
Clairvoyant and psychic Ilona Caulre: biography, family and interesting facts

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Clairvoyant and psychic Ilona Caulre: biography, family and interesting facts
Clairvoyant and psychic Ilona Caulre: biography, family and interesting facts

Cauldre Ilona is one of the strongest clairvoyants in the world, who became famous thanks to her participation in the Ukrainian version of the show “Battle of psychics”. Ilona Cauldre is able to find a person, wherever he is, having only his personal thing. Communicates with the souls of the dead. Both the past and the future are open to her, and she can save the family from the tormenting tribal curse. Thanks to her gift, Ilona has been helping people to understand the most complicated situations for many years: in collaboration with the police of their native Estonia, the clairvoyant managed to solve more than two dozen complicated cases that the most experienced detectives could not handle.

What is the secret of this mysterious woman for whom, as if there is nothing hidden? You will learn about the life and path of Ilona Cauldre to fame by reading this article.


Ilona Caulre: biography. Psychic childhood

Ilona was born in the small Estonian city of Kiviõli. The clairvoyant's parents were not Estonians: her mother was from Finland, and her father was from Germany. Ilona's father claims that many in his family had a mysterious gift, which his daughter inherited. Interestingly, the girl’s brother did not have clairvoyance and extrasensory abilities: a special talent in the family is transmitted mainly through the female line.

Remembering her childhood, Ilona says that she began to use her gift early: for example, she easily found things hidden by her peers. True, the girl did not yet understand that those around her did not see and feel the world like she did. However, over time, Ilona realized that she was very different from other people, and began to train her unusual gift.

Test Ilona Cauldre

Once, as a schoolgirl, Ilona, ​​together with her friends, went to a clairvoyant: the girls dreamed of knowing their future. The heroine of the article, because of her lack of experience, was sure that people offering such services were always endowed with supernatural abilities, and much more powerful than herself. However, being at the reception, Cauldre was surprised to understand that the psychic does not possess even a tenth of her own superpowers, that is, she is a fraud.

Since then, Ilona has always tested interlocutors who claim that they have a psychic gift. She asks what is the unusual anatomical feature of her body. Only by answering this question can Ilona be convinced of the ability to clairvoyance, because only the psychic will be able to determine that the woman’s heart is not on the left, but on the right.


Clairvoyant Nurse

Ilona was educated as an operating nurse, but the gift of clairvoyance prevented her from working in her specialty. Even during practice, the girl felt which of the patients was not destined to return to a normal life: she felt that she was powerless to help people, because the clairvoyant could not change fate … Ilona felt like someone else's own pain, so she realized that such work could reduce her crazy. Therefore, it was decided to part with medicine and help people in another way: using their unusual gift.

The Battle of Psychics: Strength Test

In 2010, Ilona became the winner of the Baltic “Battle of psychics, ” after which she decided to test her capabilities further. In 2012, Ilona Cauldre decided to take part in the Ukrainian battle. Clairvoyant quickly fell in love with viewers: it became popular not only because of its unique capabilities, but also because of the warmth and empathy that it gave people in need of help. Ilona could not take the first place, but immediately after the completion of one project, she was invited to participate in a new one - "Psychics are investigating." Cauldre is now using his powers to uncover the most complex cases, along with other powerful psychics.

Tests were given to Ilona not easy, because the reverse side of her gift is increased empathy. Experiencing other people's emotions as her own, the clairvoyant was not able to recover: she was away from her homeland, which always gave her strength. Perhaps for this reason the clairvoyant refused to participate in the Russian “Battle of psychics, ” where she was invited in 2011. However, despite the fact that Ilona left the “Battle” in the seventh series, she managed to achieve success and recognition.


As a clairvoyant nearly lost her sight

Filming of each series of “Battle of psychics” became an extreme test for clairvoyants. During one of the tests, Ilona almost lost her sight. The task was quite complicated: the psychic had to feel what was waiting for him in the "room of fear", and choose one object that would save his life. When Ilona opened the door to the room, she saw a bright flash: it ignited the gas. Of course, the organizers made sure that the psychics were not in real danger, but in the case of Ilona, ​​the test went wrong. The fire seared her hands and hair, and also melted the extended eyelashes that flowed into her eyes. As a result, Cauldre had to spend several days in the hospital: doctors were able to restore vision, but it became much worse than before the fateful test.


The gift of clairvoyance: what does a psychic feel?

Psychic Ilona Cauldre has not been trying to explain her gift for a long time: she simply uses it to help people. The clairvoyant claims that peculiar images come to her, which she describes in order to get answers to the questions asked.

The work of a psychic is not at all as simple a task as it might seem at first glance. It also has its own ethical subtleties, which Ilona has repeatedly encountered. For example, the future of a person who has arrived is far from always happy. If there is an opportunity to change anything, Ilona tries to offer all existing options. However, the psychic advises to live your own mind and not rely on her advice, but only take the information received at the reception into account.

Sometimes the clairvoyant feels exhausted and depressed due to someone else's pain, which he perceives as his own. Loneliness, meditation and water help her to recover: Ilona goes to the sea so that she gives her the strength so necessary to help people.


How not to fall victim to a curse?

Ilona claims that corruption never comes to people just like that: you need to earn it with your actions. In other words, to become a victim of spoilage, one must greatly defy fate. Sometimes people simply blame their own inaction and passivity for impairment: it is easier to feel like a victim of a sorcerer than to take fate into your own hands. Although there are terrible situations, such as family curses, when all boys die in a generation in every generation. However, such cases are quite rare.

According to Ilona Cauldre, in order not to become a victim of spoilage, first of all, one should not wish harm to other people: only careful attention to one’s own thoughts and actions will help not become an object of malicious influence.


Personal life

Psychic Ilona Cauldre, whose biography is presented to your attention in the article, prefers not to advertise her personal life and does not reveal all her secrets to the public. It is known that she first married at a very young age: the girl was only 19 years old. The marriage lasted 10 years and ended in divorce.

Is Ilona Cauldre married? Family for her at this stage of life is in the first place. With her current husband, Dmitry Cauldre, real estate manager, Ilona met in 2004. The couple is happy in marriage, the couple raise a son of Herman.
