
Almazovo Manor, Moscow: description, attractions, history and interesting facts

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Almazovo Manor, Moscow: description, attractions, history and interesting facts
Almazovo Manor, Moscow: description, attractions, history and interesting facts

In the suburbs there are many places worth visiting and exploring. When the question is how interesting it is to spend the weekend, then it is worth recalling this estate. Almazovo Manor (Moscow region) is a place with a long and interesting history. In addition, here it is simply pleasant to spend time in nature, admire the "classic" landscape near Moscow and relax from the bustle of the big city.


History of creation

On the territory of the modern Schelkovo district, in the historical area called the Oshitkovo wasteland, the old Almazovo estate was located. The area has long been quite deaf, with dense spruce forests and impenetrable thickets. At the end of the 17th century, Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich donated this land to his comrades-in-arms — the Elizarovs, Osip and Mikhail. Then the development of this territory began. The son-in-law of the Elizarovs by the name of Almazov built the first wooden church in Oshitkovo in honor of Sergius of Radonezh, the protector of the Russian Land. In the 30s of the 18th century, the wooden church was replaced by a stone, and the village was renamed Sergievsky.


The owners

The estate Almazovo received its name in honor of Ivan Almazov, who owned these lands in the middle of the 18th century. But the most famous owners of the estate at which it flourishes will be the Demidov dynasty. In 1753, the famous Nikita Demidov acquired the village. The Demidov dynasty is known for its entrepreneurial and philanthropic activities. The ancestor of the clan was the blacksmith Demid Antyufeev. His son Nikita Demidov was a master of weapons, who, with his talents and skills, reached the heights in the social hierarchy. He became the founder of the mining dynasty in the Urals, was personally acquainted with Peter the Great. His activity led to the fact that he was transferred to the possession of the Nevyansky state-owned plant, which he removed in a matter of years to the most highly productive and profitable enterprises of the empire. For the development of the mining industry, Demidov was awarded the noble title. The grandson of the famous Nikita Demidov, his full namesake, and became the owner of Almazovo. He was known as a great lover of sciences and arts, a major philanthropist and a powerful entrepreneur. Over the years of management, the state of the Demidovs has grown by more than 1.5 times. With his characteristic energy and efficiency, Demidov took up the arrangement of the purchased estate. He delved into all the details of the building, gardeners could not even cut or transplant the tree without his knowledge.



Almazovo manor was located in the wilderness, on a very swampy plain. Therefore, at first the builders had to drain the land, cut down part of the forest in order to clear a place for Nikita Demidov's large-scale plans. And he wanted to build a large house with an adjoining park, which provided for canals, ponds and islands. The miner was inspired, of course, by the views of Venice. For work, he invited the famous Swiss architect Domenico Gilardi. The hereditary architect built a lot and productively in Moscow, especially after the destruction of 1812. He was well acquainted with the architecture of Venice and enthusiastically took up the realization of Demidov's dream. Due to the breadth of design and the difficulty of the upcoming work, the project was a real champion in terms of cost, for Demidov it became a kind of sign of prestige. Although the park became the main property of the estate, the house was also a grandiose building. The residential building was made in the Empire style with a powerful portico on two columns, the windows of the building were decorated with white ocelli and window sills on consoles. Another interesting attraction of the estate was the temple, erected in honor of the victory over Napoleon. The building was made in the style of classicism, the walls are decorated with fresco paintings, a high three-tier bell tower ended with an elegant spire. The iconostasis of the church was consecrated in honor of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, one chapel was consecrated in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the second - in honor of St. Sergius of Radonezh.


Manor Park

The main thing that the Almazovo estate was famous for is the park. His plan was really grand. The composition was built relative to a direct channel 700 meters long. On its sides housed a chapel, stables, various buildings. The canal began at a small pond and ended with a large one. In the center of the canal, Swan Island was created in the form of a hexagon. Two "sleeves" led to the master's house, along the banks there was a church, outbuildings for guests, rooms for servants and office buildings. Small channels diverged from the large canal, leading to islands of various purposes. On one of them was a luxurious orchard, a greenhouse. The surrounding areas were decorated with walkways, decorated with flower beds, gazebos and rotundas for relaxing, picnics, tea parties, a beautiful alley leading to the main building. Many interesting plants were planted in the park, Demidov strove to create an atmosphere of a "Garden of Eden", there was planted a linden forest, oak wood, an "English" lawn was sown.


"Life" of the estate

By 1813, the estate acquired a generally completed look, although the improvement work continued for many years. Demidov spent a little time in the estate, he was too busy doing business, patronizing affairs. He arranged noisy holidays, carnivals on the estate, amazed guests with scope and imagination. The aristocracy enthusiastically rolled along the canals, walked in the park and enjoyed the beauty of nature. But the “golden age” of Almazovo did not last long, in the mid-1830s, Nikita Akinfievich sold his brainchild. Subsequent owners not only did not continue construction, but did not keep the park in good condition. This led to the fact that the islands begin to “swell”, the lawns grow, the alleys lose their shape. Gradually the estate decays and loses its former luxury and attractiveness. After the revolution, the house and church in Almazovo were looted. In Soviet times, part of the surviving buildings were given over to a boarding school.


Almazovo today

In the 90s of the 20th century, at the initiative of the military A.A. Zinoviev, worship was restored in the church of the estate, later a small restoration was carried out. The school staff with their small forces maintain a minimum order in the park and the condition of the ponds. However, there is no one to carry out systematic maintenance of the park, and the features of the beautiful garden are gradually erased. Marshes take their toll and to some islands it is already becoming unsafe to get. However, in this form, Almazovo estate, impressions, stories, tips about which can be found on the websites of travelers, retains the greatness of its former plan. You can sail in the ponds and the large canal by boat, perhaps approach some old bridges. There is no systematic excursion activity here, but enthusiasts walk in the park and even drive tourists.

Major Attractions

Almazovo Manor (address: Almazovo village, Moscow region, Shchelkovo district) is not a place of pilgrimage for tourists, little has been preserved here for inspection. The main attraction is the church of St. Sergius of Radonezh, which underwent a quality restoration, in which artists and craftsmen from the Moscow Kremlin took part. You can also see the central part of the park, in general terms, preserving the original plan of the creator.


How to get there

To spend a weekend in nature, Almazovo estate is quite suitable. How to get to this place? You need to go from Moscow along the Shchelkovo highway to the settlement of Bear Lake, take the Sokolovo sign, then follow the signs to the Temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh. You can also take a train along the Fryazino branch to the Monino stop. Next take a bus to Almazovo.