
Vakhtang Beridze: biography, personal life, career

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Vakhtang Beridze: biography, personal life, career
Vakhtang Beridze: biography, personal life, career

Absolutely every generation of people has its heroes and favorites. If we talk about Russia, today its inhabitants are increasingly turning their eyes to artists and showmen. One of such well-known public figures today is Vakhtang Beridze, whose biography and personal life will be studied in the article.


basic information

A talented television and radio host, actor and producer was born on December 25, 1980 in the hero city of Leningrad. Having lived for a certain period of time in North Palmyra, Vakhtang Beridze (his biography contains some piquant facts) moves with his parents to live in sunny Georgia, where he subsequently receives a complete higher education. The nationality of the young man is Georgian. From an early age, Vakhtang Beridze (photo, biography below) was actively involved in sports. He visited the swimming section and achieved considerable success in this field: he became a master of sports, several times was a participant in the world and European championships as part of the Georgian national team.



At a certain point, Vakhtang Beridze (biography, personal life, photos of him today are of interest to many) again appears in St. Petersburg, where he enters the Academy of Theater Arts. The guy turned out to be the ward of the legendary professor Soshnikov. On the stage In 2005, the graduate was involved in the diploma project "Good man from Cesuan." The guy got the role of a pilot named Young Sung. Already in his third year at the university, Vakhtang Beridze, whose biography and personal life can serve as an example, became an employee of the Ostrov theater, where he almost immediately appeared in the production of Guilty Without Guilt. Somewhat later, the Lyceum was involved in the performances of the Autumn Marathon and Daddy's Toys.



In 2006, actor Vakhtang Beridze, whose biography and personal life is replete with bright events, goes to the Moscow State Theater. Here he also turned out to be actively involved. In addition to stationary stages, the young artist honored the entreprise, with whose teams he actively toured. Also in the piggy bank of our hero there are two solo performances: "Accompanist" and "Mayakovsky". In the same 2006, he was honored to play a major role in the Oscar and the Pink Lady.

TV career

In addition to acting, Vakhtang Beridze, whose personal life has long been under the gun of the ubiquitous journalists nowadays, quickly mastered himself on a television field. As a presenter, he made his debut on TV-3 in a program called Urban Episodes. This was followed by productive work in the project "Apartment on credit." After which the actor switched to Channel Five in the news program.

What else was Vakhtang Beridze doing? His biography says that due to his outstanding appearance and charisma, he got the opportunity to star in the videos of many artists. After moving to Moscow, the guy entered VGIK at the faculty of production. After graduating from high school in 2016, Vakhtang Beridze managed to become a member of the NTV channel team, where he was entrusted with overseeing the Double Standards program for his new specialty. On the TNT channel, an athletic handsome man works as the host of the School of Repair. In 2014, actor Vakhtang Beridze (biography, the boy’s personal life haunts many beautiful girls) received an invitation and received it from Vostok FM radio station. He became one of the leaders, and his partner was David Petrosyan. Together, the cheerful and energetic guys led a show called Eastern Coffee.


Film works

When did Vakhtang Beridze begin to act actively? His biography indicates that his first project was the mystical series "Black Raven", where the main roles went to Anna Samokhina and Tatyana Kalganova. In 2003-2004, the guy worked in a number of series: "NLS Agency", "Hot Heads", "Opera" and others. A serious role went to the lyceum in the film "Stolypin …. Unlearned lessons." In this production, Vakhtang Beridze, whose biography by that time was already filled with various significant achievements, played the role of Prince Shakhnovsky.


Family status

The actor arranged his personal life thanks to work. For three years, Vakhtang Beridze, whose biography, personal life and photos of which are actively circulated in the press, was daily on the stage of his native theater side by side with colleague Olga Arntgolts, until he realized that she was the woman of his dreams, capable of giving him love and a strong family. In 2009, the couple started a family. Only the closest relatives and friends were invited to the official celebration. Four years later, a lover named Anna was born to the lovers. However, in the fall of 2015, the family broke up. All the blame was Olga’s romance with director Dmitry Petrun.

Vakhtang Beridze had a hard time surviving a divorce and separation from his daughter, but at the end of 2016 he nevertheless began to establish new love relationships. His chosen one was an actress from Belarus Alesya Kacher.