
Garcia's success: Jorge is a talented actor with an atypical appearance

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Garcia's success: Jorge is a talented actor with an atypical appearance
Garcia's success: Jorge is a talented actor with an atypical appearance

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All fans of an exciting adventure called "Lost" remembered the good-natured Hurley, and at least ninety percent loved him. An open, friendly and positive character has become Garcia's hallmark. Jorge managed to successfully realize her acting potential earlier, however, it was this role that brought him real fame and became the key to further success in the creative field.

Education and career start

Jorge Garcia's career began back in college, where he discovered the extraordinary makings of a real comedian. Fellow students appreciated the talent of the future actor and encouraged his participation in student productions. Love for the theater was not the only feature that distinguished Garcia from the rest. Jorge was far from the most ordinary student. His habits, addictions, and the accompanying simplicity of disposition often discouraged peers.


For example, Garcia, not experiencing the slightest embarrassment, indulged in real gluttony, absorbing an incredible amount of fatty and very harmful food. For this reason, the nickname Robin Bobin Barabek easily stuck to the teenager Jorge Garcia, whose weight is still impressive. However, a love of humor allowed the young actor to evaluate his nickname from a positive point of view, and after a while he ceased to be offended. Currently, Jorge is the creator of a gigantic collection of various food packaging, usually fast food, and is very proud of it.

Game and humor

Comedic abilities played a crucial role in Garcia's career development. Jorge successfully continued his student acting career at one of the theater studios in Beverly Hills. There was an opportunity to take part in castings for the filming of popular at that time series.


Despite the obvious creative penchant for comedies, Jorge did not limit himself to this genre. Participation in humorous productions and stand-ups alternated with serious projects, among which the series “Lost” is especially noteworthy.

How Jorge became a member of one of the most popular television shows

It is noteworthy that, unlike other characters in the series, Hurley did not appear in the original version of the script. And paradoxically, but the good-natured fat man with a clearly comedic bias claimed the role of Sawyer. The role of a desperate handsome man bypassed Jorge, but the creators of the series could not part with a colorful guy, and they specially invented Hugo Reis for him.


The character gradually acquired its history - Garcia himself did not know about his past. Jorge liked this; he, along with the fans of the series, came up with his hero's life, blindly putting forward certain assumptions about the development of events. This gave the participation in the project a special charm.

Charming Hurley

As for the attitude of the audience towards certain characters, Hurley was in a very favorable position. All other heroes now and then passed from the bright side to the dark, and vice versa, Hugo Reis remained the same charmingly positive simpleton who found ways to enjoy life even on the island. And he skillfully searched for wise and correct words that inspired other heroes to actions that met with the active approval of the audience.


Hurley’s character was not just an example of kindness and spontaneity, but also a serious motivator for a large number of viewers.

Personal life

Participation in the Lost Project has changed not only Garcia’s professional life, but also his personal life. On the set, he met his future wife, the beautiful Emily. In 2005, the couple registered their relationship. The tabloids were full of images of happy Emily and Jorge Garcia. The photos demonstrated their participation in various awards, receptions, shows, where the newlyweds joyfully smiled at the cameras and held each other's hands. The success of Garcia in the professional field and in personal life has become for many an example of how, having a very specific appearance, you can succeed immediately in all areas of life. The example of this example was Jorge Garcia, height (182 cm), weight (over 180 kg) and whose appearance distinguishes him from typical Hollywood beauties, but thanks to the charm inherent in him, the man is not inferior to them one iota.