
Sanduns: reviews and tips before visiting

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Sanduns: reviews and tips before visiting
Sanduns: reviews and tips before visiting

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Reviews about Sanduns will be interesting to everyone who loves steam and a real Russian bath. If you are a supporter of this type of relaxation, then you should definitely visit here, since it is these baths that are considered the most famous in the world. In this article we will tell you everything that visitors need to know before heading to Sanduny, and to potential employees who want to get a job here.

About the bath


Reviews of the Sanduns are mostly enthusiastic. This is not surprising. After all, this is a classic traditional Russian bathhouse, which traces its history back to 1808.

Throughout the 19th century, it was a real engineering and architectural miracle that astounded all visitors with its rich stucco molding, vaulted ceilings, marble staircases and paintings. And by the 21st century, the Sanduns had not lost their greatness.

Today, two women's and three men's departments are opened here, in which there are huge relaxation rooms, steam rooms and pools. Those who wish to retire can go to the number baths - these are eight rooms with a Russian stove, original interiors and a jacuzzi.

Today in Sanduny there is a spa and a beauty salon where you can use the services of a beautician, hairdresser, massage therapist.

After the bath, it is recommended to go to the restaurant, which is located on the territory of the bath complex. Here you can try dishes of Russian, Chinese and Uzbek cuisine.

A laundry has been preserved in Sanduny for a long time, and today there is also a shop where you can buy soap, souvenirs, bath accessories.



The legendary metropolitan baths appeared largely thanks to Empress Catherine II. It all began with a romantic story, when two actors of the imperial court theater Elizaveta Uranova and Sila Sandunov asked the ruler for permission to play a wedding.

It turned out that the opera singer Lisa was chased by an elderly count who was not happy when he found out that he had a rival. Strength was a popular Georgian actor from an old noble family. The count began to do everything to ruin the life of young people. Only after turning to the empress did their affairs begin to improve, as Catherine II herself married them. The Empress presented them with diamonds as a wedding present.

When the young people moved to Moscow, they sold stones, and with the proceeds they bought a land plot in the area of ​​the Neglinnaya River. First, Sandunov planned to build residential buildings with shops on it, but then decided to arrange a bath. The work was completed by 1808.

Over time, these baths became the most popular in Moscow. It is known that Pushkin liked to be in them. Sanduns have become a real center of public life in the city. These were not just baths, but a real club, according to the English analogue. Sandunov for the first time divided the bathhouse into female and male departments, comfortable rooms with silver bath accessories and expensive furniture were equipped for the nobles. Here, they were always ready to fulfill any whims of representatives of high society. For example, wealthy ladies were allowed to come to Sanduny with their dogs.


The Sanduns are now over two hundred years old. By the way, the marriage of artists was unhappy. They divorced, and soon the baths passed to the daughter of the timber merchant Firsanov. Her husband Aleksey Ganetskiy traveled to many countries, studying bathing traditions. He used all this knowledge in the restructuring of the Sanduns, who managed to deteriorate by the end of the 19th century.

Implemented in 1896, the project again struck the Moscow public. Ganetskiy turned out to be a real three-story palace with two pools, luxurious decoration, and different architectural styles. At the baths, an own power station was built, and the water passed several degrees of purification, so it was quite suitable for drinking.

Today, the Sanduny is an architectural monument of Moscow, where they hold regular friendly and business meetings, excursions.

Service cost


In reviews of the Sanduns, visitors note that for many, these baths are still among the most beloved in the capital. Even despite the fairly high prices.

For example, the men's department can be visited in the first, second highest or highest category. A ticket to a public office will cost from 1800 to 2 800 rubles in two hours. You will have to pay extra for every additional half hour.

In Sanduny, you can order the services of a valet - 1 800 rubles in 15 minutes, washing services will cost one and a half thousand rubles. Separately, you can rent a terry towel for 200 rubles, a bathrobe for 400 rubles, an ordinary sheet for 250, and a terry towel for 300 rubles.

License plates


If you want to feel like a real wealthy nobleman of the century before last, then go not to the public department, no matter how chic it might seem at first glance, but immediately to the number baths.

Here you will find eight themed rooms for every taste. According to reviews of license plates in Sanduny, it is here that you will feel in full measure, for which this place has been so appreciated for the past two centuries. Each thematic number has its own name - "Sadko", "Lukomorye", "Merchant", "Roman", "Kandarya", "Soviet", "Kamchatka", "Baikal".

