
Kronotsky Nature Reserve and interesting facts about him. Kronotsky Natural Biosphere Reserve

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Kronotsky Nature Reserve and interesting facts about him. Kronotsky Natural Biosphere Reserve
Kronotsky Nature Reserve and interesting facts about him. Kronotsky Natural Biosphere Reserve

Video: Kronotsky Nature Reserve, Kamchatka, Russia. Aerial 360 video in 12K 2024, July

Video: Kronotsky Nature Reserve, Kamchatka, Russia. Aerial 360 video in 12K 2024, July

Kronotsky Nature Reserve was founded in 1934 in the Far East. Its width is on average 60 km. The coastline stretched for 243 km.

Readers will probably be interested to know where the Kronotsky Reserve is located. It is located in the southeastern part of Kamchatka; it belongs administratively to the Yelizovsky district of the Kamchatka region. In the city of Elizovo is the management of the reserve.


According to the variety of natural complexes and its appearance, it occupies a separate place among similar territories located in the Far East. Description of the Kronotsky Biosphere Reserve will be presented in this article.

First, a little history. These territories began to be created several centuries before the official status of the reserve. From ancient times, according to eyewitnesses, the tradition of preserving nature, mainly sable, spread in large numbers here and was of great importance in the life of the local population. Initially, since 1882, the Sobolinsky Reserve existed here. Then, in 1934, Kronotsky was formed in his place.

The reserve today is a territory that is in the form of an irregular polygon. Its area is approximately 6 thousand km 2.


This terrain is mountainous, only plains are located along the coast. Kronotsky Nature Reserve is a natural zone, at the southwestern border of which there are volcanoes, two of which are active (Unana and Tauniszyts). The extinct Kronotsky (height - 3528 m), which in Kamchatka is second only to Klyuchevaya Sopka, is also distinguished by its conical shape and height. Kronotsky reserve has many glaciers, which occupy 14 thousand hectares. Some of them are quite impressive in size, while others have an interesting shape. For example, the Tyushevsky glacier reaches 8 km in length. Geysers and hot springs are located in low areas.

Caldera of Uzon volcano


Caldera of Uzon volcano is the main attraction of such an object as the Kronotsky Reserve. It arose due to the fact that the rocks fell, forming a low annular frame. There are a large number of cold and warm lakes. The largest of them are: cold Central and warm Fumarole. Rocky and steep inner slopes of the caldera. External, on the contrary, canopies. They move into a vast plateau. Powerful griffins are located in the central part of the caldera, as well as funnels filled with hot water and mud cauldrons (for example, the Sculptor, which every 3 seconds “sculpts” formations resembling roses). All these are unique natural objects of the Kronotsky Reserve.

Valley of Geysers


The Kamchatka Geyser Valley is striking in its mystery and beauty. The noise of the water is especially impressive, as well as the many rivers and keys with numerous colorful algae, the color of which varies from black to orange and green. The waterfall of the river impresses with its beauty. Noisy. Its waters fall from a height of 80 meters. To date, 22 active geysers are located in the Geysernaya river valley. They all have their own activity cycle and name. The fountain (the name of the geyser) is good because it erupts every 17 minutes. But the Giant, the head of the geysers, makes his "performance" wait up to five hours. The largest in Kamchatka is the Giant. Kronotsky Reserve - a place where there are Unstable, Horizontal geysers, Pink Cone, New Fountain, Fountain, Double, Pearl, as well as hot springs such as Soaring, Malachite Grotto and others.

The man who entered the Valley of Geysers for the first time is stunned by the fantasticness of what he saw. You should visit at least for the sake of this spectacle Kronotsky State Reserve. The description of the Valley of Geysers is hard to put into words. Her world is so unreal that it seems as if you are on another planet. Here there are paints that are completely not characteristic of the Earth’s landscapes, against the background of the green dwarf cedar, and also the foliage of the trees — purple, red, brown, earth-colored clay. The air is saturated with sulfur smells and steam. Around everything is bubbling, hissing and seething! Clay and earth boil with small and large boilers, volcanoes underfoot. You can’t go a step off the path - you will scald. Steam rises from cracks and crevices with which small geysers “shoot”.

