
“Everything is reversible, except for the time itself”: 85 to Vladimir Pozner. What fans probably don’t know about the famous journalist

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“Everything is reversible, except for the time itself”: 85 to Vladimir Pozner. What fans probably don’t know about the famous journalist
“Everything is reversible, except for the time itself”: 85 to Vladimir Pozner. What fans probably don’t know about the famous journalist

Video: Ideas for Tomorrow | Vladimir Pozner, Russian Journalist and Author 2024, July

Video: Ideas for Tomorrow | Vladimir Pozner, Russian Journalist and Author 2024, July

On April 1, Vladimir Pozner, the master of Russian and international journalism, celebrated his anniversary. For a long time on television, he repeatedly showed a high level of professional skill, which earned the respect and love of the audience. Today we’ll talk about another, “non-screen” life of Vladimir Pozner and discover some previously unknown facts about the legendary journalist.


Childhood and youth

Pozner was born in 1934 in Paris, in the family of an emigrant with Jewish roots from Russia and the French. Named after his father, from childhood he considered himself a Frenchman by nationality. A little later, after the occupation of Paris by German troops, the family had to emigrate to the United States, and from there, in 1952, to the USSR, because of the charge of Posner Sr. in collaboration with the intelligence of the Soviets.

Choice of profession

In Moscow, Vladimir Pozner was denied admission to the Moscow State University for Biology and Soil. The reason for this was Jewish origin and some "dubious" facts of biography. Despite all the difficulties, Pozner nevertheless managed to be on the lists of students of the faculty, thanks to his father's connections, and to receive the cherished specialty.

However, after graduation, Vladimir made a turning point in his life: he refused to study in graduate school and a possible scientific future. Pozner devoted time to literary translations, carried away by English poetry. Thanks to this "passion", Samuel Marshak drew attention to a promising young man and offered him to work as his literary secretary.

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Journalist career: how it all began

In 1961, Pozner received the position of senior editor at the News Agency, a little later worked in the magazines Sputnik and Sovetskaya Zhizn. Since 1970, the entire Soviet Union learned about him as a commentator - he began to collaborate with the USSR Broadcasting Committee. Since the early 1980s Vladimir Pozner worked as a television journalist, including on American television.

By 1991, Posner became a political observer, recognized as the most authoritative journalist of the time. Today in his track record is a lot of interviews, many written books and television projects. This outstanding person is truly loved and revered by Russian viewers. Modern media cannot be imagined without Vladimir Vladimirovich.



Recently, the journalist admitted that in 1993 he was diagnosed with cancer. Consultations with specialists from 6 countries of the world did not produce any particular results: all doctors recommended different treatment methods. In the end, trusting the American oncologist, Posner went for surgery. The operation was successful; after it, neither chemotherapy nor radiation was required. Further annual examinations showed that the disease was overcome thanks to timely diagnosis at an early stage and the right treatment tactics.