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In Kenya, they spit on a wedding dress, and in Germany they saw a tree: 10 of the strangest wedding customs

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In Kenya, they spit on a wedding dress, and in Germany they saw a tree: 10 of the strangest wedding customs
In Kenya, they spit on a wedding dress, and in Germany they saw a tree: 10 of the strangest wedding customs

Video: 12 Strange Wedding Traditions That'll Stun You 2024, July

Video: 12 Strange Wedding Traditions That'll Stun You 2024, July

There are wedding traditions that are widely known and used throughout the world. For example, throwing a bride’s bouquet or dance of the newlyweds. But there are also unusual and interesting rituals that are held only in some regions. We will present to your attention wedding ceremonies of different countries, which you probably have not heard of.

Kenyan tradition: spit on the bride

Masai girls are generally supposed to marry at the insistence of older male relatives. Right at the wedding, a close relative of the bride spits on her head and on the dress, thereby symbolizing a gift from heaven. Then the girl leaves her parents' house with her husband and walks to her new home, regardless of how far he is.

Wood cut (Germany)


An ancient tradition of a German wedding is to cut the trunk with a hand-held double-sided saw. This act speaks of the couple’s ability to work together and the desire to overcome any adversity that may occur in a future life together.

Two children (Sudan)


In the Sudanese Nuer tribe, men can only get married after the ransom to the bride's parents. Usually this is the previously agreed number of oxen. Marriage among the representatives of the tribe is considered successful only when two sons appear in the family. If a woman gives birth to only one child, the man has the right to divorce. If the husband dies, his brother must marry the widow.


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Guatemalan tradition


In Guatemala, after the wedding, a feast is carried out in the husband's house. His mother should meet the newlyweds by breaking a ceramic bell, which is filled with white rice, grain and flour. This ritual is held for the future prosperity and abundance of the family.

Romanian bride ransom


Not only in Romania, but also in many European countries, an imitation of abduction is carried out before the wedding ceremony. This is the escape of the future wife, organized by friends, relatives and even hired actors. The groom redeems his beloved with the help of money, drinks or completing certain romantic tasks.

Jewish tradition of broken glass


When all the wedding ceremonies of the Jewish wedding come to an end, the groom and the bride should step on a glass cup wrapped in strong fabric and break it. This tradition has several meanings. One of them is to demonstrate that the family will not only have joy, but also sadness, and any hardships must be overcome together.


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Chinese sobs


According to the tradition of the Chinese people of Tujia, the future wife should sob every day for at least one hour. The tradition is observed a month before the wedding, as well as during the wedding itself. For the first ten days, the girl cries alone, then her mother and grandmother sob with her. At the end of the month, all the relatives of the bride cry. So they express happiness and joy. And men perceive crying of various shades as wonderful music.

Indian henna painting


The tradition known as mehendi is a colorful celebration that is held before the wedding for women by the bride. An artist, or a talented relative, must professionally apply henna drawings on the arms and legs of the bride and her relatives. These temporary tattoos mean beauty, spiritual offering, and joy.

Bridal doll


At weddings in Puerto Rico, there is always a custom-made bridal doll. It should be a copy of the bride: from hairstyles and makeup to dress. At the beginning of the celebration, the doll contains many amulets that will be given to guests. Then the people invited to the wedding should put money on the wrist of the toy bride.