
Vysotskaya Julia Alexandrovna: biography, photo, details of personal life

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Vysotskaya Julia Alexandrovna: biography, photo, details of personal life
Vysotskaya Julia Alexandrovna: biography, photo, details of personal life

The actress, TV presenter and already writer of culinary books, Vysotskaya Julia Alexandrovna - the wife of the world famous director. Sometimes publications appear in the press in which they write that she has achieved a lot in life and in professional activity precisely thanks to her titled spouse. Perhaps this is the truth, but that she is not without talent, no one can doubt it, this is evidenced by her work and perfectly played roles.


Julia Vysotskaya Alexandrovna: biography, childhood

The future actress was born in the capital of the Don Cossacks - in the city of Novocherkassk. There were Cossacks in her family, and grandfather bore the name Melikhov. Parents of Julia Alexandrovna Vysotskaya divorced when she was very young, but soon after her father left the family, her mother remarried. Her second husband was a military man, and they began to live a nomadic life, moving from one military unit to another. They managed to live in Georgia, and in Armenia, and in Azerbaijan. Soon after the second marriage, mother gave birth to another daughter - Inna. Between the sisters there was a difference of 8 years. When the family lived in the capital of the Georgian SSR, in the city of Tbilisi, Yulia Vysotskaya, whose photo you see in this article, entered a music school, a piano class, but after moving to another city she did not continue her musical education. She graduated from school in Baku.

Dreams about the scene

While still a little girl, Julia Vysotskaya dreamed of a theater, she saw herself as an actress performing on stage. In all the cities in which she lived, there were beautiful theaters. She especially liked to attend all the performances of the Yerevan Russian Drama Theater. Stanislavsky. She knew all the productions by heart. However, to get a theatrical education, she did not think of entering any Transcaucasian university, but dreamed, of course, of the famous Moscow “Pike”. But her parents began to dissuade her and frighten her with a huge competition, and then the girl decided to grin to Minsk and enter the Belarusian State Academy of Arts. By the way, Boris Andreev, an actor of the Moscow Maly Theater, was in the selection committee. The girl made a strong impression on him, and when discussing Yulia's score, he said: if she doesn’t go to the academy, she will take her to Moscow and immediately put her on the 3rd year. After such an “assessment”, the commission decided to give the girl a high score, and she became a student at this university.


The beginning of an acting career

The first film in which Yulia Alexandrovna Vysotskaya played a role was the psychological drama “To Go and Not To Return”. This was still in his student years. Later, she admitted that she felt very discomfort on the set, and it even seemed to her that the director hated her. She was already starting to think about the fact that she might have chosen the wrong profession, but her desire to play on stage was much stronger, and she decided to fight on.

TV career

As a second-year student, Julia, as the host of the telecast “Loafers”, got a job on one of the Belarusian television channels, then played in the television almanac “Enchanted”, and then played a comedic role in the film “The Game of the Imagination”. As a result of working on television, they began to recognize the girl not only in Minsk itself, but also in other cities of Belarus.


Tatra career

Nevertheless, Vysotskaya Julia Alexandrovna dreamed of performing on the theater stage and after graduating from the academy she was able to get a job in the Theater named after I. Kupala. Here she worked from 1995 to 1997 and played in a number of repertoire performances. Julia adored Shakespeare and dreamed of reading it in English. In parallel with work in the theater, she was engaged in the study of English. Her cherished dream was to get to the London Academy of Dramatic and Musical Art. The girl was able to fulfill her dream and in 1998 she received an Academy diploma.

Acquaintance with Andrei Konchalovsky

In 1996, she was among the participants of the Kinotavr film festival. It was here that she met with Andrei Konchalovsky. They rode together in the elevator of the hotel: the director, the womanizer, liked the girl, and he invited her to have dinner together. Julia was flattered by his attention and, of course, could not refuse him. Apparently, she was able to charm him, and two days later they flew together to rest in Istanbul. In the future, already being the wife and mother of Konchalovsky’s children, she recalls that then this novel was for her like the plot of some Hollywood adventure film, but when the passions subsided and she looked at him from a different angle, she realized that not only - truly in love with him, but loves and … loved. So their family was formed, and for more than twenty years they have been together in sorrow and joy. True, in order to marry Julia, Andrei Sergeyevich had to divorce his wife - Irina Martynova, a TV presenter. This was the fourth marriage of the director, and the young actress became his fifth legal wife. In 1999, already married, the daughter of Julia Vysotskaya and Andrei Konchalovsky Masha was born.


Further career

Of course, the status of a companion in the life of a world famous director played a significant role in the life and career of a novice actress. She became in demand. Naturally, Konchalovsky often saw in her a performer of one of the roles (not necessarily the main one) in his new films, and the presence of his wife's acting talent allowed him to give her very serious roles and pose difficult tasks for her. So, in 2002, Vysotskaya Julia Alexandrovna starred as the main character in the film "House of Fools". She embodied the image of crazy Jeanne, a patient in a mental hospital, who raved about Brian Adams and believed that they would someday be together. To immerse herself in the role of Julia, I had to live in a psychiatric hospital for about a month and watch the mentally ill. For this role, she received the Silver Horseshoe Award for the Most Desperate Role at the Woman and the Cinema Festival. After this picture, she played in the film “Lion in Winter”, directed by her husband. Her partners were such famous Hollywood artists as Patrick Stewart, Glenn Close and others. She had a supporting role, but she was played with great skill. Then there were many paintings, mini-series, for example, “The Queen's First Rule” based on the novel by Tatyana Ustinova. Julia Alexandrovna also took part in theatrical productions in several theaters at once.


Cooking shows

In 2003, Julia, whom life in the Transcaucasian republics taught to cook tasty and unusual, decided to share her experience and knowledge with the population of the country and organized cooking shows on the NTV channel. The program was called “We eat at home”, it was very fond of the viewer. They shot it either in the house or at the Konchalovsky’s dacha. Yulia Vysotskaya’s children often flashed in the frame. Perhaps the opportunity to watch the life of the family of the great director contributed to the high rating of the program. After 6 years, it appeared another television program, which went on in the morning and was called “Breakfast with Julia Vysotskaya.” Soon, the actress was invited as editor-in-chief to the Khleb-Sol magazine. Getting involved in the editorial business, Julia began to write cookbooks. By 2013, she already had about 40 books.


Personal life

Before marrying Konchalovsky, Julia was already married. However, this marriage was fictitious, since she needed to obtain Belarusian citizenship through her spouse. Thus, Anatoly Kot from Minsk became her husband de jure - her good friend, who agreed to support her and help with the documents. But with Konchalovsky, 24-year-old Julia married for love, although there were a lot of rumors about their wedding, because the couple had a big age difference. The Konchalovsky family received the young daughter-in-law very warmly, and when Yulia Vysotskaya gave birth to children (see photo below), the kids became universal favorites. Their elder brother, Yegor Konchalovsky, was especially kind to them, and he had very good friendly relations with his young stepmother. For some time, Julia, Andrei and daughter lived in Los Angeles, but could not last long abroad and returned. Already in Moscow, Julia gave birth to a son, Peter.
