
Jean-Michel Cousteau: the life and work of a researcher

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Jean-Michel Cousteau: the life and work of a researcher
Jean-Michel Cousteau: the life and work of a researcher

Video: JACQUES COUSTEAU (researcher, Britta Moe) 2024, July

Video: JACQUES COUSTEAU (researcher, Britta Moe) 2024, July

The son of a researcher Jacques-Yves Cousteau is known no less than his famous father. Jean-Michel Cousteau is an oceanologist, producer, screenwriter and writer. Now he is one of the most respected French researchers. What is famous for Jean-Michel Cousteau? The biography and activities of the researcher are described further in the article.

Childhood and youth

Jean-Michel was born in 1938 in the city of Toulon on the French Riviera. His parents plunged underwater many times to explore the underwater world. They instilled in the son a love of the depths, and life on the Mediterranean coast only contributed to enthusiasm.

The family often traveled to different parts of the world. A special place was occupied by boat trips and diving. It was Cousteau Sr. who invented scuba gear. And at the age of eight, Jean-Michel made his first dive with him.

For his work, Jacques-Yves rented an old British minesweeper, Calypso. As a child, Jean spent all day on the ship. In an interview, he recalled with nostalgia that the Calypso was becoming their home during a family vacation.

Then he did not suspect that it was possible to live somehow differently. From an early age, he and his brother were in the company of prominent scientists and researchers. And in his spare time, the Cousteau family, as a rule, went to explore the sea in a restored warship.

Underwater architect

Jean-Michel Cousteau always admired the ocean and did not give up diving, but he chose the profession of an architect as a profession. He achieved considerable success in this matter. After graduating from the Paris School of Architecture, he soon became a member of the French National Council for Architecture.

Meanwhile, in many expeditions and projects, Jacques-Yves was accompanied by his wife and youngest son Philip. Jacques-Yves devoted several of his films to Atlantis. He shot in the Bahamas, Azores and Easter Island in search of a sunken continent.


Jean-Michel went further and decided to create underwater cities himself. He internships at shipyards and begins to develop a settlement plan on the ocean floor. Jean was seriously carried away by the project, considering it quite feasible.

In the end, he stops working on it, arguing that no one wants to intentionally deprive himself of human communication and the sun, even for the sake of the deep sea. After the death of Philip in a disaster, Jean-Michel Cousteau returns to oceanology to support his father.

Making movies

During his life, Jean-Michel took part in the creation of more than 70 films dedicated to one topic - the ocean. In some, he acted as a producer, in others - as a screenwriter, director or actor.

As a producer, he participated in work on the multi-part film “Cousteau's Submarine Odyssey, ” which his brother started. For this picture he was awarded several television awards (Emmy and Peabody).

In the film “Enchanted River”, Jean-Michel Cousteau (see photo below) explores the Amazon Valley. Together with his father and the rest of the team, they crossed the entire river completely. He also studies the legends of Coconut Island in the movie Treasure Island Sharks, and makes a film about Alaska as a producer and director.


In 2006, he creates a documentary series called Ocean Adventures. Prior to this, a number of films and cartoons with his participation were released in the DVD version: “The Study of Reefs”, “Finding Nemo”, documentaries for the animated film “Sponge Bob Square Pants”.

Other activity

For about 20 years, Jean-Michel was a member and vice president of the Cousteau Society, created by his father. Under the name of this organization, their numerous research expeditions were carried out. In 1969, he was engaged in the re-equipment of the ship Queen Mary. Thanks to his efforts, the transatlantic liner has become a huge Maritime Museum.

In addition to practical studies in oceanology, along with his father, Jean-Michel Cousteau is also engaged in enlightenment. He collaborates with the Los Angeles Times and other publications, where he writes about the destructive attitude of man to nature, the consequences of which he repeatedly observed in expeditions.


Jean-Michel lectures on ecology at American universities, travels with them around the world. He actively promotes a conscious attitude towards the ocean. To do this, he even opens a program whose purpose is to open the depths of the sea for the younger generation. Its participants have a unique opportunity to go down under water in a specially designed vessel.