
Venom of a viper, bee, scorpion - benefit or harm

Venom of a viper, bee, scorpion - benefit or harm
Venom of a viper, bee, scorpion - benefit or harm

Video: Human Blood vs. Snake Venom! 2024, July

Video: Human Blood vs. Snake Venom! 2024, July

At the word poison, everyone has a sense of danger and anxiety. We are used to associating with this word thoughts about their harmful effects on the body. Is venom of the viper and other representatives of the animal world and the world of insects really dangerous?

An adder is a snake that is widespread throughout almost the entire territory of Russia. This is the only type of poisonous snake that can be found in the forests of the Moscow region. Usually their activity is activated with the onset of spring. At this time, they wake up from hibernation. Vipers settle in groups, that is, there are places with a high degree of concentration of this species. And, conversely, you can not meet a single individual in a certain period of the terrain. This is due to the presence or absence of a suitable place for wintering.

The diet of the viper is diverse. It consists of small rodents, lizards, frogs, chicks and small birds. What the viper eats depends on the particular area. To destroy the victim, they use poison. For small representatives of the fauna, viper venom is deadly. For the snake itself, poison is a catalyst for the digestive system.

Viper venom acts primarily on the cardiac system. The substance neurotoxin that it contains is actively involved in this. There is also a change in blood composition. Red blood cells are destroyed by the poison.

The main symptom of a bite should be considered pain, increasing simultaneously with an increase in swelling of the bitten place. Then within two days there is an increase in lymph nodes. Vomiting and blisters may occur. Despite the toxicity of viper venom, it is not fatal to humans. At the first sign of a bite, it is advisable to suck blood from the wound whenever possible, give an analgesic and antiallergic drug, as well as a medicine to maintain the heart. The victim needs a plentiful drink and the qualified help of a specialist. In medicine, viper venom is not used.

Unlike viper venom, bee venom is widely used in official and folk medicine. It has valuable properties several times accelerate most physiological processes in the body. Just a small dose of bee venom is enough to get a visible effect. Therefore, all procedures for its use should be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist in this field.

The study of the healing properties of bee venom mankind has been engaged for a long time. Even in antiquity, it was widely used for treatment. The properties of bee venom can improve the composition and consistency of blood, thereby reducing the load on the heart. The composition of the poison allows you to accelerate the penetration of beneficial substances into the body. It contains many amino acids, copper, iron, calcium, magnesium. It is used as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic.

For a long life, a bee needs to use its ability to sting and secrete poison as often as possible. This is not only a way of protection, but also blood renewal. The poison secreted by the bees also has these properties.

According to research, scorpion venom is not only life-threatening, but also able to relieve pain. This conclusion was reached by Israeli scientists. Their plans include the development of painkillers based on this poison. Peptide toxins are found in the venom of these animals, which can affect some pain sensations in humans. While scientists are trying to study the effect of this substance and its components, to give humanity a new type of painkiller. The healing properties of scorpion venom were known in ancient China. They widely used this tool in traditional medicine.

The use of poisons in everyday life is dangerous to health. It is possible only under the constant supervision of a doctor. Self-treatment using poisons is strictly prohibited.