
Milestone is not only a dangerous plant

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Milestone is not only a dangerous plant
Milestone is not only a dangerous plant

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Video: Injection Methods for Controlling Albizia 2024, July

Poisonous plants are an integral part of the surrounding nature. The presence of toxins in them is an evolutionary process to protect against natural enemies. Some poisonous plants cause only a slight malaise, while others are deadly and can kill in seconds. One of these is cicuta - it is also a milestone - the grass of the umbelliferous family. It is very similar to parsley, not only externally, but also by smell.


a brief description of

Milestone is a perennial plant (unlike parsley) from the umbrella family. The height can reach 150 centimeters. Cicuta has a rounded hollow stem branching from above, and hollow internodes. Below are long accessory rhizomes. The root system itself is vertical. The rhizome is fleshy, with weak roots, so it is very easy to pull it out of the ground.

Petiole leaves have double or triple pinnate dissection, the edges of the lanceolate lobes are sharp. The milestone flowers are dense, umbrellas have 10-20 rays. On the shoot several flower-bearing umbrellas can be located. Flowering begins from mid-summer - in July-August.

In appearance, the milestone resembles another plant - hemlock. But if you carefully consider the photo, the poisonous milestone has a clearly noticeable difference. There are no brown spots and powdery deposits on the lower part of its stem.

Distribution and growth

Cicuta is a frost-resistant plant. However, it does not grow in regions with a small amount of rainfall - the most common milestone is observed in forest-steppe areas in moist meadows, swampy shores, and in shallow waters. The plant can be found in China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Japan, Korea, Siberia, Southwest Asia, the Caucasus and the Far East, in European countries.


Plant poison

As already mentioned, a milestone is a poisonous plant. It contains cycutotoxin. The milestone is most poisonous in spring and autumn - the concentration of toxin reaches a maximum. The greatest accumulation of cycutotoxin in the rhizomes, in smaller doses - in the leaves of the flowers and stem.

The poison belongs to poisonous alcohols, a fatal outcome occurs due to severe poisoning of the central nervous system. Its chemical formula is C 17 H 22 O 2. It is a non-competitive antagonist of gamma-aminobutyric acid, which takes part in the neurotransmitter and metabolic processes of the brain.

The first signs of poisoning and relief

The poison that contains the milestone is a very dangerous toxin. It is enough to accidentally eat several stems or leaves - severe poisoning occurs. The first signs of poisoning appear in the first minutes after ingestion.

First of all, there is a general malaise, then there is a severe headache, dizziness, increased salivation, then nausea and vomiting. After some time, the poisoned person faints, and seizures begin. Duration and frequency depend on the amount of toxin ingested. Paralysis of the nervous system and respiratory tract occurs. Death most often occurs within an hour.


If there is a suspicion that a milestone has entered the body along with food, this means that urgent measures must be taken in order to prevent further exposure of the toxin to the body. It is necessary to rinse the stomach with a solution of potassium permanganate. Be sure to drink activated charcoal 5-10 tablets (depending on the weight of the victim). Cleansing enemas are also necessary, and inside - liquid jelly in large quantities. The victim must be taken to a medical facility as soon as possible.

The composition of the substances contained in the plant

In addition to cycutotoxin, the plant contains many other substances. Flavonoids - isoramnetin and quercetin are present in it. As well as an essential oil that contains cycutol and non-toxic substances - pinene and phyllandrene. All these substances are used in pharmacology and various chemical industries.


The use of cyclutes in medicine

Despite the fact that the plant is poisonous, it is used for the manufacture of medicines for the treatment of cancer, epilepsy and skin diseases. A poisonous milestone is also used as a sedative - reviews indicate that in certain quantities the body has a sedative effect. In homeopathy, cicut is used in the treatment of migraines, tetanus spasms, whooping cough, bronchial asthma, gout, rheumatism.