In contrast to the main public offices, which are open until 23:00, number offices work until six in the morning. Each is designed for a company of four to six people.

The Baikal room will cost the most - 9, 600 rubles per hour, the minimum order is 2 hours. Here you will see an exquisite interior, around stained-glass windows with hand-painted, author's furniture. The room is made in blue tones, which are designed to immerse you in an atmosphere of peace, comfort and tranquility. There is everything for a good rest - a steam room, a hammam, a pool with hydromassage, a spacious living room and a small relaxation room.

The most affordable rooms are Lukomorye and Kandarya. Under the same other conditions, you will have to pay only 4, 800 rubles for one hour. The Kandarya issue refers us to the ancient Indian temple of the same name, and Lukomorye will remind you of the peculiarities of classic Russian folk tales.

Tips before visiting


Experienced attendants are advised to prepare well before heading to Sanduny. After all, the most important thing is that visiting the bathhouse will bring you only benefit and pleasure, and not affect your health negatively.

Therefore, if you have at least some disease, it is better to consult a doctor before going to the bathhouse. As soon as you cross the threshold of Sandunov, immediately try to forget about the problems and vanity, enjoy this time, devoting it only to yourself. To take a good steam and relax, take at least a few hours to your bathhouse in your schedule.

Before you go to the bath, do not drink alcohol and overeat. This will adversely affect your physical condition at high temperatures. To make it easier to tolerate the heat in the steam room, first take a shower, and be sure to put a cap on overheating on your head.

Before visiting the bathhouse, remove all jewelry that could burn your skin when heated. Everyone determines the time spent in the steam room for himself. The main thing is to focus on your well-being and personal preferences. It is best to do this in a few passes. First, sit for a short time, and then gradually increase the time spent. Remember the basic rule: the least heat on the bottom shelf.

When thirst appears, it is best to quench it with hot drinks, such as tea. After completing all the procedures, do not rush back to business, let the body cool down and relax a bit to feel a pleasant relaxation.



A fairly large team works in Sanduny, so almost all year round you can come across a particular vacancy.

Currently, in the men's department, you can get a waiter with a salary of 70 thousand rubles or a cleaner (from 35 thousand per month). It also requires a massage therapist with a medical degree, who can count on a salary of 70 thousand.

In the women's department, so far only a waitress is required. The beauty salon needs a spa cleaner and a beauty salon administrator. The restaurant is ready to receive a waiter, a cook from a hot shop, a baker and a pastry chef.

About work

In the reviews of employees about the Sanduns, everyone notes that work in this place attracts with a white salary. Also here is the official registration in full compliance with labor legislation.

In addition, they give an opportunity to really earn money if you show diligence and hard work. This is noted in the reviews about the work in the Sanduns employees.


At the same time, we must admit that not everything here is as cloudless as it might seem at first glance. There are enough negative reviews about work in Sanduny.

For example, they complain of widespread bureaucracy. In addition, in some positions, one has to deal with arrogant attitude from management. Chefs claim that they are treated like rabsile. The employees are rude, constantly shouting.


The company has developed a system of fines. You can lose money for any, even the slightest fault. In addition, during employment they promise to pay regular bonuses, which in reality are almost impossible to get.

Impressions of visitors

Customers in reviews of the Sanduns claim that this is a place that everyone should visit at least once. It’s worth going at least for general development. This is a real opportunity to touch the story.

The place is very atmospheric, the interior and architecture can impress and impress even the most demanding visitor. In reviews of the Sanduny bath in Moscow, it is noted that true connoisseurs of the bath may not like it here. Steam is said to be “tourist”, prices are high, so visiting this place can be compared more with going to the museum than to the bathhouse.

This position can often be found in reviews of the Sanduns.

Negative opinions

There are those who were not satisfied with the visit. In the negative reviews about the bath Sanduny note that in public departments there are always too many people. The contingent is often selected peculiar, in the steam rooms do not push.

In reviews of the women's department in Sanduny, you can find out that some are outraged by the lack of disposable thin underwear, which is practiced in massage parlors. One has to contemplate other people's bodies, often of a very repulsive appearance. All this leads to the appearance of negative reviews about Sanduna’s bath.

In addition, the prices here are very high, and the service provided for the money leaves much to be desired. From reviews of Sanduns, you have to find out that customers constantly have to deal with obscenities, rudeness and rudeness on the part of employees.