
Remembering the thoughts of the wise about life

Remembering the thoughts of the wise about life
Remembering the thoughts of the wise about life

Video: Wise Ancient Greek Philosophers Quotes to Make You a Better Person! 2024, July

Video: Wise Ancient Greek Philosophers Quotes to Make You a Better Person! 2024, July

Sometimes a simple phrase spoken in time is enough to change not only the mood, but also the person’s life. The thoughts of the wise about life are truly a priceless treasure. Once a 50-year-old woman, having lost faith in people, love, and her own destiny, in her hearts told her bitterness to a young thirty-year-old colleague. "I'm going crazy, I don't know how to live on!" - such was the leitmotif of confession. What could a friend who was fit as a daughter advise her? “You know, ” she said. - They say that on the ring of King Solomon there was a brief inscription: "And this will pass …". Surprisingly, the elder friend brightened her face and thanked the interlocutor from the bottom of her heart. It was obvious that she instantly calmed down.


What did she read between the lines of this phrase? Apparently, sometimes wise thoughts about life answer some of our questions that we cannot formulate. Sometimes they are consonant with the momentary mood or in a brief, aphoristic form express the quintessence of our worldview. It seems that a philosopher, writer or scientist simply “removed from the tongue” our thought about a particular phenomenon, event, concept. It’s just that you yourself couldn’t express yourself so subtly and gracefully, and therefore, at the moment of acquaintance with a brief masterpiece, you feel delight and desire to share the acquired knowledge with other people.


Sometimes the wise thoughts of life help to survive in a difficult struggle. After an extremely difficult period, which fell on our lot, we see with Frederick Nietzsche that what did not kill us certainly made stronger. And here is a differently sounding thought that we ourselves are forging happiness for ourselves. It is formulated by the romantic writer Remarque: "A man is stronger than his fate until he surrenders." I immediately remember a frog from a fable replicated in offices, fighting for its life in a krynka with milk and whipping butter.

Often the thoughts of wise people about life are full of hidden irony. How wonderful, with subtle British humor, noted by Winston Churchill: “Success is the ability to move from one failure to another without losing enthusiasm.” And here is the comicism characteristic of Americans. The ability to laugh at one’s problems in such a way can set anyone up in a positive way. “I did not lose. I just found 10, 000 ways that didn’t work, ”writes Thomas Edison, father of the light bulb. As the Frenchman Victor Hugo said: "Freedom begins with irony."

In the pre-Internet era, we copied from each other wise thoughts about life. Quotes about love interspersed in our songbooks and profiles with quotes about friendship, honor and success.

  • Image

    To reach the goal, you just need to go (Honore de Balzac).

  • It's kind of fun to do the impossible (Walt Disney).

  • No one can make you feel inferior without your consent (Eleanor Roosevelt).

Some wise thoughts about life have lost their author and are quoted as saying. But even these statements help us understand the world around us, learn to exist in it. “If you have 100 reasons to cry, find 1000 reasons to smile.” “Don't let the past steal your present.”

Of course, wisdom is a state of mind acquired over a period of time as a result of personal experience, and not an innate quality. However, this is not a reason to abandon the study of this treasure - the statements of smart people about the meaning of life and other important things.