
Surface waters: seas, lakes, rivers, swamps. The value of water in nature and human life

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Surface waters: seas, lakes, rivers, swamps. The value of water in nature and human life
Surface waters: seas, lakes, rivers, swamps. The value of water in nature and human life

Video: The Water Bodies | The Dr. Binocs Show | Educational Videos For Kids 2024, July

Video: The Water Bodies | The Dr. Binocs Show | Educational Videos For Kids 2024, July

Water is one of the most important foundations of life on Earth. It is present in the upper and middle soil layer, as well as under it. In this regard, there are surface, ground and underground waters. All of them are important for each of us. Recently, air pollution has been observed. It causes irreversible harm to all water bodies. That is why it is important to maintain the ecology of the Earth. In our article you can find out more detailed information about various sources of water and their role in the life of each of us.

Surface water. general information

Surface water - water that flows or forms on the surface of the earth. They are characterized by a course. They may be temporarily or permanently located on the surface. The following surface water categories are distinguished:

  • rivers;

  • lakes;

  • seas;

  • swamps;

  • other water bodies and drains.

A river is a constant stream of water with a natural current. It has significant dimensions. Rivers are part of the hydrological cycle. They are filled due to underground or surface runoff. Large rivers with branched tributaries create a river system. The part of the land from which the river collects water is called the catchment area.

Rivers are distributed quite unevenly. Due to the fast flow, they are actively used in economic activities.

Surface waters also include the sea. They are part of the oceans. The sea can be isolated by land or underwater reliefs. It contains salt water.

Another type of surface water is the lake. They are characterized as a component of the hydrosphere, which is a body of water that has arisen naturally, filled within the lake bed with water and not connected to the sea. Such surface waters are an object of study of limnology. There are about 5 million lakes on the planet.

Swamps also belong to surface waters. They are characterized as land with increased humidity and acidity, as well as low soil fertility. Swamps are standing and flowing groundwater that has come to the surface. Thanks to them, not completely decomposed organic substances are deposited on the ground. After some time, peat forms. Such natural waters are part of the hydrosphere. Swamps are a kind of obstacle to the development of the greenhouse effect.


Surface and groundwater pollution

The problem of water pollution is annually discussed by environmentalists around the world. The main sources of contamination of water bodies are the insufficient level of wastewater treatment at industrial enterprises, as well as waste from the processing and alloying of timber, discharges from railway and water transport, etc. Substances entering water bodies cause changes in their composition. They manifest themselves in changes in physical properties. Water can get an unpleasant aftertaste and smell. Rivers, lakes and other water bodies due to significant changes in the composition may have sediment or plaque.

The main pollutants of water bodies today are oil and oil products. Due to their effects, water becomes toxic. It is considered unsuitable for consumption. Such dirty water has a specific taste, a pungent smell, a discoloration and an oil film on the surface may be observed.

No less negative are toxic synthetic substances. They are actively used in industry and municipal services. Due to the content of these substances in surface and groundwater, foam is formed. In this case, the concentration of toxic synthetic compounds exceeds the permissible norm.

Phenol has a negative effect on natural waters. It is contained in the wastewater of almost all petrochemical enterprises. As a result, a decrease in biological processes in a reservoir, self-cleaning is slowed down.

A huge number of living organisms live in water. The process of their life is adversely affected by wastewater from the paper and pulp industry. Due to the negative impact in the waters, the death of eggs of fry and adult fish that inhabit rivers, lakes and other natural waters begins. Industrial alloys substantially pollute them. Firefly settles at the bottom of surface water bodies. Because of this, fish lose spawning grounds and food places.

Population growth, expansion of countries and the development of technology have significantly affected the environment. The problem of water pollution is associated with an increase in the amount of domestic wastewater in inland waters. It is precisely because of this that the growth of pathogenic bacteria and helminths is observed in rivers and lakes.


Ecologists from all over the world are seriously concerned about pesticides and a variety of minerals that enter water bodies every year. Rain and flowing water transport hazardous compounds from the fields.

The water cycle in nature

The water cycle is the process of cyclic movement of water in the earth's biosphere. Seas lose more liquid due to evaporation than they get with precipitation. Water circulates regularly, but, despite this, its amount on the globe remains unchanged. The water cycle in nature contains the following steps:

  • evaporation;

  • movement of water vapor and its condensation;

  • precipitation and runoff.

The surface and groundwater are involved in the cycle. However, it often causes pollution of ponds with pesticides and chemicals.

The content of substances in the waters of the oceans

In the waters of the oceans there is a huge amount of chemical elements. Sea water is 95% pure water. More than 4% is the salt dissolved in it. Water in the ocean is different from fresh, salty taste, transparency and color. She acts more aggressively on building materials. That is why experts do not recommend building a house on the ocean or sea.

