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Oriental names for boys: a list of rare and popular

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Oriental names for boys: a list of rare and popular
Oriental names for boys: a list of rare and popular

Video: My Favourite Arabic/Muslim Baby Names | Cute, Pretty, Unique 2024, July

Video: My Favourite Arabic/Muslim Baby Names | Cute, Pretty, Unique 2024, July

The name plays a huge role in human life, with its help you can lay the future character and even predetermine fate. Oriental names for boys are no exception. In the countries where they are used, people attach particular importance to this. Choosing the most suitable name for the future head of the family sometimes takes a huge amount of time, since all his relatives should like it.

Why is it so important?

There are a number of theories according to which the name of a person has a huge impact on his fate. According to one of them - social, it helps to get a primary understanding of temperament, origin, nationality, and even personality traits. Western and eastern names for boys, for example, can be a marker of their belonging to a particular territory. In the past, sociality was expressed much more strongly, now this issue remains relevant for a relatively small number of nationalities.


Emotional theory believes that the human name should be considered a certain stimulus, which can cause a completely different reaction in different people. The attitude of the surrounding world to the one who bears such a name will directly depend on her. If for a large number of people it causes a negative reaction, then this will be transmitted to the carrier, seriously affecting its nature.

Many parents tend to choose a name for their child, which he will be proud to glorify his name. As a rule, each of them has its own meaning, which can be transferred to the owner. For example, the name Arsen means “bold, fearless, ” and it is these qualities that can be transferred to its owner if the parents decide to name their heir that way.

Where are Arabic names for boys more commonly used?

They can often be found in African countries, for example, Egypt, Libya, the UAE, Tunisia. Over the past few decades, carriers of rare eastern names can be found in the southern countries of Europe, this has become possible due to the migration of several generations of African people there. Now it has become quite commonplace, the Europeans began to call their own children in the same way.

It is also worth noting that boys with similar names can also be found in completely unexpected places, which can also be associated with the constant migration of the population. True, in Asia, such situations happen much less often, since it is quite difficult to find the best living conditions for the younger generation there. In eastern countries, including Mauritania, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, a large number of carriers of unusual and original names are born annually.

What does religion say about choosing a name?

Choosing the most suitable among the Arabic names for boys is quite difficult, in Islam there are a certain number of rules that are mandatory. For example, a sacrifice must be made in honor of each newborn, after the ritual, you can give the child a name. Some hadiths testify that a name can be given at any time: at least on the day of the baby’s birth, at least a few days after a happy event.


Some hadiths say that the names of newborns should be named after angels and prophets. The name of Muhammad, a prophet who is considered one of the founders of Islam, enjoys special respect. It should be noted that parents should name the child so that his name does not become a reason for ridicule and humiliation. In Eastern literature, you can find a large number of texts that describe how the prophet changed degrading names to more worthy ones.

It is strictly forbidden to use names that belong to the Almighty Creator (Halik, Ahad). According to the Prophet Muhammad, people so named will cause the terrible wrath of the Most High on Judgment Day. Also, a negative can cause a name that demonstrates obedience to anyone other than God, for example, Abdun-Nabi, which translates as “the slave of the prophet.” Before giving a name to a child, many visit the mosque and consult with its ministers, some believe that this will bring happiness to the baby.


A short list of oriental names for boys is given below:

  • Ibrahim.
  • Suleiman.
  • Timur.
  • Nazar
  • Tahir.
  • Ruzil.
  • Tariq.
  • Dovlet.
  • Jamil.
  • Dahtiyar.
  • Anzor and others.

You can learn more about these names below.

Modern tendencies

Among the popular oriental names for boys, Ibrahim is increasingly found today, translated from Hebrew and Arabic, it means “father of peoples”, sometimes there is a variation of Ibrahim, in Christian culture Abraham corresponds to it. Partly, the popularity of the bearers of this name increased after the release of several Turkish TV shows at once, which spoke in detail about their namesakes - great figures of the Middle Ages. A special boom to call so newborns came in 2013-2015.

For the same reasons, the name Suleiman became popular, which means “living in prosperity and health”. In Jewish culture, the name Solomon corresponds to it, and it takes on a slightly different meaning - “perfect”. Modern culture quite often becomes a trend even in such a sensitive and difficult issue as the name of the child, but much depends on the family of the baby.

Obsolete Names

Despite the fact that there are a fairly large number of beautiful oriental names for boys, modern parents sometimes turn to history. That is how in the early 1990s the name Timur came back into use, which means “strong” in translation. Now it has again lost ground to a more modern one, and is quite rare among adolescents, mostly men aged 25 to 45 years old.


