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Victor in abbreviation: the meaning of the name, a short and affectionate appeal

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Victor in abbreviation: the meaning of the name, a short and affectionate appeal
Victor in abbreviation: the meaning of the name, a short and affectionate appeal

Video: Identity, Values, and Democracy: What Does the West Stand For? 2024, June

Video: Identity, Values, and Democracy: What Does the West Stand For? 2024, June

Everyone knows that a name is of great importance in a person’s life and, undoubtedly, influences fate. Parents give us the name that, perhaps, connected them with a loved one, our grandparents, or, as often happens, they want to emphasize the identity of their baby. In our article, we will consider in detail the meaning and origin of the name Victor. In abbreviation, affectionately, briefly, with the translation of the name into foreign languages ​​of the world: all this and much more you will find in this material.


The origin and meaning of the name

The name “Victor” is of Latin origin, translated from the ancient language means “winner”. The most important and distinguishing feature of Victor is that he cannot imagine his life without family ties. He is very attached to his family, it means a lot to him, she is his soul and the Universe.

He is not a very active person, but it is difficult to call him passive, he is punctual and very hardworking. A beloved woman can twist ropes from him, but with her unloved wife, Victor will not miss a single beauty. During the period of fatigue, Victor is especially unbearable, but, thanks to his natural charm, relatives and friends are ready to forgive him everything in the world.

What is Victor's short name? Of course, this is a well-known fact, for no one it will be neither a secret nor a secret. The boundary between the full and abbreviated name is mobile and inconstant. So, Victor is Vitya, he is Vitya, Vitek, Vitasik, Vityusha.

As a child, Vitya-Vityunya is a pretty playful small, but mostly kind and very gullible boy. His head is filled with ideas and all kinds of fantasies, the task of the parents of such a small dreamer is to teach him to combine his airy ideas with the sound laws of logic, otherwise he will not be able to realize his plans in adulthood.

Adult Victor, abbreviated as Vitek, is a man of hot temper and rather explosive temperament. He will be hard pressed to experience his failures, and deception committed by a loved one will be a tragedy for him. But there is one feature in Victor’s character, he, like the Phoenix bird, is able to rise from the ashes, so no matter how hard the blow prepared for him, Victor is able to straighten his shoulders and start all over again.

He is usually smart, witty and very ironic. A lover of women who loves to drink, Mendelssohn's waltz can be heard several times in his life. Demanding on his children, although a very caring father, is happy to do household chores. Beloved wife without a twinge of conscience will be given the place of head of the family. Not a vindictive person, but very persistent, sometimes able to go to the intended goal ahead.


Briefly and affectionately

The first thing a person receives at birth, which he hears most often in life, is his own name. He goes through life with him, it connects him with his family, close people and friends. The name of each person is a tiny part of the history of mankind.

But why and how do short names appear? It has been so since ancient times, everything goes back to childhood. Is it possible, looking at a one-year-old baby with pink heels and porridge on his chin, to call him Victor? In short, and most importantly, affectionately and gently, I want to call him “Vitya, Vityenka, Vityusha, my sweet you, pear!” Here is such an impromptu turned out!

Leysya, song!

The name of a person can be perceived as a melody, each has its own rhythm. So in the name of Victor has its own music. Do you think it’s major or minor, or maybe conscriptive, or, conversely, soothing? Wow! How soft it sounds! Vitek! Have you noticed? The sound has become completely different.

Estradarada’s song “Vita needs to go out” is very popular among young people. After listening to her at least once, involuntarily humming her then for hours. Or as Andrei Makarevich sings: “But our Vitek did not save himself and, you believe, was completely bald.” Folk love! Yes, she is so strong and, most importantly, forever! So, a true name, a pleasant, caressing ear, and Viti are peasants sincere and memorable!


Name day: roses, oranges

Three times a year, according to the church calendar, every Victor celebrates the day of an angel, whose abbreviated name is Vitya, Vityenka, Vityusha.

November 24 is Victor Damascus day, April 2 is Victor Rimsky day, April 28 is Victor Gruzinsky day.


Famous and famous

Perhaps the most famous Victor is Victor Hugo. I would like to note that in other foreign languages ​​of the world the sound of the name Victor is similar, only the emphasis on the last syllable is changing. And in Spanish, the characteristic ending “o” appears - Victorio (Victorio).

So, Victor Hugo is a writer, poet, playwright who presented the world with Notre Dame Cathedral, Les Miserables, and The Man Who Laughs.

Viktor Vasnetsov - Russian artist, master of historical painting. The author of the paintings “Three Heroes”, “Alyonushka”, “Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf”, beloved and recognizable from school.

The charismatic leader of the rock band "Cinema" Viktor Tsoi, whose songs are popular among young people today.

Viktor Pavlov is a wonderful Soviet-era actor who played the role of a student in the film “Operation Y and Shurik’s other adventures, ” who passed the exam with the receiver: “The exam is always a holiday for me, professor!” Just a few seconds on the screen - and forever in the memory of the audience for several generations.

Of course, the list is far from complete, everyone will remember more than one "famous and famous" Victor.
