
Sayings about men: if you are a representative of the strong half of humanity, then these tales are about you

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Sayings about men: if you are a representative of the strong half of humanity, then these tales are about you
Sayings about men: if you are a representative of the strong half of humanity, then these tales are about you

Video: Grade 11 || English || Section -1 || Unit -1: Education and Humanity 2024, July

Video: Grade 11 || English || Section -1 || Unit -1: Education and Humanity 2024, July

“To be a man?” You need to earn it! By heroism or labor, or il only in one thing: love a woman in the spring, and in the fall - the Fatherland. Winter will come and you - have cooled. And people will say - he was a man, ”the poet said at the age of fifteen. And at 22 already cooled down. Yearning. What a life? He, too, was a man. These are modern poetic sayings about men. They are no more than 10 years old, but they are very reminiscent of the statements of a thousand years ago. Their tone remained unchanged - sublimely sad. “No one has returned, but the men are coming. Beautiful and calm their way. Homeland is not kept by prayers. She is guarded by men. ” Omar Khayyam. It is said in a very religious time. The concept of “man” is elevated by the great poet to the level of God. For such sacrilege in those days, you could lose your head. But he was a man.

Men about themselves

The statements of the great about men are strict and demanding. “Courage can be fussy, but it doesn’t suit a man, ” the old warrior who taught his young son in the poem “Shah-name” Firdousi teaches. And there are no compromises. In Lermontov’s poem “The Fugitive, ” even his mother doesn’t take into the house the frightened Gorun, who “ran faster than a fallow deer from the field where Chechen blood flowed”. Near the threshold of the house his blood



dogs lick. The great Russian poet enthusiastically tells this story. His ethical feeling is on the side of the mother, who has torn away her own child from her heart.

Women about men

The female world is paradoxical. It is filled with mysterious, changeable and deceptive light. Russian song: “I love the one who loves, but I’ll go to the one who loves the heart” just about this deceptive light of paradoxes. Many women talk about men, their statements are wrapped in ambiguity. “As my dear comes to me, he will begin to speak the truth. Would be silent. How can I love him? ” - Ural ditty. It’s impossible to get to its meaning with a straightforward male mind. And women are smiling and they understand everything perfectly.

In their world, in addition to loving a man, there are almost no men. This is a guest most often who does not know how to behave. He is welcome, and for some reason he is not talking about the topic, and is not doing what is expected of him. “I was waiting for him, waiting, waiting, and again he came gloomy. If we had business with him, if the dear thought less. " The eroticism of this song is transparent, but the following ditty turns everything upside down: “I was waiting for him, waiting, waiting. You would, dear, think more. Well, what's up? Those who are expected are not loved. ”


And in the world of adult women, there is no positive image of a man at all. Irony and neglect. “Like a husband in the field, in the house - quietly. And he returned - silence. " No, to directly say what kind of meaning is hidden in the word "silence", which contrasts with the word "quietly!" Here the riddles are worse than in the Hittite writings.

Wise men

In the ancient Vedic collection of hymns, wise sayings about men comprise about a sixth of the entire volume of the book. 4/6 of the book is given to the gods, and the remaining sixth is hymns about everything else. Later, statements spread around the world and fell into the lips of Nasruddin and Goethe's Faust.

“A man, having met the mighty, can bow his head, but no more. He must kneel before a woman, ”they sang in the old days. In how many interpretations has this thought spread around the world? “The man is persistent and passionate. In this way he is like gods, ”- this is from another hymn. And here is the wisdom of Mullah Nasruddin: "A man must be a donkey and a stallion - stubborn and passionate." Such statements about men roam the world, and it is often impossible to establish authorship.


“Breaking fetters and breaking a heart is one and the same thing for a man. He imposes fetters on his heart voluntarily, ”- this wisdom can be applied to many situations in life: both in relations with women and relatively large ideas. “A man looks back to understand his future, and not vice versa, ” is a wonderful thought about how a man should think, but not a boy.


The human race consists of two equal parts - men and women. Everything else does not count and is garbage, waste on the life path of mankind. This is what the most beautiful sayings about men tell. Although there are no ugly words about men, unless they are a lie. “To be yourself for a man means to be necessary for people, ” Socrates said at one time. The thought is beautiful and deep, because man himself, as an animal, needs humanity insofar as. One manufacturer per hundred women is enough for humanity not to die out. Therefore, to become truly necessary is truly a spiritual, inner work of a man.


“Immortality in the affairs of a man and in the bosom of a woman, ” Lucretius Carr said in The Nature of Things. The philosopher wrote this statement in the section “On how rivers are born, live and die”, where he compared all of humanity with the river, women with its banks, and men with the stream. The image is magnificent. His beauty goes beyond the words themselves. Such should be truly beautiful statements about men in which a man does not tear himself away from a woman and the whole of humanity. And then many aphorisms claim to be beautiful, but the meaning contains a scanty amount.