
What is the secret to the success of the "socialite" Svetlana Yakovleva?

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What is the secret to the success of the "socialite" Svetlana Yakovleva?
What is the secret to the success of the "socialite" Svetlana Yakovleva?

Star of show business, noble party girl, fatal woman, "queen of glamor" and "socialite". Svetlana Yakovleva is not at all shy when she uses such epithets to praise her person, because the very concept of modesty is alien and unfamiliar to her.

The behavior of the girl many times caused concern among doctors and psychologists. Incoherent speech, shocking appearance and vulgar outfits, shocking tricks and thefts: such a "nuclear" mixture merged into one fragile woman of short stature.


Usually in show business, people achieve popularity with the help of ingeniously played acting roles or talented vocals. But sometimes freaks and eccentrics, to whom the “socialite” Svetlana Yakovleva refers, also manage to swim in the glory. Let's quickly get acquainted with this extraordinary personality and find out why Svetlana has remained popular for many years.

The mystery behind the seven seals

Attempts to find information about the biography of the "socialite" Svetlana Yakovleva and find a couple of skeletons in her closet end in complete failure. It is not known why the girl observes strict conspiracy and does not allow us to know a little more about ourselves than they tell on television. But with the help of the social network "VKontakte" I managed to find out the exact age of the "Queen of Glamor" and some facts from her life.


Svetlana was born on April 2, 1990, that is, she is 27 years old. Sveta's mother is Tatyana Yakovleva. Her date of birth and marital status remain a mystery. It is assumed that the Yakovlev family has been living in Moscow for several generations, but there was no exact confirmation of this.

Sveta’s mother in every possible way supports her daughter: she goes shopping with her, helps to choose outfits and do hairstyles. In addition, there was a video in which Tatyana and her daughter take part in a popular television program together.


Young "talent"

The future "socialite" Svetlana Yakovleva decided to win popular love and conquer Russian show business back in 2008. The girl is not famous for her talents, she does not know how to sing, dance, paint pictures and compose verses. But this did not stop her at all. Yakovleva found an alternative rare “gift”: to shock others with her appearance and behavior.

For the first time, a young star sang and danced in the Minute of Fame program. The performance was so mediocre that one of the jury members pressed the red button twice. But Sveta was not upset, because she did not come to the contest to win.


The release with mediocre vocals and ridiculous dances Yakovleva gave the program multimillion ratings. People liked to look at a person who causes wild laughter before abdominal pain. From this moment, Svetlana began to offer participation in popular television programs.

Is TSUM the second home of Yakovleva?

Svetlana assures that she does not wear the so-called consumer goods, and her wardrobe consists exclusively of elite designer clothes. She buys all things in expensive boutiques abroad, and if there is not enough time for a long shopping, she runs into the Moscow Central Department Store and purchases it in haste.

You will be surprised, but Yakovlev does not lie. Paparazzi quite often notice a girl at the Central Department Store. Moreover, she does not just walk around the expensive shops, but makes purchases. But here is the paradox: Svetlana acquires expensive clothes, but for some reason does not wear them.


Eyewitnesses say that they have never seen a branded thing on a girl. Its appearance is generally a terrible dream for designers and fashion designers. Clothing "socialite" Svetlana Yakovleva resembles an unsuccessful purchase from a Chinese online store.

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Yakovleva doesn’t even want to comment on the “professional” make-up. As they say, it is better to see once than hear a hundred times.


Judging objectively, Svetlana is a very pretty girl who lacks grooming, competent makeup and a couple of visits to the dentist, since she does not have front teeth. In 2016, the famous Russian stylist tried to solve most of the problems of the glamorous fashionista and made her a spectacular make-up.


The result exceeded all expectations: the toothless “socialite” Svetlana Yakovleva turned into a real beauty queen, however, her fleeting smile could easily spoil the two-hour work of the stylist.


Do you think that the girl liked the new image? What nonsense! To this day, she does not use the services of makeup artists, but continues to apply makeup on her own. She doesn’t do it very well.
