
I envy white envy: Jay Law received a red Porsche on her 50th birthday

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I envy white envy: Jay Law received a red Porsche on her 50th birthday
I envy white envy: Jay Law received a red Porsche on her 50th birthday

Video: Clueless (1995) | (2/4) | Date 2024, July

Video: Clueless (1995) | (2/4) | Date 2024, July

Celebrities live in a world that we can only dream of. Therefore, don’t be surprised at gifts with such a price tag that we can’t imagine, not just hold it in our hands.

July 24, Jennifer Lopez is 50 years old. On occasion, she organized a grandiose party. But the gifts were even more impressive. In particular, the one that the current lover presented to the singer. Let's take a closer look.


Every girl’s dream

Many films demonstrate a similar plot, and all because it is a secret and cherished dream of a huge number of beautiful people. The plot is this: the girl wakes up on her birthday, stretching lazily, walks to the window and sees a gorgeous car decorated with a huge bow - her gift from her beloved. Great, right? Surely, many avtolyady now presented themselves in such a situation.

However, the desire is not realized at all. Mostly lucky only the rich and famous.


Of course, this is the anniversary!

So, July 24th, Jay Law had a birthday. On this occasion, Alex Rodriguez made her a memorable gift - the Porsche 911 GTS Convertible. Indeed, for anniversaries it is customary to give what will last for a long time, if not forever. The car was decorated with a huge golden bow and delivered to the house of a happy family. Instead of a license plate, it was short and understandable: "Jay Law."

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The whole family gathered to consider the car. Naturally, the birthday girl was also present - the singer and actress. She was literally in the seventh heaven with happiness. Immediately "tried on" a new car, climbing into the driver's seat. You can evaluate how Jennifer looks by paying attention to the main photo.


Frankly, I terribly envy her! And I perfectly understand that a car, the price of which starts at about $ 140, 000, I can not afford. Perhaps, even limiting myself to spending my whole life, I’m unlikely to accumulate such an amount. Well, at least nobody forbids dreaming!