
Reserves of the Volgograd region: detailed description

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Reserves of the Volgograd region: detailed description
Reserves of the Volgograd region: detailed description

Video: GumrakThe stadium Zvezda Gorodische, Volgograd region. Stalingrad. Reserve stadium.Volgograd. 2024, June

Video: GumrakThe stadium Zvezda Gorodische, Volgograd region. Stalingrad. Reserve stadium.Volgograd. 2024, June

The Volgograd region of Russia is located in the south-west of the country. On its territory there are 7 natural parks. The article describes some reserves of the Volgograd region.

Tsimlyansk Sands


These scenic spots are located in the Tsimly River Valley.

The lands of the reserve are not completely covered by vegetation due to the fact that under the influence of local rather strong winds, sands are constantly fluttering. In the park, under the influence of the waters of the Don, peculiar sand terraces formed in the form of hills and hills.

On larger ridges you can see the real dunes. The vegetation is poor. In these places, only those herbs can grow which have developed adaptability to loose sand in the form of long roots (wormwood, sandworm, giant gingerbread, wheat grass). Here dunes are surprisingly combined with representatives of desert animals (spiders, snakes, lizards) and plains with northern representatives of the flora. In the lowlands grow birch and alder pegs, peat moss.

In numerous estuaries and lakes different waterfowl feel great. Tsimlyansk reservoir is an important maternity hospital for valuable fish.

Unusual for this area is the herd of wild mustangs living here. Regardless of the fact that people live in these places and danger comes from them, the Mustangs feel at home here.



Some reserves of the Volgograd region are very young. For example, the Nizhnekhopersky nature conservation facility was established in 2003. It is located in the west of the region. The Khoper River flows through the lands of the reserve.

These places are located at a great distance from the industrial center of the region, so it was possible to preserve a diverse nature. The park is like an open-air museum, since here in its original form sections of wild fields have been preserved since the ancient times of the Pechenegs and Polovtsians.

In the famous Shakinsky oak grove with a "boiling spring" relict trees are growing, which are about 400 years old. Floating islands on Lake Babinsky are interesting for tourists. There are many picturesque lakes and floodplain meadows. Only the most pleasant tourist experience leaves Koshav-Gora. It is the highest point in the reserve, which is located on the right bank of Khopra.

The park has a large number of representatives of the plant world. Among them: thin-leaved peony, chili water chestnut, oriental cornflower and others. Of the animals there are many mammals, amphibians and reptiles. Interesting bats, gophers, garden dormouse. Of the predators - a fox, a wolf, a raccoon dog. A huge number of birds found their refuge here, this is an eagle, pheasant, gray and white herons and others.



The wonderful reserves of the Volgograd region are already described above. Donskoy is one of them. It was established in 2001 with an environmental goal.

The park territory is relatively small, it is located at the junction of natural zones - steppes and semi-deserts, namely in the bend of the Don. This mighty river is one of the main natural attractions of the reserve. In addition to this reservoir, there are many other lakes, ponds.

The nature of this reserve is extremely diverse. Here you can admire the huge chalk mountains, deep canyon ravines, steppes overgrown with fescue and feather grass, floodplain and mountain forests, flood meadows.

In the mountains, and now you can find the remains of ancient fish and reptiles.

The park is famous for its springs with pure water, which has low hardness and weak mineralization, which gives it a special unique taste.

Fishing lovers will especially enjoy it. On the Don River there are many reeds covered with reeds, deep pools, old ladies, floodplain lakes, which are a great place for catching catfish and carp.

Here are representatives of the animal world that are on the verge of extinction. This is a white-tailed eagle, desman, bustard, strep, eagle owl and others.



The park was established in 2003 and is located in the northern part of the region. It should be noted that the Shcherbakovsky park is the smallest of the seven major nature reserves in the region.

This park is unique in that the most diverse natural zones are closely interwoven here. You can see here the steppes, and forest-steppes, and deserts, and semi-deserts. All this was reflected in the diversity of plants and animals.

All nature reserves of the Volgograd region amaze with a variety of flora and fauna. Shcherbakovsky Park is no exception. In the valley of the Shcherbakovka River, about 500 plant species were recorded. Many of them are rare.

The nature reserves of the Volgograd region are amazing. The animals and plants on their territory are impressive in their diversity. For example, in the Shcherbakovsky park you can observe a rare yellow-bellied snake, burial eagle, great spotted eagle, and others. In the forests there are elk and deer, roe deer and wild boars.