
Types of subsidies for small business development entrepreneurs

Types of subsidies for small business development entrepreneurs
Types of subsidies for small business development entrepreneurs

Video: Financing Options for Small Businesses: Crash Course Entrepreneurship #16 2024, July

Video: Financing Options for Small Businesses: Crash Course Entrepreneurship #16 2024, July

Small business is the most vulnerable type of entrepreneurship, while it plays one of the main roles in the formation of a stable market economy of the country and needs the support of the state. The statistics on the closure of small businesses indicates that, unfortunately, all the necessary conditions for its existence and development have not yet been created in Russia.

Support programs are just beginning to be developed, but they are not well thought out and are not able to at least partially satisfy existing needs.


2013 was no exception in maintaining the country's active population. To date, state support for small businesses is expressed in the implementation of several assistance programs. Among them:

  • cash subsidies;

  • educational assistance;

  • the provision of internships;

  • preferential leasing program;

  • provision of office space for a nominal fee;

  • the possibility of obtaining preferential or free accounting and legal support;

  • free (or on a preferential basis) participation in fairs;

  • opportunity to get a grant.

In 2013, subsidies for entrepreneurs can also be obtained through the Employment Center. The conditions are the same: you must register as unemployed, express your desire to open your own business, develop a business plan, protect it and receive a development amount of up to 300 thousand rubles.


Financial assistance should include not only subsidies for individual entrepreneurs, but also the possibility of obtaining fixed assets under preferential leasing programs. The maximum amount of assistance is 5 million rubles, but at the same time it cannot exceed 30% of the cost. In order to receive a certificate for a subsidy, you must fill out an application in person or use the electronic form. Collect a complete package of documents, which includes an extract from the OGRUL, a business plan of the project, a copy of the leasing agreement, etc. Obtaining this type of assistance for a small business is a significant help for the enterprise to go swimming.

In addition to subsidies for entrepreneurs, knowledge is needed in various fields of activity, without which any undertaking can be safely called into question. On the basis of special centers, a system has been created for training those who wish to engage in their own business and existing young entrepreneurs. Lectures and training seminars are held almost every day. It is interesting that anyone can come there. To attend classes, you must write a statement giving the organizers the right to process your personal information, confirm the right to individual entrepreneurs or submit a certificate from the place of work.


Many entrepreneurs, beginning and with experience, do not use the opportunity to receive subsidies for entrepreneurs just because they simply do not know about such an opportunity. When paying taxes to the state, it is necessary to receive something in return from it. Even before you start doing business, you need to collect all the information on small business support centers and have a clear idea of ​​where and what kind of help you can get.