The average salinity of the surface waters of the oceans is 35%. It is worth noting that at some intervals this indicator may vary slightly. It depends on hydrological and climatic conditions.

Sea water contains a huge amount of various substances. For the first time, its composition was reviewed by Dietmar. He needed to examine 77 water samples. They were collected at various points in the oceans. It contains almost all the elements of the periodic table. However, the percentage of their content is different.

The salinity of the surface waters of the oceans directly depends on the ratio between the amount of precipitation and the amount of evaporation. Precipitation reduces the percentage of salt in the water. In some areas, melting and ice formation also affect salinity.


The territory of the highest salinity of the oceans is located west of the Azores. The percentage of salt may also vary with the season.

For many years, some scientists have been trying to find out the nature of the origin of salt, which is contained in the waters of the oceans. Some claim that it has been salty since its inception. Others attribute its salinity to volcanic activity. The waters of the oceans are an excellent solvent, so initially they could not be fresh.

Water in human life

Water plays an important role in the life of all living things. That is why environmentalists from around the world annually develop strategies that will save it from pollution. The water resources of land usually include surface water. They are also extremely important in the national economy. Important directions of water use should also include water consumption for industrial and domestic needs, as well as for communal purposes.

Water is often used in agriculture. It is essential for the regular watering of flower beds, gardens, fields and gardens.


Water is an integral part of all living things. Without it, existence on Earth is impossible. Plants contain up to 90% of water, and an adult about 70%. A sufficient amount of it in the diet is one of the conditions for a healthy lifestyle. Water is involved in all chemical reactions that take place in the body of every person. It transports nutrients, removes toxins and toxins, and also helps lower blood pressure. By regularly consuming enough water, the formation of kidney stones can be prevented. It is also essential for normal digestion. Water is a great helper for those who want to deal with excess weight. Thanks to it, fat accumulation is reduced.

It is necessary to regularly replenish the body's water supply. Without its use, a person can live only a few days. It is recommended to drink at least two liters of water daily for the stable operation of all vital organs. Its lack instantly affects the body. A person quickly gets tired, and there is also a risk of blood clots due to increased blood viscosity.

Many complain that dirty water periodically flows from their tap. In this case, experts recommend installing a special filter. There is a misconception that the water from the well is healthy and clean. However, such a source is extremely rare. Some areas where the well is located differ in the content of hazardous chemicals. The flowing water from the tap does not differ in ideal purity and usefulness. However, surface waters that are used to supply the population are regularly inspected. It is safe to say that they do not contain radioactive particles and life-threatening trace elements.

Experts say that, despite the recommendations, most people consume up to a liter of water. This leads to chronic dehydration. As a result, headaches and weakness.

Rain water

Rainwater is closely related to surface waters. It is she who is one of the main components of the water cycle in nature. What is the role of rainwater in our lives?

Over the years, it has been argued that rainwater does not need additional treatment. It can be safely used for cooking and bathing. Unfortunately, this opinion is erroneous. Rain water could indeed be used without fear in everyday life many years ago, when the ecology was at a sufficient level. Today, it contains various harmful trace elements that can seriously harm your health.


Many experts argue that using rainwater can significantly save on drinking. It can be used for watering household plots, as well as for washing machines or washing clothes.

Total amount of water

Many do not think about how much water on Earth. It is known that its amount is approximately 75% of the total area of ​​the globe. This indicator includes lakes, swamps, rivers, glaciers, seas and oceans. However, it is impossible to determine the exact volume of the hydrosphere. To do this, you need to know the number of underground sources, the depth of all water bodies and the thickness of the glaciers. Scientists can provide only approximate data. 2% of 75% is fresh water. However, most of it is frozen.


Self-purification of surface water

Self-purification of surface water is associated with various factors:

  • particle deposition;

  • interaction with aquatic plants;

  • exposure to solar temperature and radiation;

  • destruction of polluting elements by hydrolysis.

Self-purification from pathogenic bacteria occurs due to the antagonistic effect of aquatic organisms.

When surface water is contaminated with household waste, the self-cleaning process can slow down significantly. The effect of wastewater on water bodies depends on their nature. Household waste is epidemiologically hazardous. Industrial wastewater causes pollution of water bodies with hazardous chemical elements.


Surface waters and their variability

Over time, the chemical and physical properties of surface waters change. Sudden cataclysms provoke changes that occur as soon as possible. Properties may also change due to a particular season. Such changes can have both positive and negative effects on surface waters.

Often, changes in the chemical composition of a reservoir create a problem for industrial production. In this case, the specialist needs to conduct research in order to navigate when developing new production programs.