
Nature reserve "Markakolsky": description, flora and fauna, how to get

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Nature reserve "Markakolsky": description, flora and fauna, how to get
Nature reserve "Markakolsky": description, flora and fauna, how to get

On the territory of Kazakhstan there are many protected corners, in which the flora and fauna of the unique natural corners are carefully protected. These are the national state reserves of Aksu-Jabagly, Markakol, Naurzum and Ustyurt.

One of the pearls of East Kazakhstan is Lake Markakol, in the basin of which the Markakol State Nature Reserve, created in 1976, extends.

Thanks to the protection, the protected forests of these places have been preserved from deforestation and fires, meadows are fascinating with a variety of bright vegetation, and Markakol is one of the cleanest and most beautiful lakes on earth.



On the territory of eastern Kazakhstan sheltered one of the most amazing and beautiful corners of Kazakhstan - Markakolsky reserve. It is located in the middle of the ranges. The Kurchum ridge is located in the north, and in the southeast - Sorvenovsky Belok and Azu-Tau. The highest elevation is Mount Aksu Bas (altitude - 3304.5 meters).

The total area of ​​the reserve is 71, 367 ha, of which 26, 917 ha are land, and 44, 450 ha are on the lake. This zone extends in the southeast of Southern Altai.


A nature reserve was established in August 1976. Administratively, it belongs to the Kurchum district of the East Kazakhstan region. The purpose of creating a conservation zone is to preserve the unique Lake Markakol and its environment. The reserve area is 75 thousand hectares, and a significant part (46 thousand hectares) falls on the lake. Markacol.


The land part of the territory is divided into 2 sections, which occupy the southeastern coast of the lake and the slopes of the northern part of Mount Azutau, as well as some part of the Kurchumsky ridge and the river valley. Topolevki. Markakolsky reserve (photo is presented in the article) is surrounded by a buffer (security) zone, which covers an area of ​​about 2 thousand hectares.

In the eastern part of the lake water area, an area for amateur and sport fishing has been allocated (area - 1, 500 ha).

Climatic conditions

The climate of the region is sharply continental. The territory of the Markakol reserve is characterized by the coldest climatic conditions in Kazakhstan: the minimum air temperature reaches minus 55 degrees Celsius (Orlovka village). In this region, the lowest average annual temperature (-4.1 degrees) in the entire Southern Altai, as well as the lowest average July temperature (14.1 degrees) with an average January temperature of -25.9 degrees. The period without frost lasts about 70 days.


The long-term average amount of precipitation is approximately 600 mm, and, to a greater extent (about 60%), they precipitate in solid form. Volumes of annual precipitation range from 321-731 mm.

According to observations (over 50 years) at the weather station "Markakolsky reserve", located on the eastern coast of Lake. Markakol, a change in weather conditions is associated with the migration of the Asian anticyclone. The relative openness of the depression in the western part and its sub-latitudinal extension determine the aerodynamic connection of the protected zone through the tract Chumek-Taskainat and the Sorna river valley with the Kurchum valley. From the west, humid atmospheric cyclonic flows of the Atlantic direction move in this way.

Summer is short, duration is 2.5 months. July is the warmest month.


Markakol Lake

In Markakolsky reserve there is a surprisingly beautiful lake, whose absolute height above sea level is 1449.3 meters.

This is the largest body of water in Altai, spread out in a picturesque hollow between the mountains. The oval-shaped lake extends from the north-east side to the south-west. Its length is 38 kilometers, and the maximum width is 19 km. The area of ​​the reservoir is 455 square meters. km The total length of the coastline reaches 106 kilometers. The depth of the lake averages a little over 14 meters, and in some places it is 27 meters.


The ridges that formed the basin have heights in the range of 2000-3000 meters. The color scheme of the lake, changing depending on the time of day and weather conditions, is striking in its beauty and diversity. It can vary from a yellowish-golden hue during sunset, to silver-gray in inclement weather. A total of about 95 rivers and streams flow into the lake, and the only river Kaldzhir, which is the main tributary of the Black Irtysh, flows from it. From ice the reservoir clears in May.

Flora and fauna of Markakolsky reserve

The landscapes of the basin are characterized by a huge wealth of flora, which has about 1000 plant species, including 12 species of trees and 22 varieties of shrubs. 15 endangered and rare species of vegetation, listed in the Red Book of the Republic, grow here. This land has long been famous for the variety of medicinal plants. Tea penny (or red root), safflower-like raponticum (or maralia root), Rhodiola rosea (other golden root) and others are especially popular. Wooded mountainsides abound in berry bushes. You can meet here red and black currants, raspberries, Altai honeysuckle, Altai rhubarb. Locals from rhubarb prepare delicious jams, famous for their miraculous healing power. Altai onion grows from food plants.

In Markakol there are: Siberian grayling, lenok, common minnow, char and minnow. The first two varieties are endemic forms peculiar only to this lake. In addition, lenok (or local ukuuch) is a symbol of the reserve.


The fauna of birds is also very diverse. In the Markakolsky reserve, out of 239 species of birds that existed over the entire existence of the conservation zone, 140 species of waterfowl. The 19 endangered and rare birds on the Red Book list include the black stork, osprey, Altai Ular, gray crane, white-tailed eagle, golden eagle and eagle owl.

Of the mammals, 58 species inhabit the reserve. Among them, representatives of highlands and taiga prevail. From ungulates you can meet deer, elk, roe deer, Siberian capricorn. Among predatory animals there are brown bears, wolves, foxes, Siberian lynxes, wolverines, sables, ermines, American minks, etc.

How to get there

From the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk, which is the administrative center of the East Kazakhstan region, you can go along the Samara highway in an ordinary car. Having passed the Samarskoye settlement, you should keep your way through the Kaznakovskaya crossing (about 160 km from Ust-Kamenogorsk). Then go along the highway to Kurchum, where a good road ends. Then about 180 kilometers you need to go to s. Terekty (formerly Alekseyevka), from where a quite good dirt road begins. From Alekseyevka to Lake Markakol about 60 kilometers (about 40 minutes).

If you leave the starting point in the early morning, then in the evening you can be at the right place.
