
Neuroreanimatologist Petrikov Sergey Sergeevich: biography, achievements and reviews

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Neuroreanimatologist Petrikov Sergey Sergeevich: biography, achievements and reviews
Neuroreanimatologist Petrikov Sergey Sergeevich: biography, achievements and reviews

Petrikov Sergey Sergeevich - a well-known domestic doctor, his specialization is neuroresuscitation. At the moment, he heads the regional vascular center, which operates on the basis of the Research Institute of Emergency Medicine, named after Professor Sklifosovsky. It is considered a major specialist in the field of intensive care of patients suffering from intracranial hemorrhage. In 2016, he received the status of professor at the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Doctor's biography


Petrikov Sergey Sergeevich was born in Moscow in 1974. Back in school, he decided that he would be a doctor. Therefore, he entered the Sechenov State Medical Academy. He graduated with honors in 1997. Such a choice is not surprising if you know who the parents of Sergey Sergeyevich Petrikov are. They also linked their fate with medicine.

The internship was held at the intensive care unit for neurosurgical patients and intensive care. After receiving all the necessary diplomas and documents, he remained to work at the same department.

Scientific activity

Petrikov Sergey Sergeevich throughout his career combined practical activities with scientific. So, already in 2002, he successfully defended his thesis, which he devoted to the prevention and treatment of patients with intracranial hemorrhage.


After another 7 years, he received a doctorate. This time, his dissertation was devoted to the correction of secondary brain injuries in patients suffering from intracranial hemorrhages for a long time. The results of the defense of this dissertation were significant. In the department of neuroresuscitation in which he worked, a whole range of specialized measures was developed, which were aimed at conducting intensive care. These methods have significantly reduced the number of deaths in critically ill patients. Experts noted that the merit in this belonged to the research conducted by Sergey Sergeyevich Petrikov.

In 2011, the doctors noticed the work at the highest level. He was appointed the head of the head regional vascular center, which is still based today at the central research institute for emergency care.

Professional success


Petrikov Sergey Sergeevich, whose work reviews are mostly positive from patients, has a doctorate in medical sciences. He is a professor at the metropolitan medical and dental institute. As president, he leads the All-Russian non-governmental organization, whose activity specializes in uniting the efforts of Russian neuro-resuscitators and neuroanesthesiologists in treating patients.

The last achievement of the hero of our article was the appointment of the acting head of the Sklifosovsky Research Institute. It took place on June 4 this year.

Petrikov inventor


It is noteworthy that the hero of our article is not only a successful medical practitioner and scientist, but also an inventor who has several patents in his account.

In total, he is the author of more than fifty scientific publications and articles. Moreover, several dozen of them were published in the central press. Specialists know him as one of the co-authors of the national manual, which is used in intensive care, as well as three more manuals and teaching aids, which are still used in the treatment of patients with intracranial hemorrhage.

He advocates the active introduction and application of modern methods of prevention in the treatment process, which are able to prevent most of the probable diseases. And also an ardent supporter of a thorough early diagnosis, treatment of acute cerebrovascular accident with the onset of the first symptoms. Calls on all colleagues and authorities to pay attention to the problem of vascular diseases, from which thousands of Russians suffer annually.

Petrikov without fail receives the corresponding patents for his inventions. He belongs to the discovery of a way to control intracranial pressure using hyperbaric oxygenation. Even in cases where the patient is undergoing mechanical ventilation. Even with a high intracranial hemorrhage, a critical condition and pessimistic forecasts of doctors.

The second method that Petrikov invented, he is actively applying today in his practice. This is a diagnosis of intracranial hypertension, which is not amenable to any control. In this case, trepanation of the skull is mandatory, which is permissible even if the patient is in critical condition.

With these methods, as well as with new modern methods of treatment and prevention of neurodiseases, Petrikov is actively sharing with colleagues. In particular, from the pages of the specialized medical journal Neurosurgery. The hero of our article is a member of the editorial board of this publication.

Personal life


He always notes that he is satisfied with his personal life, Sergey Sergeyevich Petrikov. His family always supports him in all endeavors. No matter how much time you have to spend at work, researching and consulting patients.

At the same time, Petrikov Sergey Sergeevich is very reluctant to spread about the features and details of his private life. Family, children are taboo for him when communicating with representatives of the media and unfamiliar people. Especially now that he has become a well-known physician throughout the country, there is increased public attention to his person.