
Japanese Princess Aiko: biography, family and interesting facts

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Japanese Princess Aiko: biography, family and interesting facts
Japanese Princess Aiko: biography, family and interesting facts

Video: Japan's Princess Aiko Would Lose Everything If She Chose To Marry Outside The Royal Family 2024, June

Video: Japan's Princess Aiko Would Lose Everything If She Chose To Marry Outside The Royal Family 2024, June

Aiko (Princess Toshi, whose biography will be presented in this article) is the daughter of Naruhito and Masako, the heir to the prince and princess of Japan. At the moment, the girl is only 14 years old, and she was brought up in the same traditions as her father, the son of the current imperial couple Akihito and Michiko.

Princess birth

Aiko was born only after 8 years of unsuccessful attempts by Masako to conceive and bear a child. However, this was the second pregnancy of the crown princess, because the first ended in a miscarriage, which led to public gossip. If the Empress Michiko had not acted on the side of the daughter-in-law, perhaps the events would have been completely different.

Two years after the tragic incident, on December 1, 2001, Princess Aiko was finally born - a healthy and strong girl. Contrary to custom, the name for her was chosen by the parents themselves. It translates as "child of love." However, in Japan, even an ordinary person has two names: a child and an adult. Therefore, Aiko also has a second - Toshi, meaning "a man who respects others."


This choice was due to the teachings of the philosopher Mencius, which stated that a person who loves and respects other people will always receive reciprocity from them.

Disputes over the birth of the princess

When Princess Aiko was born, the joy of the Japanese knew no bounds. What can not be said about the imperial family, whose laws stated that the throne is transmitted only through the male line. The problem was compounded by the fact that even the youngest son of the imperial couple, Prince Akisino, only girls were born in marriage. In fact, this deprived the dynasty of the heir.

During the discussion, the imperial family tended to change the inheritance system to the birthright, which would allow a woman to inherit power even if she later had brothers.

In 2005, a group of experts supporting this initiative spoke on this issue, and a few months later, Prime Minister Koizumi devoted part of his annual television talk to this sensitive issue. As a result, he pledged to the public to submit a bill allowing inheritance under the birthright.

However, as often happens, the politician kept silent about the exact timing and details of the document. Therefore, a year (2007) after the birth of Aiko's cousin, Hisahito, another Prime Minister withdrew the proposal to change the order of inheritance. For this reason, many today conclude that it is unlikely that Princess Aiko will become empress.

Princess family

Aiko's father is Crown Prince Naruhito (born February 23, 1960), the son of the current imperial couple. The eldest child in the family, brought up outside the imperial traditions, like the rest of the children of Michiko and Akihito. Contrary to customs, it was not the numerous nannies who were engaged in it, but the parents themselves, who tried to live the most “simple” life.

Princess Aiko is also the daughter of a "commoner, " because Naruhito continued the tradition begun by his parents. His wife, Princess Masako (born December 9, 1963), was born into the family of promising diplomat Hisashi Owada. She was the eldest daughter. From the age of two, Masako constantly left her native country, staying in the USA for some time, where she studied until the 86th year, after which she returned to Japan. As a result, at the age of 23, Masako met the crown prince, but agreed to become his wife only in 1992, having previously refused Naruhito twice.


Aiko (Princess Toshi) is the only child in the family of the Crown Prince. But, as mentioned above, she has a younger cousin Hisahito - a very cheerful and cheerful child. The media speaks of him as the only member of the imperial family, over whom the severity of obligations is still not dominated.


At the age of 3, Aiko studied at Tokyo Children's Castle. Two years later, she went to kindergarten Gakusyuin, and in 2008 she entered elementary school with him. However, it was not so simple.


The classmates of the princess did not care about her high descent, so the girl began to refuse to attend a prestigious educational institution, unable to withstand bullying.

Problems with the team

Japanese schools today are not a place for the faint of heart, as, indeed, many other educational institutions for adolescents in other countries. In more prestigious institutions, it rarely comes to fights, but mockery and attempts to frighten are not uncommon.

It was they who were subjected to the Japanese princess Aiko. According to her, she was not the only victim, the boys of the class poisoned the rest of the girls, jumping on them and waving their hands. As a result, Masako began to personally accompany her daughter to school, and the media was allowed to dig as deep as possible to highlight the problem of violence in Japanese schools.

Since her daughter is the only outlet of the crown princess, tormented by pressure from the imperial court and the public, she could not allow her to be abused. Therefore, even while being with her during the lessons, her mother did not want to leave Masako in the school for a long time and often took her home ahead of time.

Observers believe that the princess of Japan, Aiko, is growing too impressionable due to her mother's condition. After all, her problems with the team lasted from the kindergarten, where the nursery announced a boycott to her.

Today it is not known whether the princess’s problems have been exhausted, since the news about this no longer falls on the RuNet, however, if the girl’s relations with society do not improve, the crown prince may have to renounce the right to the throne. The Japanese themselves do not want to see such an unhealthy family at the head of the country.


Hobbies Aiko

Princess Aiko loves flowers and animals, so she takes pleasure in caring for them with her mother in the Togu palace. In addition, the girl creates pottery, plays the piano and violin, sings. The princess is not deprived of writing talent, so whole scripts for plays sometimes come out from under her hand.

It is also known that Aiko is an avid fan of sumo and is actively involved in sports, participates in competitions.
