
"The barrel organ still weeps": the impudent and unexpected actions of Nikolai Baskov during his career

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"The barrel organ still weeps": the impudent and unexpected actions of Nikolai Baskov during his career
"The barrel organ still weeps": the impudent and unexpected actions of Nikolai Baskov during his career

Nikolai Baskov is a talented and shocking pop singer, famous and beloved not only in Russia. But he is also a good actor, masterly able to transform into different images. Sometimes it comes to posturing, and sometimes it looks hilariously funny. Take a closer look at the selection of curious cases generously produced by the famous tenor to the delight of the public.


The first trick: kisses with oneself

Basque loves himself very much and does not hide this fact, but to so much! Therefore, no one expected Nikolai to post a provocative and at the same time funny video on Instagram. The viewers watching the video were given the pleasure to see the following picture: Baskov, watching his speech broadcast on TV, could not resist, and from the excess of reverential delight and warm feelings he began enthusiastically kissing the television screen, which shocked the whole country. The main thing is that, acting in this way, the artist will definitely not be left without attention!

Pokemon with a fire extinguisher, or Baskov's Innocent Entertainment


The singer loves bright costumes, unusual outfits, sparkles and sea shells. But once he surpassed himself by appearing at the closing ceremony of the New Wave in such uniforms that the audience froze in bewilderment. On Nikolai there was a poisonous yellow Pokemon Pikachu costume! Perhaps this did not quite correspond to the format of the event, but such vestment was 100% remembered by the public and amused the bored guests.

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But the next shocking attack of the singer was not adequately perceived by all. After another trick, Baskov is unlikely to be invited to family celebrations. The fact is that at the birthday party of the wife of the well-known Alexander Buinov, Nikolai again distinguished himself. Kolya pretty much went over and decided that it was time to cool off, not only to him, but to everyone present. What is easier - under a plausible pretext, he took a fire extinguisher and effectively cooled the ardor of the guests. Especially went to the Galkins. But the colleagues in the shop are not offended at a friend, although they also did not come to the delight of an unplanned bathing.