
"Workshop" - what is it and why is it needed?

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"Workshop" - what is it and why is it needed?
"Workshop" - what is it and why is it needed?

Video: Setting Up A Workshop // Bits | I Like To Make Stuff 2024, July

Video: Setting Up A Workshop // Bits | I Like To Make Stuff 2024, July

In recent years, various kinds of seminars, workshops, and trainings have been very popular, which bring together people united by a single idea, interests, goal. They can be both professional in nature and have a psychological orientation (spiritual, personal development). In the segment of such events, a workshop is worth mentioning separately. What is it and what is its idea? We will talk about this in today's article.


Workshop: concept and main idea

Translated from English, this term means “workshop” and reflects its main idea, but it is used in a slightly different perspective. Briefly about the concept of "workshop" we can say that this is a group method of development. His central idea is to master a skill, gain knowledge through the interaction of people interested in it. In our country, this principle is only beginning to take root, while in the West it has been actively used for many years.

How to work in a workshop?

Initially, the participants faced a certain problem / idea, which is interesting to people who came to this workshop. Everyone comes to the event with their views on it, knowledge and attitude. That is, all participants are individual and active, which means they contribute to the work process. The event is organized in such a way that the problem is viewed from various, sometimes the most unexpected, sides, and as a result some new understanding of the original idea appears. At the end of the workshop, the knowledge of participants is updated, expanded, and they themselves become more competent in this matter.

In order to participate in such a group work, it is enough to have an idea of ​​the central problem / idea, but it is also advisable to form some own opinion about it, to master the skills and knowledge that you can share with other people and pass on your experience to them.


Workshop: Distinctive Features

How is the workshop different from other events? This method has several very significant features that we will try to formulate. So “workshop” - what is it?

  1. This process is always collective.

  2. This is training, the main purpose of which is to get an individual solution to a specific problem by each of its participants.

  3. This is work whose goals are determined by the participants themselves. They are responsible for the process.

  4. This is an interaction of participants in which there is no audience and leader. The whole event is based on involving everyone in the process.

  5. This is training with a minimum of theory and a maximum of practice.

  6. This is a learning process that is based only on personal experience, knowledge and opinions of the workshop members themselves.

  7. This is the work, the result of which should be the achievement of the goals set by each participant before the event.

Thus, the workshop is significantly different from various seminars, master classes and other forms of training in which there are teachers and students. Here everything happens collectively and mutually beneficial.

How to benefit from the workshop?


If you want to expand your knowledge, skills in any field (be it your professional field or other interests), participation in such an event will be very useful for you. But for this you need to know, workshop - what it is and how to use the workshop for your own purposes. First of all, before the trip, study the question yourself and formulate your own judgments regarding one or another of its aspects. Try to learn something yourself, so that at the workshop you had questions that you could get answers to.

Arriving at the event, become an active participant, do not be afraid to share your views. Even if someone does not share them, you can find very interesting opinions from the outside, look at the problem from a different angle, get criticism or deepen knowledge. Before the workshop, formulate for yourself the result that you want to get at its completion, and direct your strength and attention to its achievement. By following these simple rules, you can get the most out of the event and solve the required tasks.


Workshop Examples

We have formulated the goal and purpose of this form of training, but not everyone has an idea of ​​what topic the workshop can be dedicated to. What could it be? If we talk about the professional environment, such events are often held among sales managers or HR specialists. The topic may be some aspect of their daily activities, for example: “How to find a client”, “Where to look for customers and how not to lose them”, “How to identify a real specialist”, “How and by what criteria to filter applicants”, etc.. At the same time, each participant has his own opinions, proven schemes and working examples. The event can be held as an interchange of knowledge and ideas with elements of the game, brainstorming, team competitions and so on.

Many workshops are devoted to creative topics. These are all kinds of drawing techniques, photography, decoupage, modeling, other design and not only interests. There are events at which people who are passionate about a healthy lifestyle, using organics in the kitchen and at home, gather. They share with each other their knowledge, findings, ideas. In general, the mass of options. If there is interest that unites people, there will be a workshop.