
Nature Reserves and National Parks: Sayano-Shushensky Natural Biosphere Reserve

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Nature Reserves and National Parks: Sayano-Shushensky Natural Biosphere Reserve
Nature Reserves and National Parks: Sayano-Shushensky Natural Biosphere Reserve

All nature reserves and national parks are famous for the wondrous corners of untouched, pristine nature and picturesque natural landscapes. In Sayano-Shushensky, similar to a canyon, amazing panoramic views. The impregnable cliffs covered with woodlands with steep cliffs stretch along the Yenisei coasts, on the water surface of which here and there you can see friendly islets. The local Sayans, framing the Yenisei, strongly resemble the Norwegian fjords.


Location of the Sayano-Shushensky reserve

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, along the west coast of the Yenisei, in the center of an inaccessible region with impassable rocky mountain ranges, the Sayano-Shushensky natural biosphere reserve spread out. It covered the territory of the Sayan and Naked mountain ranges, as well as part of the mountain range formed by the Khemchik and Kantegir ranges.

The conservation zone is adjacent to the Shushensky, Ermakovsky district and the Republic of Tuva. From the village of Shushenskoye to it - 300 kilometers. The reserve was organized around a man-made lake - the Sayano-Shushensky reservoir.


His tasks include tracking the impact of a global experiment on natural ecosystems, mitigating the harm caused by rising waters in an artificial lake, and preserving unique and typical natural ecosystems that have been developing in the Western Sayan Mountains for thousands of years.

Natural objects

The Sayano-Shushensky Nature Reserve is a land of almost undeveloped natural complexes. It strikes with wildness and virginity of untouched nature. The landscapes here are heterogeneous. Dark coniferous taiga is gradually replaced by mountain-steppe expanses. Forests occupy almost 60% of the park. In the rest of the area, stone placers, loaches and rocky curtains are located.

The relief is dominated by characteristic mountain landscapes. On vast expanses covering 390, 000 hectares, the grandiose mountain range of the Western Sayan was spread. It is formed by the Khemchinsky, Sayansky, Kantegirsky, Ijirsky and other ridges composed of ancient rocks.


The water system, which the Sayano-Shushensky nature reserve has, is formed by wayward mountain rivers, glacial moraine-dammed lakes, the water area of ​​the Sayano-Shushensky reservoir and mineral springs. The reservoir, along with the existing hydroelectric power station and numerous bays, is located on the eastern side of the conservation zone. In the area of ​​the Ydyk-Tyk-Khem river, where its sources are located, groundwater, dissolving and washing out not too hard rocks, formed extensive karst cracks, funnels and dips.


The Sayano-Shushensky nature protection zone, like many reserves and national parks, is located at the junction of the floristic regions. Its flora is characterized by a mixed type. In the north, vegetation of the Sayan-Altai zone dominates, and in the south - Central Asian. Diverse zones on the Sayan ridge join.

Plants from the Red Book and relict vegetation grow in reserves. Here is expanse to such endemic people as Altai bluegrass and Krylov wheat grass. Ideal conditions for the growth of the Borodin catchment and anemone of the Yenisei and Baikal. The soils of the reserve are covered with lumbago Bunge and swollen tar.

There are valuable medicinal herbs in it. Nothing threatens maral and the golden root, which were on the verge of extinction before the Sayano-Shushensky nature reserve was created. Relic vegetation is represented here by the Daurian rhododendron and the core is not touched. We found corners in the conservation zone suitable for the growth of odoriferous woodruff and Far Eastern fescue.



Sayano-Shushensky biosphere reserve is covered by dark coniferous forests of the taiga type. Cedars, spruce and fir rule here. The main environment-forming load is carried by cedar forests - owners of rich fodder resources necessary for animal life. Most species of animals that are not lacking in food create vast habitats, the population density of which is quite high.

The mixed Altai, Mongolian and Sayan faunas ensured the richness of the animal kingdom in the conservation zone. The unique Sayano-Shushensky nature reserve has become the abode of 50 species of mammals and 660 species of insects. Its conditions suited 15 species of fish and 4 species of reptiles. Birds also nest here. There are over 200 species.

Animal welfare

The reserve is a kind of reserve, where they try to increase the populations of small mammals belonging to valuable hunting species. The density of the ranges of sable, mink and wolverines is still low. Forests are inhabited by squirrels and lynxes, grouse and grouse.

The reserve has a unique collection of rare and endangered animals that have fallen on the pages of the Red Book. Herds of forest reindeers belonging to the Altai-Sayan population and Siberian capricorns graze here. In the mountains, stepping softly, sneaky predators - snow leopards.


Large animals of the Sayano-Shushensky reserve are represented by wolves, snow leopards and bears. There is an assumption that individual individuals of the red wolf live here. Artiodactyls include deer and roe deer, musk deer and mountain goats, deer and others. Ordinary Apollo flutter above the meadows. The rich diverse vegetation is pollinated by bee carpenters.