
Vasily Moroz: biography of the famous livestock specialist

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Vasily Moroz: biography of the famous livestock specialist
Vasily Moroz: biography of the famous livestock specialist

On January 10, 2019, the outstanding scientist, academician Vasily Andreevich Moroz, did not become. He was a well-known Soviet and Russian livestock specialist, doctor of agricultural sciences, was a talented high-level specialist in the field of goat breeding and sheep breeding. We will tell about the life and scientific activities of a respected citizen of their country and a beloved teacher in the article.


Vasily Andreevich Moroz was born in Dagestan Kizlyar on 10/12/1937. The childhood of the future scientist fell on the tragic military and difficult post-war years, due to which qualities such as responsibility, amazing stamina and love of life were formed in him.

Vasily Andreyevich did not remember his father - he died at the front at the very beginning of the war. Also, my sister and brother died of starvation. In June 1943, the boy and his mother went on foot from Kizlyar to the village of Kievka, Stavropol Territory, where his dispossessed grandmother and grandfather lived.

In Kiev, Vasily graduated from seven classes of an elementary school, and then went to the city of Prokhladny to study at the Tersk agricultural technical school.


Moving to Stavropol

After graduating from college with honors, the young man decided to go to Stavropol to go to college. There was no money for a ticket, and he was forced to get to the city in a coal carriage. Once at the Stavropol train station, he fell asleep right on the bench, next to the tramps.

In the morning, a policeman woke up a graduate, who wanted to pick him up in the department. Vasily told him his story, after which the policeman relented and even bought a guy a bus ticket to the agricultural institute. The rector, who saw the future student, was also at first skeptical of him, but thanks to the intervention of the party committee secretary, Moroz was still taken to the university.

Institute Vasily also graduated with honors. During my studies I went to my native Kievka several times for summer practice. There he was going to work on distribution, but received an offer from the chairman of the collective farm to them. Lenin Victor Chesnyak take the post of chief livestock specialist. This somewhat puzzled Frost, he asked for a more modest post, but Chesnyak insisted on his own.

Work on the collective farm

As the main livestock specialist of the Stavropol collective farm. Vasily Andreyevich Lenina worked for twenty-six years: from 1961 to 1987. And these, perhaps, were the most fruitful years in his life. The collective farm received the status of a breeding factory of all-Union significance and became one of the best farms in the Stavropol Territory. The number of sheep reached seventy thousand; in addition, Frost raised birds, pigs, cows, horses and even camels. With the participation and under the guidance of zootechnics, a flock of Stavropol breed sheep, outstanding in productivity and breeding importance, was created.


During his work on the collective farm, Vasily Moroz managed to finish postgraduate studies in absentia and defend his dissertation. In June 1983, for their achievements in breeding animals and the development of sheep breeding, as well as for fulfilling plans for the production of wool, livestock specialists were awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor with the award of the Sickle and Hammer medal and the Order of Lenin.

Further activities

In 1987, Vasily Andreevich Moroz became the first doctor of agricultural sciences in the Soviet Union to defend his dissertation specifically on the topic of sheep husbandry. In the same year, he left the collective farm and took the post of head of the All-Union Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Breeding in Stavropol. The Institute was headed by seventeen years, until 2004.

Despite the new position, the livestock specialist did not lose touch with his native economy. In 1993, under his leadership on the collective farm to them. Manych merino, a new breed of fine-fleeced sheep, was bred Lenin.


In 2004, Vasily Moroz joined the Stavropol Agrarian University as a professor in the department of sheep breeding. At this post, he trained more than five hundred highly qualified specialists for the agricultural sector of the economy. Now his students are successfully working not only in the Stavropol Territory, but also in Altai, Kalmykia, Buryatia, the Saratov Region, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia and Ukraine.


With the direct participation of Vasily Moroz, five new sheep breeds were bred in our country in the Altai and Stavropol and Altai territories. He is the author of more than four hundred scientific works, including two university textbooks. Under the supervision of a scientist, about forty dissertations were defended, of which nine were doctoral.

Vasily Andreevich traveled to more than thirty countries and became his among the best breeders of Uruguay, Australia and Argentina. Over the years, he showed and proved that domestic sheep breeding can be better than in the world centers of this industry.

Over his life, the academician has been awarded many high awards. He was awarded four orders, twenty-two medals and sixteen insignia.