The positive role of volcanic processes in increasing the temperature of water bodies is manifested, which in the winter attracts not only near-water and waterfowl, but also bears and bighorn sheep. At the same time, due to volcanic gas poisoning, a significant number of mammals and birds that inhabit the Kronotsky Reserve die. For example, animal deaths are often found in Death Valley. They attract carrion-eating large predators. However, these animals cannot get out of there.

Reservoirs in the reserve


More than 800 reservoirs are in the reserve. They make up approximately 3% of the total protected area. The Stary Semyachik River flows in the southern part of this reserve. The largest rivers are Bogachevka and Kronotskaya. The length of the latter is 39 kilometers. It flows from Lake Kronotsky and forms many islands and elders. Bogachevka in its length exceeds. Its length is 72 kilometers, and the depth does not exceed 1.2-1.5 meters. This river has a typically mountainous character. It is stormy, cuts steep slopes in the upper reaches, freezes in the lower reaches in winter.

Many lakes are located in the reserve. The deepest is Kronotsky. It resembles an isosceles triangle in outline.

The climate of the reserve

This territory belongs to the Pacific coast of Chukotka in the climatic region. Climate is formed under the influence of the Pacific Ocean. Its formation is also influenced by the mountainous terrain of this territory. Summer in the reserve is cool and humid, with dense fogs and frequent drizzling rains, as well as with southern weak winds. Autumn is warm and dry weather with plenty of sun. However, winter begins in November. It is characterized by cold, strong winds, sometimes reaching hurricane forces, as well as snowfalls. Under the influence of warm weather, avalanches begin in the spring. This is especially true for narrow mountain river valleys, as well as steep slopes.

The soil

In the reserve, soils formed under the influence of volcanoes. Permanent rejuvenation of the soil contributes to the ingress of ash into it. Due to this, it is also saturated with minerals. Such soils have high water permeability and loose structure, which is very favorable for the growth of various plants.

Plant species in the reserve

600 species of higher vascular plants were found in the reserve, as well as 113 species of lichens. Among the rare ones is the Sithinsky diphysistrum, a lichen found on the rocks. In the reserve there are 85 species of bryophytes, 6 - fern-like. Among them, one can find such rare species as the marsh Teliperis marsh, in the Valley of Geysers - carved bone, near the rocks of the Pacific coast - green bone, as well as a written cryptogram growing in rocky areas.

Cedar elfin forms thickets over a vast area. In some places in the reserve you can find elegant and spruce fir. The latter reaches 25 meters in height, and its age can be 300 years. She is also interested in shade tolerance. Graceful fir can be found in the southeastern territory. This is an ornamental plant with a beautiful conical crown.


Medicinal plants, flowers

The following medicinal plants were found on the territory of the reserve: felt wax, with a resinous smell, and nettle nettle. The well-known Rhodiola rosea, also called the golden root, also grows in the loach zone. Thunberg cornflower, a rare species, grows in stony birch forests. There is also a woody vine covered with azure blue and purple flowers. In swamps and ponds, yellow-flowered marigold floating is found. Three-leafed smoking squirrel with white flowers and dark green leaves lives in mossy swamps. Vibrant flowers in various parts of the mountain tundra, pebbles, rocks, rocky placers, peatlands and swamps poppy plants stand out. Creeping carnation blooms on open slopes. Heather plants are numerous in the reserve, which are distinguished by their bright colors in its various parts. 4 types of violets are also common, the colors of which are from snow-white to blue. You can find blueberry and marsh cranberry, small and ordinary lingonberry among berry plants.

Only one species among willow trees reaches a height of 25 meters. This willow is Sakhalin. The remaining trees are shrubs.

Bear angelica stands out in tall grass, which reaches a height of 2-3 meters. The poisonous milestone grows right in the water.

Representatives of liliaceae are characterized by special beauty. Black and purple, violet-red and bright white lilies are found in the reserve. Here you can also find ornamental plants belonging to the Orchidaceae family. For example, in the upper river. Geyser was found a unique flower. This is Chinese twisted. His inflorescences are twisted spirally, there are small bright pink flowers.

Among the rare species listed in the Red Book, in the reserve there are: elegant fir and large-slipper.

The animals living in this territory

The Kronotsky Reserve, whose fauna is very diverse, is still inferior in terms of species composition to the rest of Kamchatka. This is due to its location. For example, the fauna of amphibians in the reserve is represented only by the Siberian coal-toothed. There are generally no reptiles in this territory.

