
Adult daughters of Elena Proklova

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Adult daughters of Elena Proklova
Adult daughters of Elena Proklova

The daughters of Elena Proklova are Arina and Polina Proklova. Girls were born from different spouses of the actress and with a very big difference in age.

Elena Proklova: biography of the artist

Elena was born in 1953 in the capital of Russia, the city of Moscow. Her parents were talented educators. The actress's mother worked as a teacher at school, and her father was a teacher at a military academy. The debut of the actress took place at the age of 12 thanks to the filmmaker, who served with Elena's grandfather. Viktor Proklov was the second director of the film “They Call, Open the Door”, but he himself refused to bring the granddaughter to the set.


For participation in the film Elena was awarded a prestigious award, which served as a significant impetus for the development of the creative career of the future popular actress. Participation in school, the girl played the role of Gerda in the children's film "The Snow Queen", as well as one of the main roles in the film "Burn, Burn My Star" and "Transitional Age". After filming, Elena decided that she would become a film actress.

The girl externally graduated from school, after which she entered the acting department of the Moscow Art Theater School. After 5 years of study, the actress until 1991 served in the Moscow Art Theater. And also periodically acted in films, and only in the last decade of the outgoing XX century, like many actors, she suspended her acting career.

However, since the beginning of the 2000s, a new round of popularity has taken place in Elena’s career, she was again invited to act in films and not television.

Elena's personal life

The actress was married three times and had numerous novels with famous personalities. Among the lovers were such stars as O. Yankovsky, A. Mironov, L. Prygunov, decorator A. Adamovich, M. Volontir.

The first time the actress got married at the age of 18. Film director V. Melik-Karamov became her husband. Having been married for 4 years, the actress gave birth to a girl Arina and divorced her husband.


The second husband of the actress was the doctor A. Deryabin, in a marriage with whom Elena gave birth to twin sons. The boys died almost immediately after giving birth.

The next union, the actress concluded with businessman A. Trishin, who was a close friend of her brother. First, the actress had a boy, but died a week after birth. And after 10 years of marriage, the couple had a daughter. Elena Proklova and her husband called her Polina. The couple divorced, having lived together for 30 years.

Arina Proklova - daughter of Elena Proklova

In one of the interviews, the artist told the media how her eldest daughter, having learned that her mother was going to marry a second time, decided that she did not want to live with her. For the actress, it was a difficult period in life. At that moment, Elena Proklova's daughter announced that she was going to live with her grandparents.

However, Elena admitted that she herself did wrong during a divorce from Arina's father. However, in order to deal with the child, she arranged her personal life.

Arina insisted on her decision and grew up in a family of relatives. After a while, when grandparents passed away, the girl began to feel like an orphan, and even both living parents could not replace her departed relatives.

At the moment, the famous actress Elena Proklova managed to establish relations with her eldest daughter. However, Arina's daughter, Alice, who is 22 years old, does not favor the famous grandmother and tries to reduce communication to a minimum.