The film “Wedding in the Robin” several decades ago made many residents of the Soviet Union fall in love with the commander of the Kotovites, Nazar Duma. Few people knew then that the name of the main character of the film means “far-sighted”, women wanted to give birth to the same strong, brave and responsible sons, similar to the character of a favorite picture. Today this name has again sunk into oblivion, although, quite possibly, it will again become popular in the future.

The list of names for boys should also highlight such as Tahir. A child so named should grow up honest and reliable. In his head there is always a plan of action, he is ready to find the answer to any question and lead others to take impregnable positions. Parents gave this name to their sons in the mid-1950s and 60s of the last century, now it practically does not occur.

What unusual names can I use?

Parents who want their child to be different from the rest are carefully studying rare oriental names for boys. One of these may be Ruzil, the owner of this name is usually a cheerful person who easily makes contact with the outside world. Such a man towards maturity becomes a deep analyst, who makes absolutely all decisions with the help of analysis and prefers long-term partnership to fragile obligations.


Another original name for the boy is Tariq, which means “morning star” in translation. Despite such a vivid definition, a man named that way has a rather modest and closed character, such people are sometimes called "all in himself." Most often, he becomes a professional in only one selected industry, and his situation is completely satisfied, he demonstrates his inner world with the help of acquired knowledge.

Among the oriental names for boys, parents should definitely turn their attention to such as Dovlet. In translation, it means “wealth”, but the person who is not always so named is really becoming wealthy. As a rule, he is an idealist who has his own picture of the world and requires others to conform to it in every way. To convince such a person is a thankless task, he will stop treating others so demanding only when he has no physical and moral strength left for it.

How to name a child so that he becomes successful?

Each parent wishes his baby happiness, success and prosperity and tries to name him accordingly. That is why the name Jamil, meaning “beautiful, ” has become popular in eastern countries. In life, a person so named always strives for comfort; it is always important for him to feel his own significance. Such a person can be called vulnerable and very sensitive, because he greatly depends on the opinions of others.

Often men with this name occupy leading posts, and here they are often transformed into real despots. Interaction with a large number of people forces them to develop the line that they adhere to, so as not to become a tyrant. As a rule, those who bear the name Jamil do not aspire to any career growth, and often this causes irritation among others. However, men relate to such claims with their inherent oriental calm.


This also includes people with the name Bakhtiyar (“happy”), who have leadership inclinations, but do not want to take responsibility for the lives of other people. Men named in this way are philosophers; they do not pursue material values, where it is more important for them to have family, friends, and also the ability to realize their talents and inclinations.

A boy named Bakhtiyar most often becomes a researcher, he likes to discover something new, so at first glance he may seem a little detached from the surrounding reality. One of the main shortcomings of the people named in this way is that they are not interested in building a family and having children, they are comfortable enough alone.

What is the name of the future warrior?

The most suitable for a child to whom parents predict the fate of the military is the name Anzor, which has several meanings - “watching the horizon”, “free” and “caring”. The holder of this name very often has a tendency to constantly move, loves to travel and constantly discover something new. He uses a similar approach for his hobbies - yesterday's desire to create wood products today can be replaced by the need to start his own farm.

Inconstancy is a distinctive feature of the owners of this name, they are often not able to adequately assess stability, therefore, they conflict with people around them. However, there are also advantages, the most important of them is enormous determination and endurance. Anzor always completes what he started to the end, without paying attention to the reaction of others, which deserves respect.

How to name a child who should become great?

One of the most unusual and original oriental male names is Azamat, the nationality of this name is constantly disputed by specialists studying this issue. It is believed that it came from the Arabic verb with the meaning “majestic, ” then the name passed into the Persian and Turkish languages, where it has been fixed to this day. This is the name of the heirs of the ruling dynasties, as well as the first-born in noble families, who were entrusted with serious responsibility.


This name came to Central Asia and the North Caucasus much later and got a completely different meaning. Here it is believed that people so named have a good character and constantly surprise everyone with their valor, courage and ability to win in any situation. On the territory of Kazakhstan there is its own transcript of the name Azamat - “citizen”. Some linguists put forward a theory according to which it first appeared in Central Asia, and only then fell into the territory of modern Turkey. As of 2018, this issue is still unresolved.

Another option is the name Najib, which means "noble." Independent and proud carriers of this name can not stand the advice from others and rely only on their knowledge, skills. Such men love adventure, thirst for risk and excitement, they are often lucky, and by this they cause burning envy among others. Najib usually achieves success in the trading sector, however, it should be remembered that responsibility is not about him, he is afraid and avoids it in every way.