
Protect nature to save your life

Protect nature to save your life
Protect nature to save your life

Video: How to Save Our Planet 2024, July

Video: How to Save Our Planet 2024, July

It is no secret that the relationship between man and nature is interdependent and inextricable. We are largely dependent on the climate, the state of the atmosphere, the amount of harvest and the purity of the surrounding air. And if we want to survive, we must protect nature.


Nature is completely dependent on our attitude towards it. The more industrial waste we dump into rivers and lakes, the more we pollute the atmosphere, the worse the environmental situation on the planet becomes.

A man can protect himself. He builds shelters from the rain, comes up with new farming methods, fenced off the dirty air in the street with air filters.

There is no one to protect nature. And she begins to slowly take revenge on her offender - a man.

In ecologically disadvantaged regions, life expectancy is sharply reduced, and the number of children who are already born sick is growing.


In the atmosphere, more and more occur phenomena that are unusual for one or another region, but that threaten people's lives. Remember the tornado in the Kaluga region?

Earth gives less and less “pure” crop, independent of gene mutations. Do you know how GMOs will affect your descendants? Maybe if we fail to protect nature from ourselves, in a few decades only beings remotely resembling people will live on Earth?

Today, more and more scholars are inclined to believe that the biblical tales of people who lived for six hundred years are true. After all, there were no factories at that time, people did not know what smog was, they ate clean, natural products and drank live, not bottled water. Maybe if we can protect nature, our life will again increase to several hundred years?


Humanity is tearing into space. An expedition to Mars will take place very soon. People are going to establish a settlement there, because returning to Earth will be impossible. But is there a guarantee that the constructed colony will not upset the ecological balance of Mars, just as people have disturbed the peace of the Earth? Maybe if we fail to protect the nature of our planet, it doesn’t matter whether it is Earth or Mars, the Cosmos itself will take up arms against us and simply destroy us without a trace?

Let's protect nature to become a truly majestic cosmic race. To live long. To be strong and healthy.

What does it mean to protect nature? Recall some important points:

  • our production and agriculture must be made harmless. It is necessary to stop clogging the earth and air, to stop toxic effluents; do not arrange landfills, but recycle garbage;

  • preserve the natural nature. Create national parks, build reserves, equip nature reserves;

  • stop destroying fish, animals and birds, especially their rare species; stop poachers;

  • create a safe environment for their own existence. And for this it is necessary to completely change the worldview of people, to instill in them an ecological culture that is impossible without a common culture.

We have no right to destroy that, in the creation of which we did not take part. We must protect nature in order to save our lives!