
Is immaculate conception possible, or what is parthenogenesis

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Is immaculate conception possible, or what is parthenogenesis
Is immaculate conception possible, or what is parthenogenesis

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Surely each of you knows the story described in scripture. Mary, being the chosen one of God, brought forth the immaculately conceived child. Whether this actually happened or was only the result of the violent imagination of the authors of those times is difficult to say today. But let it be known to you, the immaculate conception in our world is a very common thing. What is parthenogenesis and what is its essence?


Amazing world

Perhaps the birth of life can be attributed to one of the greatest mysteries of our universe. Where it came from and who is the creator of everything and everything is a mystery with seven seals. But no matter who our creator was, he made sure that life on the blue planet never ran out. Its various forms that inhabit the Earth are capable of reproducing their own kind in the most diverse, sometimes very unexpected ways.



What is parthenogenesis? This is the ability of a female to give life to a new generation without the participation of a sexual partner - a male. This does not mean that males are not needed at all, they are, of course, important. Parthenogenesis is not a method of asexual reproduction, as in some plants (budding, for example). But if it happens that a female individual for some reason could not find a mating partner and the egg did not fertilize, she could still produce full-fledged offspring without his participation. This ability provides the mind with very good survival. When the abundance drops, females can make up the population for a short time and continue the genus. That is the essence of parthenogenesis.


Another important feature of such breeding is the regulation of the ratio of the number of females and males. So, for example, drones (males) appear in bees from unfertilized eggs, and working individuals, which are all female, appear from fertilized ones.

Types of parthenogenesis

What is parthenogenesis and how can it occur in certain animals? In some species, it is considered the main breeding method (obligate). For other forms, it is cyclic, that is, periodically the offspring appears from unfertilized eggs, but more often with the participation of the male. The optional or emergency method of reproduction provides the species with survival in the most difficult living conditions, that is the essence of parthenogenesis for them. These cases are, rather, the exception, because usually such animals adhere to bisexual reproduction.