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Spring exhibition "Rook". Exhibition and Sale "Rook"

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Spring exhibition "Rook". Exhibition and Sale "Rook"
Spring exhibition "Rook". Exhibition and Sale "Rook"

Video: Rook 180 Episode 8 -- Robotech 30th Anniversary Blind Box Collection 2024, June

Video: Rook 180 Episode 8 -- Robotech 30th Anniversary Blind Box Collection 2024, June

The Rook exhibition is an excellent example of the revival of folk traditions and crafts. Russia has always been famous for its craftsmen, who brought glory to it earlier, and bring it now. Masters of folk art inculcate interest in the culture of the ancestors of youth and help preserve ancient traditions in our time.

History of Russian fairs


The exhibition-boat “Rook” is an “echo” of the traditions of the ancient Slavs, who gathered for “torzhki” in the center of large villages and later monasteries. Peasants offered surplus rural products for sale, and artisans and craftsmen boasted of their goods that were useful in the household or able to decorate rural dwellings.

Already in those days it was customary to exchange goods or sell them, but the concept of "fair" came to Russia only in the 14th century, when large bids covered not only nearby villages, but also entire provinces. It was from fairs that the tradition of booths and merry-go-rounds appeared, and fair days were considered a holiday, for which they prepared ahead of time.

Contemporary crafts fairs

The exhibition of crafts "Rook" is held twice a year - in winter and spring. Its main goal is the return of the Russian people to its origins, which is best revealed in the work of craftsmen.

The main platform is in Moscow, where masters from all over Russia come together. They represent either entire collectives of enterprises manufacturing handicrafts, or themselves and their work.


The modern exhibition “Rook” sets itself several goals:

  1. Introduces the population and guests of the capital with the work of the Russian people, carefully preserved by modern craftsmen.

  2. Carries out the sale of products of masters, thereby supporting financially popular enthusiasts.

  3. It helps children and adults to “plunge” into the world of folk art and to try, under the guidance of an experienced master, to create traditional Russian household items and jewelry. This makes it possible to interest young people in the history of the country through creativity.

  4. Allows masters from all over Russia to exchange experiences and bring new ideas and inspiration so that the next spring exhibition Rook is even brighter and more interesting.

Thanks to talented and caring people, modern youth can touch, in the literal sense of the word, their sources.

Folk crafts

The creativity of the people is what remains for centuries in its history. The support of folk crafts and their development gives a chance that through the next generations the skills of the ancestors will be inherited by their descendants.

The Rook exhibition presents more than 500 collectives and craftsmen from 28 regions of the country. These people have not only talent, but also the desire to share it with others.

At the fair, masters in felting and painting fabrics, artistic wood carvings, lace weaving, metal and glass processing, bone carving, embroidery and much more present their works.


All works can not only be seen, but also bought or at least held in hands. Competitions are held for the guests of the fair, which further attract people to what is happening.

Porcelain "sensation"

Traditionally, the exhibition sale "Rook" represents teams that create real masterpieces from porcelain. These are truly unique works that were performed in single copies, so guests who have bought tea or coffee sets from the Gardner Manufactory know that they are rare owners.

Even Catherine II preferred porcelain of Verbilov masters. Their traditions are preserved today. The finest porcelain is only 1.5 mm thick painted by masters of miniature porcelain.


The "competitor" of Verbilov’s masters - the Dulevo Porcelain Factory — issues graceful figurines that ask for shelves and can decorate any home. All works are performed according to traditional methods, relying on the experience of old masters.

As a basis, young craftsmen take the work of the authors of the last century or are inspired by modern pictures of everyday life.

Bone, wood and metal carvers

Another category of pavilions that cannot be passed by is works of art by wood, bone and metal carvers. The work is carried out according to old methods and manually.

Representatives of the Nizhny Novgorod Region present to the guests of the fair varnava carved bone. The work is so skillfully and gracefully done that it is difficult to take your eyes off it. The whole process of cutting bone is done manually, with the same tools that the old masters worked with. Of course, each master has his own cutting technique, but the subtlety and complexity of the work can hardly be overestimated.

The same applies to the works of wood carvers, which present guests with original toys, wooden utensils and much more. The Rook exhibition provides an opportunity to purchase a toy you like and please your child with something that you can’t buy even in the most expensive children's store.

Original fabric items and embroidery

There are always a lot of women in the clothes pavilion, and it’s understandable why. Unique embroidered tablecloths, shirts, handmade dresses are presented in a single copy, which makes them even more valuable in the eyes of the fair sex. Buying a thing that no one else will have is a great opportunity to emphasize your taste. And for the craftswomen, this is a chance to make a "name" for themselves and get their fans.

Shuy craftswomen are famous for their ability to sew stitched embroidered linen clothes. Their models are distinguished by the simplicity and grace that real fashionistas value so much.


Kadomsky Veniza is a famous enterprise, formerly called Awakening, which is famous for its needle embroideries, which compete with the Venetian lace. Buying their products is a great gift for yourself or your loved ones.

Works by craftswomen from Torzhok enjoy the same success. Their linen products, combining ancient traditions and modern trends, are unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.


Ethnic Creativity

Jewelry is something that has always been in demand. The exhibition "Rook" (reviews of its guests confirm this) provides an opportunity to get to know better the ethnic creativity of the Russian people.

Thus, Scythian jewelry made in the old style will become the pride of any collection. The combination of natural materials with modern metals, as well as leather and suede products attract fashionistas of any age.

Designer jewelry is in great demand due to its unusualness, originality and uniqueness. Each item from silver, ornamental stones or glass is unique. Hand-crafted silk brooches made by author will not leave indifferent lovers of unusual and beautiful jewelry.

"City of masters"

One of the most visited places at the fair is the “City of Masters”, where everyone can try themselves in different types of crafts. The Rook exhibition provides an opportunity for masters to share their skills and find followers.

In ancient times, craftsmen of their apprentices found this way and passed on the secrets of craftsmanship to future generations. A guest of the fair can also, having tried himself in some business, fall in love with him forever and become a master. This is one of the goals of the organizers of the exhibition - the development of folk crafts as the preservation of the history of the Russian people.

Rook Fairs are held not only in the capital, but also in other cities. For example, the exhibition “Ufa-Rook” introduces the youth of Bashkiria to the study of their history through the hands of craftsmen. In the “City of Masters” in Ufa, guests can learn silk painting or wood painting. It's so nice - to bring home a personally painted board for cutting vegetables or poppies.

In all cities where the fair takes place, it enjoys the same interest among the population. This gives hope that more and more people will begin to engage in the work of their great-grandfathers.