
Wives of the first Russian millionaires: the fate of those who bathed in luxury

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Wives of the first Russian millionaires: the fate of those who bathed in luxury
Wives of the first Russian millionaires: the fate of those who bathed in luxury

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The first millionaires of the post-Soviet period will forever remain in the history of the country under the phrase "new Russians." The lives of these people were radically different from the lives of ordinary people. While most citizens found it difficult to find any means of livelihood, they led a luxurious, chic (and not quite legal) life, which for others seemed fabulous and unattainable. Who was with them at that time? Who are they, the wives of post-Soviet millionaires, and what was the fate of these women?

Elena Bond: from the slums to the ruble and back

Departing from Tashkent to the Russian capital, nee Elvira Bondar set a clear goal - to find a wealthy man. In a Moscow nightclub, she met Yuri Mamonov, an influential and wealthy businessman and part-time deputy. The goal has been achieved.


The spectacular blonde took on a new name - Elena Bond. She became the wife of Mamonov and soon gave him a son. Life seemed to Elena a fairy tale - until recently she lived in slums, in the outback, and now she has a chic house on Rublevka, a servant, a personal yacht and a helicopter, cars, etc.

The husband did not make a recluse from Elena. On the contrary, she secured her first place at the Mrs. Moscow beauty pageant, supported her husband's craving for pop activities, and spared no expense on her promotion. However, Yuri was not going to make Elena his one and only.


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Quite unexpectedly, the unfaithful spouse announced to his wife the separation. After the divorce, Elena was left with the same baggage with which she had once met Yuri. In other words, with nothing. Later, she gave birth to another child, played in the sensational tape "Julia".


Now it is rarely seen in public. Elena lives in the suburbs, missing the chic life on Rublevka.

Alena Sterligova - from the wife of a millionaire to the meek peasant woman

The wife of Alena, German Sterligov, notorious in modern Russia, was one of the richest Russians of the post-Soviet period. He owned a network of funeral homes, as well as a substantial stake in the established Alice Commodity Exchange, the first company of its kind on Russian territory.

Throughout his entrepreneurial activity, the businessman had to constantly change his place of residence, moving with his whole family from apartment to apartment, in order to hide from persecution at least temporarily. During only two troubled years, the Sterligov couple moved to a new place more than 30 times.


In 2004, overwhelmed by ambition and a thirst for power, Herman decided to participate in the struggle for the presidency and nominated himself. His campaign was financially supported by many influential people, but this not only did not help the businessman win, but generally took part in the elections. Something did not grow together, and at the last moment Sterligov's candidacy was rejected.

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This was followed by a collapse - to repay the debts to his creditors, the businessman had to completely sell off personal property, including housing on the famous Rublevka. In one year, Herman lost everything that had been accumulating for a long time.


The large and impoverished Sterligov family moved to the Mozhaisk district and settled in a simple village. However, they were not exclusively involved in agriculture. German complements the peasant activity by the leadership of the created charitable organization, and Alena - the leadership of his own Fashion House. You cannot find modern, fashionable and bright dresses in the products of the House - only modest closed dresses in the floor of manual sewing are produced here. That is how Alena herself dresses now.

Today, her life is devoted to maintaining home comfort. She fulfills all the requirements of her husband implicitly. For her, any cosmetics, TV, Internet, etc. are banned. In addition, the husband forbade Alena to raise her voice, especially against him.

Alexandra Petrova - from the beauty queen to the beloved bandit

Divine beauty and rich marriage did not bring happiness to the beautiful Shurochka, as she was called in her small homeland in Cheboksary. "Miss Russia 1996" battled at a glance. One can only guess how many fans and admirers she had. Of all of them, she chose Konstantin Chuvilin. An unsecured and literally bursting with self-confidence guy won the heart of a trusting and somewhat naive beauty with an angelic appearance. Could Shuroch, in love, have guessed how fateful her choice would be …

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Konstantin and Alexandra were preparing for the wedding. Meanwhile, bad rumors spread about the origin of the wealth of the beauty's bridegroom. But Shurochka, like her mother, flatly refused to believe that Konstantin was a dashing gangster, and not a successful businessman. However, the rumors were true. Alexandra did not have time to believe in this - in the fall of 2000, she was killed along with her beloved.