
Comedian Igor Mamenko: biography, personal life, creativity and interesting facts

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Comedian Igor Mamenko: biography, personal life, creativity and interesting facts
Comedian Igor Mamenko: biography, personal life, creativity and interesting facts

Our today's hero is a wonderful artist Igor Mamenko. The biography of this comedian today is of interest to many Russians. You too? Then we recommend reading the article from beginning to end. Only true information and interesting facts await you.


Igor Mamenko: biography, family and childhood

He was born on 09/10/1960 in the golden-headed capital, Moscow. In what family was the future comedian brought up? His father, Vladimir Gennadievich, was a circus acrobat and stuntman. He performed dangerous stunts in the legendary film "Amphibian Man" and other films. Vladimir Mamenko personally knew Nikulin Yuri. They worked in the same circus number.

And Igor’s mother was the daughter of leading opera artists performing on the stage of the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater. The woman received a good education, but most of her life played the role of a housewife.

Igorek grew up an active and purposeful child. At an early age, he got a dream about a hockey player’s career. But then the boy abandoned this idea.

The ability to amuse people around us was manifested in our hero as a child. In the pioneer camp, Mamenko Jr. constantly participated in concerts and literary productions. He also started a notebook where he wrote down the most ridiculous phrases from the jokes he liked. Then the boy invented new funny stories and told them to friends.

In the footsteps of father

How did the life of our hero develop further? What can the biography of Igor Mamenko tell about this? At the age of 15, he went to enter the capital's circus-variety school. His father studied there at one time. Mamenko Jr. managed to cope with the entrance tests. He was a diligent and responsible student. In addition to acrobatics, Igorek mastered other circus genres - clowning, juggling and juggling.

The idol and role model for our hero was Yuri Nikulin. Igor liked how, with the help of funny makeup and facial expressions, he could cause laughter from the audience. Mamenko often arranged pranks for his fellow students, especially it got to them on April Fools' Day (April 1).

Work in the circus and the army

In 1984, Igor was awarded a diploma. He had no problems with employment. A talented and confident guy was accepted into the circus.


He worked there as an acrobat until he received a summons to the draft board. The young circus did not evade military service.

Igor Mamenko, whose biography we are considering, was in the motorized rifle troops of the Kantemirov division. In the army, our hero continued to improve his acrobatic skills. He participated in concerts as part of a circus group. Then he was transferred to the sports complex SKA.

The appearance on the stage

After demobilization, Igor continued to perform in the circus. However, work ceased to bring him moral satisfaction. Mamenko wanted further creative development, and also longed to try himself in another field.

Once, in a conversation with a longtime friend Nikolai Lukinsky, he spoke about his desire to perform on stage. And a friend vividly reacted to his words. Lukinsky suggested Mamenko prepare several humorous numbers. And soon this duet addressed the general public. Their joint number was called “Soldier and Warrant Officer”. Igor Vladimirovich also told the audience a few jokes. On that day, Regina Dubovitskaya drew attention to a charming and extraordinary artist. She invited him to speak at the Full House. And our hero did not miss such a chance.


In 2003, all-Russian fame came to the pop artist. The biography of Igor Mamenko interested thousands of viewers. And after speaking with the mother-in-law “Mother-in-law”, he got the nickname Man-Joke.

Further humorous career

A kind of facial expression, imitation of female and male voices, an interesting presentation of material - all this caused a smile when the artist appeared on the stage alone.

Our hero not only reads works of famous authors, but also speaks with his own monologues. For several years, Igor Vladimirovich has been working closely with Leon Izmailov, Efim Shifrin and Altov Semyon. He constantly recalls the wonderful author and satirist Alexander Suvorov (now deceased).

Mamenko has a perfect ear and a pleasant voice. Perhaps his musical abilities came from his grandfather and grandmother (on my mother's side), who sang in the opera. Igor’s creative piggy bank has several funny songs performed in a duet with Anna Semenovich and Natasha Koroleva.


Today, many in our country know who Igor Mamenko is (his biography is not a secret behind seven seals). Despite the merits and rewards, he remains a modest and kind person. He never had star fever and arrogance. The artist does not refuse fans who ask him to give an autograph or take a joint photo. He can easily ride the subway.

What else can tell about our hero (comedian Igor Mamenko) biography?

Wife and kids

From youth, our hero was popular with women of the opposite sex. Many young ladies dreamed of connecting fate with a handsome and cheerful guy. But only one girl was lucky. Igor met his future wife, Maria, within the walls of the circus. The girl was a master of sports in gymnastics. Mamenko was always amazed at what inconceivable pirouettes under the circus dome she was doing.

Once Igor and Maria were included in the same acrobatic number. It was then between them that mutual feelings flared up. After that, the young acrobats tried to spend more time together. Igorek invited his beloved to the cinema, cafe, as well as for walks in the evening city.


Our hero made an offer to his future wife modestly, without a bouquet of red roses and an invitation to a restaurant. But Mary did not need all this. She loved Igor Vladimirovich so much that without hesitation, she agreed to marry him. In 1980, the couple entered into a legal marriage. They celebrated the triumph in a close family circle.

In 1982, as the biography of comedian Igor Mamenko says, his life was replenished with a joyful event - he had a first-born. The boy was called Dmitry. Another replenishment in the Mamenko family occurred in 2000. The second son of Igor and Maria, Alexander, was born.


How is Igor Mamenko now? The biography indicates that in July 2014 he became a widower. Beloved wife Maria died of a heart attack. The artist still can not come to terms with her death. They have been married for 34 years. And only death could separate two sincerely loving hearts.


The children of our hero have long grown up. The eldest son, Dmitry, is a successful businessman. However, the specific scope of his activities was not disclosed. And the youngest son, 16-year-old Sasha, is still in school. He is seriously interested in football, plays as part of the Spartak-2 team.

As for Igor Vladimirovich himself, he continues to participate in humorous programs (“Laughing is allowed, ” “Humorin, ” etc.).

Interesting Facts

  1. In 2005, he was awarded the title Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. He is also the owner of the Golden Ostap Award (2008), which he was awarded at the Comedy Film and Humor Festival in St. Petersburg.


  2. Mamenko considers Sergey Drobotenko, Rozhkov Svetlana, Elena Vorobey and Vetrov Gennady his close friends.

  3. He is a big fan of jazz. His house has an extensive music library.

  4. Mamenko Igor Vladimirovich considers himself a passionate fisherman and hunter. Every summer, together with a neighbor, the artist goes for several days to Astrakhan or Karelia.

  5. Recently, a comedian visited Africa. If you think that he examined local attractions there and basked on the beach, then you are greatly mistaken. Being on a hot continent, Mamenko went fishing. His prey was 22 kg som.

  6. Igor Vladimirovich himself said goodbye to sports a long time ago. There was no trace of a taut acrobat figure. At the same time, the 56-year-old comedian loves watching sports on TV. He has a special liking for boxing and biathlon.