
Grandson Gurchenko Mark Korolev: photo, biography

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Grandson Gurchenko Mark Korolev: photo, biography
Grandson Gurchenko Mark Korolev: photo, biography

Grandson Gurchenko Mark Korolev was born in Moscow in 1982, September 22. The name of the child was given in honor of the great-grandfather - the father of Lyudmila Markovna. Gurchenko herself dreamed of a son and, apparently, on her initiative, the grandson was given the name Mark. “My beloved, beloved grandson was named after my father, ” Lyudmila Gurchenko admitted a little later. She adored her grandson. And the external features of the child were inherited from the grandmother. The same eyes, her oval face. And the dimples on his cheeks were called "Gurchen".


Grandson of Lyudmila Gurchenko Mark: biography, childhood

From the age of 7, little Mark began to study at school No. 528, which is located next to the Novokuznetskaya metro station. Here the boy studied for 5 years. What was he like, grandson of Gurchenko Mark? Photo, unfortunately, not much has been preserved. There are several frames from childhood. They are presented to your attention in the article. Many remembered his gray gullible eyes and black curls. Of course, teachers quickly became aware that they were teaching their grandson Gurchenko. Despite the fact that the famous grandmother loved her grandson very much, during all this time she never appeared at school. As Maria Borisovna, the daughter of the actress, told the school teacher, she did not come to their home either. The reason was a family conflict. But despite the tensions between her daughter and mother, Mark talked with his grandmother.

Grandson Mark Gurchenko studied in a class where there were 34 more people besides him. But for the entire period of time he spent there, he did not make real friends. According to Olga Borisovna (the head teacher of the school), the only grandson of the prima of Soviet cinema was a notorious boy and loved to retire. For example, if the class went on excursions, the grandson of Gurchenko Mark separately walked aside and was completely indifferent to what the guide told about. In most cases, he did not attend such events at all. But despite these characteristics, all the teachers and students loved him very much. There were reasons for this.


How was your study?

Studied Mark Korolev, the grandson of Gurchenko, in triples, which sometimes put him for charm and beautiful eyes. He went to frequent additional classes, but they did not improve his academic performance. The teachers themselves said on this occasion: “If a person is not given science, then what now? He will grow up, and other abilities will open up for him. ”

Among all the subjects of the school curriculum, the grandson of Gurchenko Mark loved literature. He especially liked the arguments concerning philosophical topics, as well as the works of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky. It is rare that one of the children could approach the teacher after the lesson and talk about the meaning of life. Mark was not one of those. During breaks, he asked teachers questions about love and friendship. For the diligence and thoughtfulness of the teacher, they treated the boy with warmth.


Who were you friends with?

As mentioned earlier, Mark Korolev (Gurchenko’s grandson) did not have a permanent friend. He was very pretty and liked by the girls, but because of Mark's isolation, they were afraid of him. And yet everyone in the class loved him. Many classmates built his eyes, but no one managed to make friendship with him. The guys from high school respected him and at breaks came up to say hello.

According to the memoirs of Nastya Puzyreva, Mark's classmate: “Many liked him because he could be relied on in any situation. He always kept his word. And if he borrowed money, then he gave it back. The guy was really helpful. For example, when his classmate's mother died, Mark was the first to respond and offered to raise money for the funeral. It was his nature to be a good person and a true friend. ”


Chatting with Grandma

Despite the family troubles and the heated atmosphere between the relatives, Mark Alexandrovich Korolev, Gurchenko’s grandson, communicated well with his grandmother, although he was between the anvil and the hammer. As Mark’s teacher Tatyana Shatlanova said: “Once a boy was asked to be relieved of classes for a week, so that he would go with Lyudmila Markovna to shoot in France. Everyone knew that Gurchenko adored her grandson."

Grandson Gurchenko Mark: biography, adolescence

Serious problems in the family of Mark began when he was 8 years old. Then his father left home. Although a year and a half later, Alexander Korolev returned, but the situation remained heated. Good relationships weren’t even affected by money. At that time, Alexander went into business. Eleven-year-old Mark was sent to a private school. As it seemed then to Mark's parents, within the walls of such a school they will be able to find an individual approach to all students, and it will be easier for their boy to learn.

