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Military unit 10003: location, secret techniques, employees and military personnel. Training on the methodology of military unit 10003: reviews

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Military unit 10003: location, secret techniques, employees and military personnel. Training on the methodology of military unit 10003: reviews
Military unit 10003: location, secret techniques, employees and military personnel. Training on the methodology of military unit 10003: reviews

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Video: SAP Material Master Process Part 1 2024, July

How to improve the quality of life and reveal your inner abilities? How to accelerate the achievement of the goal and learn to make the right decisions? How to get rid of fear, irritation and anxiety? Find the answers to these questions will help a special technique used by the intellectual club "Team 10003".


How it all began?

The collapse of the Soviet Union and the years of perestroika for many became a period of collapse and timelessness. On foreign policy, the post-Soviet countries increasingly felt the hostile influence of NATO and the United States of America. Collaborating with the Central Intelligence Agency, the Pentagon in the Stargate program has been actively developing psi-attack technologies that make it possible to exert an energy-informational effect on the enemy. They got the name Brain Wars.

Until the 1980s, the Soviet Union also conducted its research in the field of supernatural possibilities, but they were not systematic. The collapse of the USSR and the need to protect the head of state from Western psi attacks led to intensive development by the Soviet secret services of extrasensory capabilities of man. The government and the Ministry of Defense needed a super-elite - people with phenomenal abilities.

First result

After the collapse of the USSR, one of the tasks of the overseas Stargate program was to incite hostility between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China. The result of the conflict provoked by the American military psychics would be bloodless Russia and weakened China, which could ultimately end in a global nuclear missile war. The Kremlin officers-parapsychologists were able to prevent this.


Why was military unit 10003 created?

At the initiative of the Chief of the General Staff, Army General Mikhail Moiseyev, military unit No. 10003 was formed in 1989. Since then, an active confrontation has begun in the field of the subconscious between the USA and the USSR. This military unit was formed in order to assist in solving many specific problems. The head of state confrontation programs with a likely adversary in the field of the psychosphere was a distinguished military specialist, a prominent anthropophenomenologist, Lieutenant General A. Yu. Savin.


Employees and military personnel of military unit 10003, using their phenomenal abilities, worked in four directions:

  1. They prevented emergencies, searched for missing people, criminals, weapons and ammunition depots, aircraft and ships, and treated wounded and sick soldiers.

  2. They analyzed the psi-war programs from NATO and the USA.

  3. We worked on the creation of our own methods of energy-informational influence.

  4. They developed the intuitive and intellectual abilities of “special operators” - top-level analysts whose capabilities were much more effective than that of mediums and telepaths.

The military unit was engaged in the formation of officers extraordinary creative potential and extrasensory abilities. Specially in the group of Savin, psychics were not recruited.

Who developed psychotechnics in the USSR?

The methodology in military unit 10003 was based on various achievements in the field of supernatural Siberian, Tibetan, Altai and Asian cultures. Diversified research and academic institutions: the Big and Medical Academies of Sciences of the Soviet Union, the Ministry of Defense and Industry, Moscow State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, the Institutes of Philosophy and Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and others were engaged in the analysis and creation of energy-information exposure techniques. The employees of these organizations carried out their part of the research without any idea about who they work for. This is due to the fact that the activities of military unit 10003 were classified. As a result, in a short period of time, the military leadership of the USSR possessed the necessary information about the advantages and vulnerabilities of psi-programs of the countries of the West and the USA.

Team leader

The military unit 10003 was a staff of ten people with extraordinary thinking and the ability to military craft. The head of the unit, doctor of philosophical and technical sciences, a military specialist Savin Aleksey Yuryevich went from being a cadet of the Black Sea College named after P.S. Nakhimov to the lieutenant general of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In 1989, he began to head military unit 10003. General Savin A. Yu. Became the developer of a new non-traditional program for combat training and training of elite special forces of the Russian Federation. The complex science created by this person - noocosmology - synthesized the achievements of many disciplines.

Savin became the organizer of work to solve the problem of determining the nature of human capabilities. He created a unique technique for revealing the extraordinary abilities of people, which was subsequently introduced into the troops. Thanks to Savin, mass training of servicemen and, later, civilians, including children and the elderly, was begun in the USSR. Aleksei Yuryevich substantiated theoretically and proved in practice that for any person who is normal by nature, without special problems, real superpowers open and develop.


How is the part organized?

Military unit 10003 had the highest level of secrecy. Even the ministers of defense did not know anything about the work of Colonel Savin’s department. Only the chief of the General Staff of the Russian Federation, Army General Mikhail Moiseev, was aware of the activities of the unit, and he had a subordinate to the head of military unit 10003.

