
Velta Kalnberzina - wife of Zadornov: biography, children

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Velta Kalnberzina - wife of Zadornov: biography, children
Velta Kalnberzina - wife of Zadornov: biography, children

Video: Train travel in Russia - From Moscow to Magadan 2024, June

Video: Train travel in Russia - From Moscow to Magadan 2024, June

Over the centuries and in time, not only the names of great cultural figures remain, but also the names of those who were considered such by the close and countless hordes of fans and admirers. In the world of Russian show business and directly humor, there are those who go through life hand in hand with their chosen ones, making them available to the public, recognizable. Simply put, its integral part.


The name Velta Kalnberzina is now widely heard by many, because in the light of recent events regarding the death of the great satirist and comedian, poet and actor Mikhail Zadornov, she simply could not go unnoticed. Today we would like to talk about the wife of a great man, to tell the reader about her biography and everything that she does not hide from anyone.

Velta Yanovna Kalnberzina: childhood

Velta was born in Latvia, in a city called Jurmala, in 1948 in the family of a famous politician. By the way, the girl received such a name not by accident, because from ancient times its meaning was interpreted as a “gift”. For the family, this was really so, because the girl had absolutely no worries: she was drawn to knowledge, was executive, hardworking and cheerful. At the age of 7, Velta Kalnberzina went to the elementary school of her city, where she showed good abilities, was among those distinguished by teachers.


It is worth noting the fact that a good education and the right attitude to the process of obtaining knowledge were largely instilled in the child precisely in the family, where with great pleasure in the evenings books of classical literature were read aloud or global issues of politics, history and culture were discussed.

Fateful school meeting

As a schoolgirl, Velta Kalnberzina met and made friends very quickly with Mikhail Zadornov. Young people always supported each other and looked in the same direction, which made them very close and did not let them get bored. Subsequently, such a community of interests and many points of contact in almost everything served as the reason for the generation of warm feelings between Mikhail and Velta. By the way, young people graduated from the final grades of Riga secondary school No. 10 together. Perhaps because of close friendship, and perhaps precisely because they were identical in their views on life, in 1966 Kalnberzina and Zadornov entered the Latvian State University.

Higher education

Velta Janovna Kalnberzina chose the Faculty of Foreign Philology at the University of Latvia. Already in 1972, she continued her own cultivation and entered the Moscow State University, where she later even graduated from graduate school.


Since 1995, the future wife of Mikhail Zadornov began to work within the walls of Moscow State University as a professor of philological sciences. In this educational institution, Velta Kalnberzina’s entire conscious life passed, the process of building her career, which she was especially proud of. We can say that in the case of her - this is a wonderful combination of circumstances, a good arrangement of stars and everything else. Velta loves her work very much and truly values ​​it. Each time, touching on the topic of her professional activity, Kalnberzina notes this and braggingly boasts of success.

World level of knowledge

It is worth saying that the professional activities of Zadornov’s wife, Velta Kalnberzina, are not limited to working directly within the walls of Moscow State University. A woman very often travels to Oxford, Cambridge and other educational institutions of world significance in order to conduct seminars, lectures or simply improve her own qualifications in philology and other areas of personal activity.


Each time she seriously prepares for trips, anticipating a meeting with educated people and promising students. To date, she has a huge number of scientific works: dissertations, dissertations, master's and master's theses. Velta Yanovna's favorite topics have been and remain: poetry, literature, the art of translation, and more. By the way, many of her scientific developments touch upon precisely these topics, in which, without a doubt, Velte Kalnberzina simply has no equal.

Personal life

As for the biography of Velta Kalnberzina, the girl from her school bench determined her fate regarding amorous affairs. From a young age she had good feelings for the future famous satirist - Mikhail Zadornov. However, the young man had to fight for her hand. This is due to the fact that the girl’s father was a politician, and Zadornov had an ordinary family and unremarkable parents.


By the way, at first, the relationship between Mikhail and Velta was positioned as friendship, and then gradually mutual assistance and understanding grew into love, which the couple was able to maintain throughout their jointly lived family life. It is worth noting that at a time when young people had already decided to tie their lives together, Mikhail had to go to the army to give his civic duty to his homeland. He served in the flight forces while Velta faithfully waited for her chosen one and already planned their joint future in Moscow. After Mikhail returned from the army, Velta Zadornova (maiden name Kalnberzin) became the first and only official wife of the popular satirist and comedian.

How, after parting, to maintain a good relationship?

Recently, more precisely over the past 20 years, another woman, Elena Bombina, has been noticed in the company of a famous comedian. She became the common-law wife of Michael and lived with him all the last years of her life. A daughter appeared in this union, while Velta Yanovna Kalnberzina did not have children. Women never knew each other and preferred to pretend that they were completely unaware of the existence of their counterpart. Velta and Mikhail were so close and so incredibly similar in everything that, even after parting, they were able to maintain excellent friendships and communicated until the famous satirist passed away.
