
Valery Meladze: biography, filmography, personal life

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Valery Meladze: biography, filmography, personal life
Valery Meladze: biography, filmography, personal life

Video: Valeriy Meladze - White birds 2024, July

Video: Valeriy Meladze - White birds 2024, July

This article will discuss how Valery Meladze went to his success. Biography, family, photo of the singer - all this can be found out and seen by reading it.


A family

Valery Meladze was born on a summer day on June 23, 1965 in the heart of Georgia, the city of Batumi. The childhood of the future artist was filled with love and respect that reigned in a large friendly family. Brother Constantine and sister Liana, despite the age difference, were the closest friends for the young Valerian. That is what the singer’s real name sounds like.

They loved music in the family, but no one did it professionally. It is known that the singer’s grandmother had a beautiful voice and she often pleased relatives with her singing. Often participated in home concerts and Valery's parents, also not deprived of voice data. In her youth, mom even wanted to become a singer, but she chose engineering.


Acquaintance with music in addition to the family took place within the walls of a music school in which the boy studied piano. An example for Valery was the elder brother Konstantin, who comprehended the skill of playing two musical instruments at once: piano and violin. Valery went to music school with pleasure, but he didn’t really like a regular school. I could skip classes with friends or go to classes with unfulfilled homework.

In the institute ensemble

At the end of the school, Valery Meladze, whose biography did not seem to portend that he would become a singer, got a job at the factory. It took quite a bit of time to realize that this was not his calling at all. Having tried to enter one of the higher educational institutions in his native Batumi, the young man failed.

Then Valery Meladze, whose biography is inextricably linked with the name of his older brother, and in the choice of profession he followed the example of Konstantin. Both of them became students of the Nikolaev Shipbuilding Institute, mastering the specialty “Mechanical Engineer of Ship Power Plants”. But fate made a new round, and soon music took one of the main places in the life of the brothers. First, Konstantin became a keyboard player in the institute's ensemble, and then Valery, having visited one of his rehearsals, became interested in music. At first he was in the team as a sound engineer, and six months later he became the soloist of the group.


In 1989, talented brothers were invited to become members of the Dialogue group, which specialized in performing music in rock art style. Two records of “Dialogue” (“In the middle of the world”, “Autumn scream of a hawk”) are almost entirely composed of compositions to which music was written by Konstantin and performed by Valery. Both of these albums are now truly rare.

The beginning of a solo career

Held in Kiev, the Roksolana Flower Festival (1993) became the place where Valery Meladze first performed solo. His biography as a singer began to develop rapidly. Evgeni Fridlyand was the first producer who helped the Meladze brothers become recognizable personalities in the world of domestic show business.

The first album, the work on which lasted two years, was a resounding success. And the title song "Sir", which gave the name to the whole disc, became a megahit, which occupied the first lines of all, without exception, musical charts of the country. And other compositions were also very popular among the public: Limbo, Violin, Night on Christmas Eve, etc.

Growing popularity

October 1996 was marked by the release of the second album, which was called "The Last Romantic". Now Valery Meladze, whose biography even then became an object for study and discussion by a huge army of fans, reliably secured the title of the country's strongest voice. The first solo concerts of the singer at the Olympic (March 1997) had a full house.

The recognition of colleagues and popularity among the audience increased with each new album. Songs written by Konstantin and performed by Valery are heard on all radio stations of the country. In addition to his solo career, the younger Meladze participates in such large-scale projects as “Old Songs about the Main”, “10 Songs about Moscow”.

Valery starred in films and musicals "Women's Happiness", "Cinderella", "Sorochinskaya Fair", "Star Holidays", "Santa Claus always rings three times!", "New Year's rate."


Despite the fact that new songs in the repertoire of Valery Meladze began to appear less frequently, which was due to the extreme employment of his brother Konstantin, he became an integral part of all gala concerts and musical projects. His songs sounded and sound in almost every house. And how else. His soulful voice and inimitable manner of performance in combination with soulful songs made Valeria one of the most popular performers in our country.

The Meladze Brothers and VIA Gra

And when cooperation began with the girls from the group “VIA Gra”, the producer of which was Konstantin, their joint songs with Valery increased the army of fans of the singer even more. The hearts of millions of listeners began to beat at a frantic speed, when the singer’s charisma and the seductive beauty of the girls were combined in the colorful clips for the songs “The Ocean and Three Rivers” and “There is No More Gravity”.


Since 2005, Valery has been a regular member of one of the main music competitions, namely, "New Wave". The Meladze brothers in 2007 became producers of one of the compositions of the famous "Star Factory".

V. Meladze is a multiple winner of the Golden Gramophone and Muz-TV music awards. In 2006, he received the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

In the discography of the singer there is not a single album that would fail. All of them are popular today, even the first one that was released over 20 years ago. The circulations with which the singer’s discs were sold are huge. Valery's unfading popularity is beyond doubt, because now he is not only a singer with a capital letter. He is a TV presenter, and showman, and actor.

In 2015, Valery celebrated his 50th anniversary. One of the most original and expensive gifts was for him a disc with his songs, which were performed by the brightest stars of Russian pop music.

Personal life: wife and three daughters

As already noted earlier, the brothers received higher education in Ukraine, in Nikolaev. It was in this city that Valery Meladze met his future wife. Biography and family, the personal life and work of this singer are now constant topics of discussion on the sidelines of the musical elite. And then an unknown student was even afraid to approach the girl he liked. He first saw Irina at the bus stop, but did not dare to get to know each other. But then it turned out that they were studying at the same institute. And at the institute's disco, none other than Valery Meladze now became Irina’s partner in all the slow dances. The biography, the personal life of the singer from this moment has changed. Relations with the future wife developed rapidly, and in 1989 they were already married. In the early 90's, the couple had a daughter, Inga. Subsequently, two more daughters appeared in the family.

Of course, as in all families, quarrels broke out between husband and wife periodically, difficulties arose, initially related to a lack of money, and then to a lack of time. But in general, the pair of Valery and Irina from the side seemed happy.


Albina Dzhanabaeva and Valery Meladze: a mystery covered in darkness

The appearance of a new backing vocalist in the singer’s collective changed his life. At first, their relationship was exclusively professional, but the artistic backing vocalist immediately liked Valery Meladze, because he personally invited her to his group.

Almost no one knew about their relationship, and when two years later Albina became pregnant, it was unlikely that any of the outsiders understood whose child it was. Kostya was born in 2004. There was not a word in the press that Valery Meladze was his father. The biography, the family in which at that time occupied the most important place in the life of the singer, went on as usual.


Albina's maternity leave did not last long. After him, she entered the stage in another role: as a member of the group “VIA Gra”. It is clear that she has gained popularity. And questions related to who is the father of her son, the audience arose constantly. She claimed that she had a certain young man who was not related to the world of show business. He, in her words, was the father of Kostya.

Albina was a soloist in the VIA Gra group for 9 years. And all this time, despite close attention to the members of this collective, almost nobody knew about her real personal life.