Secret techniques made it possible to develop great abilities in a person. Significant funds were required for their development and implementation. The chief of the General Staff at the disposal of A. Savin was allocated an office apartment. The premises were equipped with government communications and equipment necessary for the research work of employees of military unit 10003. The headquarters location in those days was the metro station Kropotkinskaya. Later, the head of the unit acquired other reference points - various headquarters, research institutes, military and civilian institutions.


This issue was dealt with by the active patron of the group Savina, Minister of Finance of the USSR Valentin Pavlov. To finance military unit 10003, a secret program was specially developed, according to which each year the state allocated four million dollars for research work. According to the established and secret scheme, transfers were carried out until 2003.

What was the idea of ​​the Savin method?

Contrary to the prevailing opinion that not everyone possesses extrasensory abilities, the head of military unit 10003 proved the opposite: any normal person after a training course could develop unique capabilities. The courses, through which hundreds of officers passed, were carried out in closed military educational institutions. Training on the methodology of military unit 10003 yielded its first results: cadets memorized a significant amount of information, operated on large numbers in their minds. In addition to increased brain performance, officers, without harm to their health, developed unique body capabilities hidden for an ordinary unprepared person. The cadets increased resistance to external mechanical stress, which made it possible to use it in extreme conditions.


Achievements of military psychics

In the first years of the group’s activities, employees of military unit 10003 received extrasensory information about the upcoming explosion at a nuclear facility in Glasgow. It remains unclear where the threat comes from. The danger to the British could be a nuclear warhead and a power plant. Reported on time to Western experts, information about a possible explosion prevented an environmental disaster in Europe.

Also, employees of military unit 10003 predicted an earthquake that occurred in Kamchatka. In addition, they developed their own version of the conflict resolution in the Caucasus. Unfortunately, B. Yeltsin did not use the recommendations of the employees, which led to the military crisis in Chechnya. Arriving in the Caucasus, Colonel Savin identified with the subordinates of military unit 10003 the location of the command centers of Chechen fighters, helped to conduct interrogations. The group assessed the situation and predicted future events.

As a result of the effective two-year work of military unit 10003 on the conflict in the Caucasus, its status has increased. Since 1997, the military unit of Colonel Savin, which was considered a branch of the General Staff, received the status of a special department. The leader himself was promoted.


End of project

The military unit of General Savin worked for 15 years. In 2000, the process of declassifying certain provisions of the methodology began, with their gradual adaptation to civilian life. Now they began to be applied not only in law enforcement agencies, but also in educational institutions and private entrepreneurial structures. In 2003, by special order of military unit 10003, it was liquidated, and its commander resigned. So the work of the secret project, created at the most critical moment for the country, was completed. Psychic officers saved the state from inevitable ruin and collapse, and their numerous discoveries in the field of phenomenal became the basis for psychological training.

Psychological training “Team – A”

The author's technique of A. Savin proved its effectiveness during the Cold War. The results obtained during the activities of military unit 10003 formed the basis of the psychological training “Team-A”, which is conducted by Alexei Savin. The technique is based on the inner intellectual potential of a person, on his desire for self-improvement. Training through self-concentration makes it possible to activate intuitive abilities and expand the horizon of internal vision, as a result of which a person can easily and quickly achieve his goal.

Stages of Learning and Limitations

Training consists of several main parts:

  • Master Class. Acquisition of basic skills.

  • Self-improvement by comprehending the information received about the philosophy of the universe.

  • Workshops.

As for the restrictions, they are as follows:

  1. People with mental disabilities are not allowed to attend the courses.

  2. In the adult class, the presence of children is prohibited.

  3. When working with a children's group, the presence of a parent is allowed.

  4. It is forbidden to record courses.

  5. It is undesirable to use tablets, phones and laptops during the training.


What can you learn after attending the course?

Specialists under the leadership of A. Savin achieved high results in training law enforcement officers, special services and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as civilians who were trained by the methodology of military unit 10003. A person who attends courses acquires many useful skills:

  • He is able to create a psychological portrait of a person using his photo, personal items, initials, handwriting or painting. Also carry out a health diagnosis.

  • An individual is able to determine the psychological state of both an individual person and the whole team.

  • Reveals the hidden goals of the enemy.

  • He is able to find reserves of strength in the performance of professional duties.

  • A person is able to predict and correctly assess life situations.

  • Heals with hands or eyes.

  • Can develop creative abilities: to operate with extensive information flows or numbers, to write scientific works.