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Do you know what language is spoken in Brazil?

Do you know what language is spoken in Brazil?
Do you know what language is spoken in Brazil?

Video: Why Do Brazilians Speak Portuguese And Not Spanish? 2024, July

Video: Why Do Brazilians Speak Portuguese And Not Spanish? 2024, July

What kind of associations does your country have in Brazil? Of course, this is football, this is a carnival and series. Brazil is the largest country in South America by area. Familiarity with this colorful country must begin with the language.

What language is spoken in Brazil

Experts estimate that in Brazil there are about 170 languages ​​and dialects. So what language is spoken in Brazil? The officially recognized language is Portuguese. This is the only state in America whose inhabitants speak Portuguese. The fact is that until the beginning of the 19th century, Portugal was the metropolis of Brazil. In the era of colonization, the territory of modern Brazil was ruled by the Portuguese, so the local population was forced to learn the Portuguese language. The only difference is that Brazilians use


Portuguese specifically. They have their own dialect, and in different states of Brazil have their own characteristics of Portuguese.

How the Portuguese language originated in Brazil

The birth of the Portuguese language in Brazil is considered to be 1530, when small settlements of the Portuguese appeared on the shores of the New World. The Indians - the indigenous people of Brazil - spoke the many languages ​​of their many tribes. Naturally, the new and old residents did not understand each other, so a language appeared, which was called "lungua-zheral", which became a transitional language. This language has become common in Brazil. What the visiting Portuguese speak, the Aborigines began to speak such. They began to learn from each other some words, and as a result, a language was obtained that was understandable and convenient for everyone. After all, before this, each tribe had its own language, and even the natives themselves did not always understand each other. Over time, Native American and African languages ​​were supplanted by Portuguese. Why is true Portuguese different from Brazilian Portuguese? Because European Portuguese developed under the influence of the languages ​​of the French, Spanish and English, and in the Brazilian version of Portuguese forever


words from the languages ​​of the Indians and Africans were repeated.

What language is spoken in Brazil today

Today, Brazil is considered a multilingual country, in addition to the official Portuguese, the native languages ​​Nyengatu, Tucano, Boniva are also preserved. These languages ​​are considered the second official languages ​​in the state of Amazonas. There are Indian tribes who do not even know what language they speak in Brazil, because they always spoke only in their native dialect. True, there are less than one percent of such residents. There are immigrant languages ​​in Brazil brought from European and Asian countries. They are represented by German, Italian and Slavic. Also in major th


childbirth you can hear Chinese and Japanese speech. Sometimes geography teachers provoke students with the question: "In such a large country like Brazil, what language do they speak?" Some answer that in Brazilian. This is partly true, because the language of Brazilians is multifaceted and interesting, like their country. But in fact it would be more correct to say: "Brazilian Portuguese." Such a language differs from the original at the level of phonetics and vocabulary.