
Vladislav Anatolyevich Dukhin - a hero of the Chechen war

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Vladislav Anatolyevich Dukhin - a hero of the Chechen war
Vladislav Anatolyevich Dukhin - a hero of the Chechen war

Stavropol Vladislav Anatolyevich Dukhin would now be 38 years old. However, he forever settled on the threshold of his twentieth birthday. On the first spring day of 2000, eighty-four paratroopers of the sixth company died in an unequal battle in the Argun Gorge. Their feat is a symbol of perseverance and courage for all today's soldiers and officers. In this battle, Vladislav Dukhin proved himself to be an unbending warrior: for a long time he restrained the enemy’s attack, and when the ammunition ended, he rushed at the militants with the last grenade.

early years

Our hero was born in Stavropol 03/26/1980. Parents, Anatoly Ivanovich and Galina Vasilyevna, named their son in honor of the legendary hockey player Vladislav Tretyak. He grew up as the most ordinary boy: he loved to play with his older brother Eugene, was fond of football, studied at the 24th school. Until the age of fourteen, he slept with a toy gun under his pillow, dreamed of becoming a paratrooper. Sometimes naughty, in the diary of the "five" side by side with the "deuces".


Vlad was a cheerful, cheerful, agile guy, a favorite of girls. Whatever he took, he did everything well. Growing up, he loved to play the guitar and sing about Afghan heroes. After leaving school, the parents suggested that their son go to the Stavropol Engineering Rocket School, but he wanted to study at the Ryazan Airborne. He decided that he would first serve in the army, and then he would go to act.

Blue beret

Until adulthood, Vladislav Anatolyevich Dukhin worked in a car repair shop, and in May 1998 he was called up for military service. To get into the Airborne Forces, he hid a certificate of heart disease from the draft board. As a result, he ended up in Pskov, in the Cherekhinsky paratrooper regiment, as he had dreamed. The combat groups of the 76th division, in which Vlad served, as part of the peacekeeping forces took part in conflicts in Kosovo, Abkhazia, Herzegovina, Bosnia. Only the best were selected there. Among them was our hero. For four months he was in Abkhazia. There he received his first battle medal for saving two soldiers whom the Georgians wanted to abduct.


Then Junior Sergeant Vladislav Anatolyevich Dukhin returned to his native regiment. And soon an order came on a business trip to Chechnya. Before going there, the paratrooper arrived at his father's house on vacation. Parents dissuaded Vlad from a trip to the combat zone, because only a month and a half remained before the demobilization, but his son did not listen to them.


The first battle with the militants at Dukhin occurred on 02/08/2000, when he and his squad guarded a checkpoint between Chechnya and Dagestan. Vlad first noticed the terrorists and gave the order to shoot. They managed to kill several bandits, the rest withdrew. Subsequently, in less than a month, the sixth company, in various skirmishes, destroyed almost a battalion of militants, which terrified the enemy.

On February 29, the same battle broke out in the Argun Gorge. Vladislav Anatolyevich Dukhin and his comrades held the defense at an altitude of 776 meters. The paratroopers fought off attack after attack, and on the morning of March 1 they were attacked by a large group of bandits. Wounded Vlad, under heavy fire, carried colleagues from the battlefield. Seeing that the militants were trying to get around the soldiers from three sides, the junior sergeant opened aimed fire from the machine gun. He held back the enemy and did not let him get close until at some point the cartridges ran out. Help was far away, the attackers came close. Dukhin took the last grenade in his hand, pulled out a check and rushed into the thick of the terrorists.

After the battle, more than a dozen corpses of bandits were found next to the body of the paratrooper. In general, in this battle, the "winged infantry" managed to destroy more than 1, 500 militants. There were only 90 paratroopers themselves, and only six of them survived. For heroism and courage, Vladislav Anatolyevich Dukhin was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.



In October 2003, Vlad’s father, together with the Russian Knights club pupils, a company of special forces and local priest Alexander climbed Mount Bila Tserkva near the Marukh Pass in Karachay-Cherkessia. The mountain got its name due to the fact that its shape resembles a temple, and the peak is always shrouded in white fog. There, the audience established an Orthodox cross of worship in honor of the feat of the 6th company of paratroopers. From that moment, another name appeared on the hill - Dukhin Mountain.

The names of the dead paratroopers are inscribed in gold letters on the walls of the Pskov temple of A. Nevsky. In Stavropol, one of the streets is named in honor of the Hero of Russia Vladislav Anatolyevich Dukhin. Also, his name is the City Education Center, in the territory of which in 2015 a bust of a soldier was installed. Memorial plaques in memory of the paratrooper hang on the buildings of the 24th school and evening lyceum.

Since 2000, in Stavropol, every year a children’s futsal tournament has been held in memory of Vlad Dukhin. Since 2014, the winners of the competition have been awarded an award medal manufactured at the Goznak of Russia.

03/26/2014, on the birthday of the Hero, a memorial dedicated to Vladislav was opened on the territory of the 247th air assault regiment.