Some species have a very interesting history of penetration into the Kronotsky State Nature Biosphere Reserve. For example, a small black coniferous barbel accidentally came here with wood. He appeared in the Caldera Uzon due to the delivery of the fin there by helicopter. The fin is used as fuel by campsites.



The Kronotsky State Biosphere Reserve is a territory in which 69 seabird colonies have been identified. The number of hatchets, Pacific gulls, Pacific chistik, berin cormorant prevail. Representatives such as the gray-winged gull, fine-billed guillemot, and Ipatica are also found here with much smaller numbers. The hatchet is especially interesting. This is a brown-colored bird of medium size with a red beak, strongly flattened on the sides. Behind her eyes are white long feathers. This interesting bird nests in burrows, which it digs in soft soil on top of rocks. Ravens, white-belt swifts, Steller's sea eagle and bogey horse are also nesting in the rocks.

In the Kronotsky Bay, in the bay Olga, which never freezes, there are 1, 5 thousand birds. Numerically, the prevailing among them are: Pacific bluing, sea-eagle, eider-comb, humpback turpan, and little stone. There are also many ravens and gulls.

The marshy tundra with lakes is inhabited by the gray-cheeked grebe, red-throated loon, pintail, wig, teal-whistle, humpbacked mound, singa, blue-gray and lake gulls. A small whooper swan nests in a small amount, which has become rare.

Steller sea lions and otters

At Cape Kozlov in 1942, there were more than one and a half thousand sea lions, and several hundred more were located west of the cape. The number of these animals today is only 700 individuals. They belong to a rare species, sea lions are listed in the Red Book of Russia. They are now under special protection.

Sea otter is the original inhabitant of Eastern Kamchatka, its coasts. In the 19th century, the abundance of this species was very large, but at the beginning of the 20th century it completely disappeared. Now sea otters have returned independently to the Kronotsky State Nature Reserve. There are only about 120 animals.

Ringed seal and harbor seal inhabit the coastal waters of this reserve. They are listed in the Red Book.

Large animals of the Kronotsky reserve

Reindeer lives in the lowlands of the coastal strip. Found from predatory fox, wolverine, ermine. Kamchatka is inhabited by brightly colored and large-sized foxes. At the end of July, bears feed on the berry tundra. Snow sheep live in the coastal strip, which feed on accessible shrubs and grasses and feed on seaweed on the shore. The number of reindeer found in Kamchatka is now at a critical level. One of the main tasks of the reserve is its restoration. Kamchatka marmot is another inhabitant of the highlands, which lives in low-grass areas.

Species inhabiting stonemasons

Common among the species that live in stonemasons, nuthatch, chubby, small spotted woodpecker, Chinese greenfinch, bullfinch, bison, speckled and small flycatchers, pale thrush, bluetail, deaf and common cuckoo, rock capercaillie, three-toed woodpecker. Here, from the predators, the goshawk, the cheglok, and the eagles nest. The Okhotsk cricket lives in large numbers.

Sable, brown bear

Sable is distinguished from predators, which feeds on voles, partridge, small passerines, rowan berries, blueberries and shiksha, cedar nuts. Sables with a decrease in the amount of feed begin to starve and wander in search of it. Sometimes it turns into migration to vast territories. In recent years, in search of food, animals have become so depleted that they enter villages, losing fear of people, and in the garbage dumps they seek food. Kronotsky Biosphere Reserve - the territory in which the brown bear is common. It differs from other species in particularly large sizes.


Other animals

The olive thrush lives in large-stemmed valley forests of the Kamchatka Peninsula. The Kronotsky Reserve is also inhabited by the white hare, which lives in river valleys. Dubonos and Muscovite nest in larch forests. There is also a large variegated woodpecker and shrike-julan. This is the only place in the reserve where the squirrel lives.


The clean rivers of this territory are practically fishless until the mass salmon run. This move is a beautiful sight, since a huge amount of fish, glistening in the sun, floats in absolutely clear water. This attracts birds such as gogol, stone, large and long-nosed merganser, black sea.

Ground squirrel and groundhog

Bering gopher reaches high numbers at the foot of the cones of volcanoes. Kamchatka marmots live on lava flows.