and infrastructure conditions are taken into account.

In all of the above indicators, Russia is second only to the United States and Japan. At the same time, for some, such as the availability of natural resources and medical services, it even surpasses. Unlike neighboring countries, the Russian Federation has the lowest prices for energy and water.

Weak neighbors

The level of economic development of the neighboring countries of Russia, which used to be part of the USSR, has been steadily falling since its separation. At the moment, almost all of them are in a pre-default state. They lack industry and run outdated infrastructure.

Despite the fact that many of them got a well-developed infrastructure and industry, they could not develop it on their own. These countries either slowly but surely slide into the economic abyss, or depend entirely on Russia, and in fact their sovereignty is limited. Only here can their products find a market, as in other countries they are used to using completely different goods. Naturally, the level of well-being in them is much lower than in the Russian Federation, since they have nothing to offer other countries, which means that their income completely depends on relations with Russia.


Strong neighbors

These neighbors include the USA, Finland, Japan and China. These are the largest world economies, self-sufficient states with a long economic history, rich in resources, including human ones. They are able for a long time to be in economic isolation, as they are able to produce almost all the goods and services necessary for normal functioning. In China alone, more than one billion people live. And this is not only a huge amount of labor, but also a market for manufactured products. The economies of other states do not affect the level of economic development of neighboring countries. However, this does not mean that they are not engaged in mutual trade, given that it is very beneficial for all parties.