
Insterburg Castle: description, history, interesting facts

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Insterburg Castle: description, history, interesting facts
Insterburg Castle: description, history, interesting facts

Video: Kaliningrad Russia 4K. Russian People and German Heritage 2024, June

Video: Kaliningrad Russia 4K. Russian People and German Heritage 2024, June

Insterburg Castle is located in the Kaliningrad Region. The city of Chernyakhov, in addition to the castle, will offer a curious tourist two old churches, an old water tower and the opportunity to penetrate well-preserved German architecture.


Insterburg Castle (Kaliningrad) is one of the most ancient structures located in the region. The building dates back to the 14th century, the wooden fortress began to be erected in 1336 for the needs of the Teutonic Order, whose master at that time was Dietrich von Altenburg. The wooden castle was eventually replaced by a stone structure.

Insterburg Castle belongs to defensive structures, a moat filled with water was dug around it for better defensive ability. A constant flow of water was provided by fortifications, where the resources of two small streams were directed. The construction was carried out by the forces of captive Prussians under the direction of the order.

In what year the wooden building was replaced by a stone one, history is silent, it is known for certain that the castle was ruined twice. The first time this happened in 1376, when the walls of the castle fell under the pressure of the army of the Lithuanian prince Sverdeyk. The second time the fortress was destroyed and burned almost a hundred years later, in 1457, during the period of hostilities between the cities of Prussia. The walls fell and were erected again, and the foundation, made of wild large stone, remained unscathed, and today it has been preserved in its almost original form.



What is Insterburg Castle in its original purpose? First of all, it is a defensive structure built to protect the conquered territories from the raids of the Lithuanians. In addition to military purposes, it served as a place of cohabitation of the soldiers of the Teutonic Order, called up for service to guard the borders and conduct military operations to capture new territories.



Insterburg Castle is a complex of structures consisting of two main parts: the citadel and forburg. Members of the order lived in the citadel. The construction has the form of a closed square two stories high. Traditionally, the walls are thick, without any decorations and window openings. The interior of the citadel is a courtyard with a well. The foundation and basement of the bastion are made of rough rough stone, the walls were repeatedly erected from unbaked brick. At the base of the citadel, narrow loopholes were provided to hold the defense. Surveillance of the terrain and opposing the enemy was possible by climbing the wall where a circular passage (vergang) was laid. The combat surveillance circle was covered with a steep gable roof. The only door on the west wing led to the citadel.

The elongated expanse of the forburg was enclosed by thick walls repeating the topography of the hilltop. In this part of the castle complex was gathering troops. It was possible to get into the premises of the forburg from the first floor, the entrances were from the citadel. Above the ground floor were the brothers' cells, connected by an internal passage. The meeting rooms and the chapel were located in two northern buildings and were two-story.


Castle towers

To enhance protection, Forburg was equipped with towers that performed patrol and combat functions. In addition, prison cells were equipped in them, and dungeons were in the basement of one of them. In a critical situation, warriors could get out through an underground passage. He led from the north tower, ran under the moat and led the fugitives to the river.

The total number of the garrison was about two hundred people. The north-eastern tower of Forburg had an octagonal shape, now only the foundation remains of it. The northwestern tower is called Painthurm, it was round, received significant damage during the Second World War, and in the 70s it was demolished, like almost the whole castle of Insterburg. History claims that this tower had a clock with a fight and a large bell. Another - southeast - tower was the largest, its architecture included a drawbridge and the main gate leading into the complex.

The castle was destroyed gradually: in 1684, residents saw it in all its splendor, and already in the 19th century only one tower remained intact, the walls were destroyed.


Kings and assemblers

Throughout its history Insterburg (castle) has become a haven for people of royal blood and European nobility. So, in 1704, the noble Pole Czartoryski and his family were hiding in its walls. In the 17th century, he was often visited by members of the current royal dynasty, for a long time Queen of Sweden Maria Eleanor lived in the castle, which served as a rapid growth of urban infrastructure and economy.

In the following years, the royal fleur eroded from the corridors, and Insterburg Castle became a place for more mundane use. For two centuries (18 and 19), military depots, court and land courts were located on the territory of the complex, and during the war with Napoleon, an infirmary and barracks. With each new purpose of the complex, Insterburg Castle was rebuilt, overgrown with outbuildings. In the middle of the 19th century, the walls, the foundation and the Painthurm tower with whole hours remained intact from their former greatness. By the end of the century, the researchers admit, the defensive walls were dismantled as unnecessary.

Insterburg (castle) after the First World War was run by two institutions. A museum of local lore was opened in the citadel, forburg was occupied by a land court. During the hostilities, in 1945, the complex was damaged by fire and assault. In the post-war period, a military garrison was placed in the surviving premises, and in 1949 a fire broke out in the citadel. As a result, the external walls, internal rooms, roof and ceilings have completely burned out. This served as the beginning of the analysis of Forburg, bricks were taken out to restore infrastructure in Lithuania. In the 50s, the remaining buildings and territory were transferred to the balance sheet of DCS No. 1. The next transfer of the castle complex took place in 2010, Insterburg Castle is now under the jurisdiction of the Russian Orthodox Church.


Community "Castle House"

In 1997, a group of enthusiasts came to Insterburg Castle. The history of the castle was continued and the hope of a revival. Since 1999, the organization has acquired the status of the non-profit society Dom-Zamok. A lot of work was done, so, in 2003, an NGO received the official opportunity to be the only user of a historical monument.

In 2006, thanks to the efforts of the organization’s participants, the castle complex was included in the federal program for the protection of the historical heritage “Culture of Russia”. The funds allocated within the framework of the program made it possible to carry out conservation work, to do a number of scientific research, to draw up design and estimate documentation for the restoration of the monument.



Participation in the federal program ceased in connection with the transfer of the castle to the new owner. During the activities of the organization “Dom-Zamok”, the following has been done and continues to function to save and popularize the history of the castle Insterburg:

  • Tourist center with the provision of information services.

  • Educational site for children.

  • Workshops of applied crafts and the center of cultural studies.

  • Museum of Local Lore Exposition. Materials on the development of the city are presented, a diorama of the Gross-Jägersdorf battle is built.

  • The historical laboratory is constantly operating.

  • Art gallery and meeting pavilion.

The Dom-Zamok community is carrying out a series of international projects aimed at solving educational and cultural problems. But first of all, community members seek to preserve and restore the Teutonic castle, collect bit by bit information about the order and material evidence of his stay in the castle. Following the traces of their research, they organize scientific and practical conferences, seminars that attract young people to Insterburg Castle.
