
Valery Spiridonov: a head transplant. Who will be the donor?

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Valery Spiridonov: a head transplant. Who will be the donor?
Valery Spiridonov: a head transplant. Who will be the donor?

Video: What Happened to the Head Transplant? 2024, July

Video: What Happened to the Head Transplant? 2024, July

The only world celebrity in the small city of Vladimir is Valery Spiridonov. A head transplant, which the young man agreed to, made him very popular. Perhaps, all the leading editions of the planet wrote about the 30-year-old programmer. Although they were a little mistaken with the specialty. Coding never really interested a young man. Three-dimensional graphics - this is what Valery Spiridonov does. The transplantation of the head, which he will have, in fact, is not such. Rather, it is a transplant of the body.


Why did the young man need this complicated operation? Why has the world media been full of such a headline “Valery Spiridonov - Head Transplant” for the past few months?

The biography of a young man begins with the fact that he was born in 1984 in Vladimir. In 2006, Spiridonov graduated from the Stoletov VlSU, becoming a specialist in computer technology.

Valery never stood on his own feet in his life. The reason for this was Verding-Hoffman amotrophy - a rare genetic disease that prevents the muscles of the body from developing normally. They weaken and become non-functional. A tricycle was what Valery Spiridonov used instead of a wheelchair in childhood (a head transplant was not possible at that time). But twenty years ago, his leg muscles atrophied. And hands cannot lift anything heavier than two hundred grams. Therefore, the hero of this article always communicates on a mobile phone through the speakerphone, putting it on his right knee. To maintain balance in the chair, Valery has to throw one foot on the other. The weakening body and inner determination to give the disease the last fight made the young man famous throughout the world.



Every morning Spiridonov wakes up at about eight o’clock. For the whole day, his body "fused" with a chair does not get very tired. And the head is enough to restore 5-6 hours of sleep. It happens that Valery sees himself in a nightly daydream as absolutely healthy.

Although he could wake up later. At work, they do not expect him at nine, because the projects at Spiridonov are piece-work and do not require a personal presence in the office. Only in the days of collective meetings does he adapt to the general schedule, and usually Valery communicates with most colleagues on Skype. In general, Spiridonov’s daily routine depends on the availability and employment of voluntary assistants. Valera has several of these. Someone helps Spiridonov get out of bed, someone takes him to the bath, etc. Satisfying all his needs is connected with other people.

But the main assistant to Valery is mom. While he reads news on a smartphone in the morning, she cooks him breakfast. Victoria Viktorovna really wants her son to rest more. After all, the hero of this article allows himself to relax only once in two months. He does this because inaction is the shortest path to apathy. And in his position it is very easy to fall into it. Therefore, Spiridonov prefers to work. Work is his top priority.


Study start

18 months is the period during which Valery Spiridonov takes part in an experiment to fight for his life. A head transplant is not news for him for a long time. He regularly spoke on this subject with a surgeon from distant Turin named Sergio Canavero. Just until a certain time, only close people knew about it.


Valery practically does not leave his own apartment. On his low table are two monitors. Usually one is enough for work, and on the second a young man opens windows with news feeds, instant messengers, social networks or just watches another lecture on 3D graphics. Spiridonov is not a recluse, but observes the world around him, mainly through the windows of his own balcony. In warm weather, he periodically leaves there to bask.


Active life position

Valery Spiridonov is in the youth regional Duma. He also helps one of the MPs. Prior to this, Valery did the same for a member of the Public Chamber in Vladimir. Together with Nikita Berenov (best friend) Spiridonov went to Seliger. Valery really liked it. Beautiful girls, interesting lecturers, bonfires in the evenings. Although his friend initially did not want to attend the forum because of the political background. As it turned out, everything on Seliger was different.

In press

Sometimes they write about Valera in Vladimir newspapers. Usually this is due to the next raid of a group of wheelchair users. Together with assistants, they check the level of accessibility of the urban environment for people with disabilities. The route is planned in advance. And when a group moves from point A to point B, its members simultaneously try to go to a government agency, then to a pharmacy, or to a store. Local television channels sometimes cover such raids. Over the past few months, Vladimir editions have been publishing news with only one headline: “Valery Spiridonov - Head Transplant”. The photo of the hero of this article is usually displayed on the main page.

For five years of social activity, Spiridonov got used to publicity and increased attention. A disabled social activist became the center of attention of a small provincial town. He always thinks in public. Sometimes it even records them on a recorder for the purpose of subsequent analysis and work on errors.


Health status

Valery spent his whole life in an electric wheelchair. He never rose to his feet. A sturdy kapron belt that supports the torso in an upright position connects it with the stroller. Although in the case of Spiridonov this is not entirely possible. Valera's spine is curved in the form of a question mark, which leans to the right. But his bones are not affected by the disease. It's all about gravity. The muscles are not able to support the spine, and under the force of gravity it simply bends.

Crucial moment

June 22, 2013 is the date when the hero of this article found out that an operation to transplant a person’s head is possible. Valery Spiridonov had breakfast in the kitchen in front of the TV that day. He drank black coffee. The leader’s words almost did not penetrate Valery’s consciousness. The young man was completely focused on a plastic cup. He took it by the handle, brought it to his mouth, but could not tilt the mug properly for a sip. Therefore, I had to throw my head back and pour coffee directly into my throat. A weak neck did not allow the head to immediately return to its original position. Valery drank to the bottom, put the cup on the table and abruptly leaned forward with his whole body. Only then did he manage to give the vertebra a vertical position. At some point, through the announcer's mumbling, he heard: "A transplantation of the human head has become possible." Valery Spiridonov completely turned his attention to the TV.


A head transplant is possible!

Sergio Canavero (Italian neurosurgeon) was broadcasting from the screen. He said that in the near future an operation to transplant a person’s head would become commonplace. He has everything he needs for such an experiment. After all, limbs have been sewn for many years. And the head is essentially the same. There are several nuances and difficulties in the process of conducting the operation, but all of them will be resolved in the near future.

Willingness to experiment

Valery approached the matter in detail. Spiridonov ate breakfast. Then, with the fingers of his left hand, he bowed the joystick-manipulator of the stroller and drove into his room. Fifteen minutes later, Valery was already writing a message to the Italian neurosurgeon, declaring his willingness to experiment.


Operation Details

According to Canavero’s calculations, transplantation will last 36 hours. At the same time, about 150 specialists (both doctors and nurses) will be involved in it. The total cost of the operation will be approximately 10 million euros.

Valery and his donor will be simultaneously cut off their heads from the spinal cord with a sharp scalpel. Next, the patient’s head will be connected to a new body using polyethylene glycol. This substance "sticks together" both ends of the spinal cord. Then the surgeons will sew blood vessels and muscles. Then Spiridonov will be introduced into a coma for a month. This is necessary so that the patient is completely immobilized during the healing process.

Theoretically, after awakening, Valery will be able to move, feel his own face and speak with his voice. To avoid rejection, strong immunosuppressants will be given to him. In the event of a successful outcome of the operation, thousands of disabled and paralyzed people will have hope for a full life.
