
Abandoned villages of the Novgorod region: a list with names and photos

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Abandoned villages of the Novgorod region: a list with names and photos
Abandoned villages of the Novgorod region: a list with names and photos

Video: Every Muscovy Game Ever (EU4) 2024, June

Video: Every Muscovy Game Ever (EU4) 2024, June

The abandoned villages of Russia represent the sad realities of modern life. In numerous photos of abandoned villages in the Novgorod region, one can see how the once-rich villages of the peasants are gradually entering complete devastation and desolation. Once in the villages there were many enterprises and jobs, but over time they began to close, there was a shortage of work. And as a result, young people began to travel to larger areas or cities to earn money. It is worth noting the fact that in these abandoned villages there were truly amazing and beautiful buildings, but, alas, time does not spare anyone and nothing.

Rules of conduct in abandoned places


Many go on a trip to the abandoned villages of the Novgorod region on their own or in a small company. This type of rest can be considered extreme. But at present, some travel agencies are helping to organize excursions to abandoned places to help people comprehend unexplored secrets and visit once in the recent past inhabited places. Such travel agencies provide a guide that will not only be able to conduct excursions to all abandoned places, but also tell the true history of the region.

Arriving in an abandoned place, you should carefully listen to what the guide says and follow all his instructions:

  1. Be sure to stock up on food and water before the trip, as well as take a first aid kit and a flashlight with you.
  2. It is important to remember that many buildings are in disrepair, so you should not lean against poles and columns.
  3. During the inspection of the settlements, it is necessary to look under your feet so as not to get injured or fall to the floor.

The duties of the guide include:

  1. Get to the place and leave it at the end of the tour without any problems and delays.
  2. To help avoid meeting new inhabitants of abandoned places, which may be stray animals and the homeless.
  3. Tell all the details about the place visited, its history and indicate the reasons for neglect.
  4. Talk about how to inspect the premises so as not to harm either themselves or the rest.

Below is a list of names describing the abandoned villages of the Novgorod region.



In the list of abandoned villages in the Novgorod region is the village of Tidvorye, which for another 20 or 25 years was quite inhabited. It is located in a very picturesque place, but once beautiful and rich in fruit and plentiful harvests, gardens and vegetable gardens have long been overgrown with weeds and weeds.

There has been no electricity in Tidvorye for a long time, there are no jobs left, far from the district centers, only impassable forests and swamps stretch around. As a result, all the youth from the village left in search of a better life, and the old people gradually died, Tidvorye turned into a ghost village.

A river flows near the former settlement, in which the local population most likely once splashed. But now the only bridge, which quite recently combines a part of the village with the outside world, has been completely destroyed.

There are very few houses in Tidvorje - only about fifteen, but most of them have long been destroyed, there are only a few huts that are still quite strong. However, judging by what kind of devastation is happening around, and from these houses there will soon be nothing left but rotting boards. Even the normal road leading to this once flowering and abundant lilac and spherical willow village is no longer there, and the one that is is completely broken. You need to leave the car a few kilometers from the village, since it is simply impossible to drive on it, the only way to get there is to walk some part of the way on foot.



In Glukhovo, which also belongs to the abandoned villages of the Novgorod region, complete devastation and desolation reign. There are only about a dozen or more houses in the village. Their condition can be assessed as lousy and very lousy - dilapidated dilapidated shacks in which literally everything that was not pinned to the floor was plundered by looters and vandals.



Kotovo is also one of the abandoned villages of the Novgorod region that once flourished. Despite the fact that there are no more houses and generally no buildings, and those that remained were subjected to merciless invasions of vandals, it is still visible that the settlement was once famous for its beauty and abundance of gardens.

Seredka and Kulakovo


Kulakovo and Seredka are the names of the abandoned villages of the Novgorod region, which were once truly paradise places, but now it is impossible to look at them without longing and pain. In place of the villages there were only a few dilapidated houses, dilapidated churches, a churchyard and a cemetery.

Seredka’s gradual descent begins in 1997. It was then that a transformer burned out, supplying the whole village with electricity. There was no replacement, and all the production in the village stood up. It was then that the people began to leave her.

Lake Zhadino, flowing in the village of Seredka, is still famous for its beauty. But despite this, the fish in this lake is mainly found only small, and large does not survive, since the lake is considered to be overwhelming. In winter, during frosts, the lake is covered with ice and underwater inhabitants lack oxygen, in connection with which it is only necessary to make a small ice hole, and the fish literally jumps out.



Once upon a time, life was in full swing in the village of Zarisovka, Novgorod Region. Now it is completely abandoned. The buildings are crumbling at an incredible speed. Once residential buildings are without windows and doors.


Once this village was the administrative center, but now there is nothing there but dilapidated buildings and houses. The road to the village is completely destroyed, so you can get to it only on foot. Several years ago, in the season of mushrooms and berries, people began to come here to gather and settle in abandoned houses in which there was not even electricity, since the pillars had decayed and fell more than twenty years ago.


The village of Shakhnovo is another in the list of names of abandoned villages in the Novgorod region. This settlement is considered not so much abandoned, but disappeared. The village of Shakhnovo was only half a kilometer from the settlement of Sokolovo. Before the war, the main road passed through Shakhnovo, but in the postwar years, the main road was laid through Sokolovo. As a result, back in the sixties of the last century, all the Shakhnovites, thus cut off from the world, were forced with all their property to move to neighboring villages. Deserted houses and other buildings eventually fell into disrepair and fell apart.