But Mark became more and more self-contained. Most likely, family troubles influenced the fragile psychological state of a 12-year-old guy. The grandson of Gurchenko Mark, whose photo is presented to your attention in the article, could not calmly endure the conflict of his relatives - his mother, father and grandmother. Perhaps he felt abandoned and useless. And then, in order not to think about sad things and get away from problems, the guy began to use drugs. At first it was cigarettes. A group of boys was gathering, who, fleeing from lessons, gathered somewhere in a quiet place and inhaled the sweet smoke. For money, you could freely get any dope. A little later, the grandson of Gurchenko Mark, whose biography is presented to your attention in the article, began to try "hard" drugs, he got hooked on the needle. The guy’s parents had completely broken up by that time. Having identified his son in a boarding school, Alexander Korolev went abroad. Then in the family, no one could have imagined that their child at age 14 could no longer do without heroin.


A trip to father in America

When the boy’s mother found out what had happened, she called her husband in America. Alexander took Mark to himself and began to heal. At the boarding school, the grandson of Lyudmila Gurchenko Mark, whose biography is considered in the article, did not finish his studies. Every few months, a guy could come to Moscow and visit relatives and friends, who always brought gifts. In his teenage years, he understood everything and sincerely believed that he would be cured of his illness. But periodically broke. And it all started again. Then the grandson of Gurchenko Mark thought that if you sometimes relax a little with the help of drugs, then there is nothing to worry about, and over time, treatment will help.


Last days

In 1998, Mark returned to Moscow for the winter holidays. The guy looked cheerful. He said that he was being treated, dreamed of completely getting rid of drug addiction. He showed a photo of his girlfriend. He shared his plans for the future. He talked about his passion for tennis in America that he has a desire to engage in this sport at a professional level. He had no reason to become depressed. However, meeting with friends, could not resist the dose of heroin. The trouble came on December 13th.

As happens in such cases, the guy became ill, chills began. Due to the strong clenching of the teeth, the tongue was all bitten, foam began to stand out from the mouth. All the others who were with him, coming out of drug intoxication, began to call "ambulance". On the other side of the wire they asked: “Who is the doctor called for?” After honestly received the answer, they said to wait. It took a long 3 hours when the ambulance arrived. During this time, friends tried to help Mark, who fought in their arms. A spoon was inserted into the teeth, covered with blankets. In a fit of narcotic agony, the guy called his relatives, remembering his mother, sister, grandmother. The last words of Mark before losing consciousness were: "Lucy, I'm sorry." So the guy called Lyudmila Markovna. From an overdose of drugs, the grandson of Lyudmila Gurchenko Mark Alexandrovich Korolev died. He was only 16 years old.

Gurchenko's revelations about his grandson

Later in her interviews, Gurchenko, talking about heartache, said that she did not know anything about her grandson's dependence, that this fact was hidden from her. Hundreds of people came to guide Mark on their last journey. Shocked by grief, Lyudmila Markovna also arrived.

Despite the long-standing and not fading family conflict, Gurchenko was very fond of her grandson, who reminded her of herself. She pampered him with money and often took with her to the resorts. Little Mark saw in her, first of all, a kind and loving grandmother, and only then a famous actress. Gurchenko herself really wanted to have a son, and when her daughter was born, she cried. Therefore, Mark for her was probably the most dear and desirable. She did not know anything about the fact that her grandson was drug addicted. Speaking to the audience, she talked about how she could not understand how a well-to-do child with so many capabilities could die so ridiculously. The pop singer dedicated her song “Prayer” to the words and music of A. Dorovskikh to her grandson. Already from the words “Ah, my son” one can hear how much grief and despair in the heart of the actress. Until the last breath, Lyudmila Gurchenko mourned. Grandson Mark from all relatives was the closest person.
